HUB Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows letters to the City of Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows: Difference between revisions

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*[[Media:MRPM_2010Feb Greenhouse_Gas_Emissions_reduction.pdf | 2010Apr18 submission re Greenhouse Gas Emissions reduction ]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2010Feb Greenhouse_Gas_Emissions_reduction.pdf | 2010Apr18 submission re Greenhouse Gas Emissions reduction ]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2010May recommendations_River_Road_Darby_to_Carshill.pdf | 2010May30 recommendations for River Road from Darby to Carshill]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2010May recommendations_River_Road_Darby_to_Carshill.pdf | 2010May30 recommendations for River Road from Darby to Carshill]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2010May presentation_to_BIA.pdf | 2010May18 follow up presentation to BIA]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2010Oct Albion Flats.pdf | 2010Oct04 Albion Flats development]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2010Oct Albion Flats.pdf | 2010Oct04 Albion Flats development]]
== 2011 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_2011Feb cycling_on_sidewalk.pdf | 2011Feb26 email cycling on sidewalk / review Highways and Traffic bylaw]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2011Sep UBCM_resolutions.pdf | 2011Sep18 email Cycling resolutions at UBCM]]
== 2013 ==
== 2013 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_2013Feb Lougheed_Hwy_MUP.pdf | 2013Feb27 Recommendations Lougheed Highway Multi-Use Path]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2013Feb Lougheed_Hwy_MUP.pdf | 2013Feb27 Recommendations Lougheed Highway Multi-Use Path]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2013Mar Complete_Streets_BtS.pdf | 2013Mar22 Complete Streets and Biking to School]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2013Mar Complete_Streets_BtS.pdf | 2013Mar22 Complete Streets and Biking to School]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2013Jun Transportation_Plan.pdf | 2013Jun Input Transportation Plan]]
== 2014 ==
*[[Media:MRPM 2014Jan Multipurpose trails map.pdf | 2014Jan02 email to Parks&Leisure Services Commission and MR BAC re 2013 Trails map]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2014Jun Economic_benefits_of_cycling.pdf | 2014Mar30 email to MR Council re economic benefits of cycling]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2014Jun Dewdney_248thSt_commercial_node.pdf | 2014Jun8 recommendations cycling/ped for Dewdney and 248th St commercial node]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2014Jun LougheedMUP_bike_map.pdf | 2014Jun8 Thanks Lougheed MUP and request bike map]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2014Jun Selkirk_improvements.pdf | 2014Jun8 Selkirk improvements between 225 and 226 St.]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2014Oct final_Transportation_Plan_comments.pdf | 2014Oct26 Comments final Transportation Plan]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2014Dec 2013-041-RZ_123_Ave_submission.pdf | 2014Dec09 2013-041-RZ 123 Ave submission]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2014Dec 2013-019-RZ_Brown_Ave_submission.pdf | 2014Dec09 2013-019-RZ Brown Ave. submission]]

== 2015 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_2014Feb River_Rd_traffic_calming.pdf | 2015Feb8 email River Road traffic calming]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2014Feb River_Rd_traffic_calming2.pdf | 2015Feb16 email River Road traffic calming]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2015Feb 203St_submission.pdf | 2015Feb26 203 St. design]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2015Feb 128_Ave_Abernathy_widening_recommendations.pdf | 2015Feb03 HUB recommendations design 128 Ave./Abernathy widening]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2015Feb 128_Ave_Abernathy_widening_comments.pdf | 2015Feb23 email re 128 Ave./Abernathy widening]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2015Mar 132_Ave_MUP.pdf | 2015Mar12 concerns/recommendations 132 Ave. multi-use path]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2015Mar cycling_on_sidewalk.pdf | 2015Mar19 Meeting with Mayor's Homelessness Task Force re cycling on sidewalk]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2015May 240th_Street_Improvements.pdf | 2015May22 E-mail to Engineering re 240th Street improvements between 102 and 104 Ave]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2015May Selkirk_Improvements.pdf | 2015May22 E-mail to Engineering re Selkirk improvements]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2015Jul Hammond_Trails.pdf | 2015Jul20 E-mail to Council re planned multi-use trails west of Lower Hammond]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2015Jul 248th_Dewdney_commercial_node.pdf | 2015Jul24 E-mail to Council re devt proposal neighbourhood commercial node at Dewdney and 248 St]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2015Sep 203St_improvements.pdf | 2015Sep11 email to Engineering re 2nd Open House 203rd St improvements]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2015Oct bike_lanes_Kanaka_Way.pdf | 2015Oct09 E-mail exchange w/ Planning & Engineering MMR re bike lanes Kanaka Way]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2015Oct New_Pedestrian_Cycling_Adv_Ctee.pdf | 2015Oct13 Email re HUB rep on new Ped & Cycling Advisory Committee]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2015Oct 232ndSt_SilverValleyRd_development.pdf | 2015Oct25 Email re planned bi-directional bike lane on 232nd St at Silver Valley Rd]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2015Nov proposal_signage_117th_Selkirk_route.pdf | 2015Nov01 Email re proposal improved signage and stop sign reversal on 117th/Selkirk route]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2015Dec cyclist_safety_Kanaka_Way.pdf | 2015Dec08 Email re cyclist safety Kanaka Way; development proposal at 238 St]]
== 2016 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_2016Feb cyclist_safety_Kanaka_Way.pdf | 2016Feb04 email re cyclist safety Kanaka Way; development proposal at 238 St]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2016Mar 128_Ave_216_to_224St.pdf | 2016Mar11 recommendations MUP 128th Ave 216th to 224th Street]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2016Mar 123_Ave_Laity_St._to_216_St.pdf | 2016Mar15 recommendations 123 Ave. Laity St. to 216th St.]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2016Mar 123_Ave_203_St_to_Laity_St.pdf | 2016Mar15 recommendations 123 Ave. 203rd St. to Laity St.]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2016Apr Brown_Ave_highrise_development.pdf | 2016Apr10 email re highrise development on Brown Ave.]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2016Jun Hammond_Area_Concept_Plan.pdf | 2016Jun12 email re Hammond Area Concept Plan]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2016Sep Selkirk_Ave_devt_prop.pdf | 2016Sep05 email re Selkirk Ave. development proposal between 226th St.and 227th St.]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2016Sep Lougheed_21700block_medical_bldg_devt_prop.pdf | 2016Sep18 email re development proposal medical facility Lougheed Hwy 21700 block]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2016Dec 232nd_St_132nd_Ave_to_SilverValleyRd_design.pdf | 2016Dec09 email re design 232nd St from 132nd Ave to Silver Valley Road]]
== 2017 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_2017Jan Maple Ridge Tourism Strategy Plan fin.pdf | 2017Jan14 email committee input for MR Tourism Strategy Plan]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2017Feb devt prop 122 Ave btwn 222 and 224 St.pdf | 2017Feb14 email devt proposal apartment complex on 122 Ave between 222 and 224 St]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2017Apr email design 117th btwn Burnett and 231 St.pdf | 2017Apr14 email design 117th Ave between Burnett and 231 St]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2017May email Dewdney and Brown Ave development.pdf | 2017May21 email development along Dewdney Trunk Rd and Brown Ave west of 224th St 2017-061-RZ]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2017Jun email Selkirk btwn 226 and 227 St.pdf | 2017Jun12 email Selkirk Ave between 226th and 227th Streets]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2017Jun email letter of support Lougheed MOT landsRETRACTED.pdf | 2017Jun12 email letter of support development on both sides of Lougheed (Telosky Hill) east of Town Core - RETRACTED]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2017Jun email letter of support .pdf | 2017Jun12 email letter of support Ridge Meadows Recycling Society's application for New Horizons for Seniors Grant for Repair Cafes]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2017Jun email 207 Street improvements.pdf | 2017Jun27 email 207 Street improvements]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2017Jul email 207 Street improvements.pdf | 2017Jul13 email 207 Street improvements]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2017Aug email 227 St protected bike lanes.pdf | 2017Aug21 email protected bike lanes 227 St between Abernathy Way and Dewdney Trunk Rd]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2017Aug email 123 Ave protected bike lanes.pdf | 2017Aug30 email protected bike lanes 123 Ave between 203rd St and Laity St]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2017Oct email 232St fm 132 Ave to Silver Valley Rd.pdf | 2017Oct20 email detailed design 232 St between 132 Ave and Silver Valley Road]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2017Nov email 104 Ave elementary school and comm ctr.pdf | 2017Nov20 email re planned MUP at elementary school and community centre 104 Ave in Albion]]
== 2018 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_2018Jan e-mail 132 Ave bike route.pdf | 2018Jan19 email to Coun. Shymkiw re 132 Ave bike route]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2018Jan e-mail cycling on sidewalk.pdf | 2018Jan20 email J Chow cycling on sidewalk downtown Maple Ridge]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2018Mar e-mail Communities on the Move.pdf | 2018Mar17 email to ATAC request for endorsement Communities on the Move Declaration]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2018Mar e-mail Lougheed 224 to 226.pdf | 2018Mar21 email Lougheed Highway Enhancement project 224 St to 226 St]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2018May e-mail MVA reform.pdf | 2018May28 request for support recommendations for MVA reform]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2018Aug e-mail Polygon Morningstar development.pdf | 2018Aug21 Polygon Morningstar development 350+ homes at 232nd Street/Lougheed]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2018Sep e-mail UBCM Res B15 Active Transp Strat.pdf | 2018Sep9 Request vote for UBCM Resolution B15: Active Transportation Strategy]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2018Sep e-mail Polygon Morningstar development post mortem.pdf | 2018Sept10 letter Polygon Morningstar development - post mortem]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2018Sep e-mail Purvez Irani 117 Ave MUP.pdf | 2018Sept27 email to Mgr Transp Purvez Irani re 117 Ave MUP between Laity St. and 207 St. / Polygon/Morningstar development along 232 St and Lougheed Hwy]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2018Sep attachment e-mail Purvez Irani 117 Ave MUP.pdf | * Attachment: Comments Kay Teschke re bi-directional and multi-use paths]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2018Oct letter City of MR Polygon devt.pdf | 2018Oct09 letter from City MR response re Polygon Morningstar development at Lougheed 232nd Street]]
== 2019 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_2019Jan e-mail new MR Council.pdf | 2019Jan21 email welcome new Council]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2019Mar e-mail Burnett pathway.pdf | 2019Mar4 email 2017-489-RZ dev info mtg; connecting pathway between Burnett and 228 Streets]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2019Mar e-mail accessibility ped cycling pathways.pdf | 2019Mar10 Accessibility of pedestrian and cycling pathways / Morningstar/Polygon development]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2019Mar e-mail bike lanes 227 St.pdf | 2019Mar18 Email re bike facilities at 11641 227th St. south of Lougheed; 2017-461-RZ]]
*[[Media:2019_07_08_Abernathy_extension_232_St_to_256_St_final.pdf‎ | 2019July08 Letter Abernethy Way extension between 232 St and 256 St]]
*[[Media:2019_07_09_North_East_Albion_Concept_Plan.pdf‎ | 2019July09 Letter North East Albion Concept Plan]]
*[[Media:2019_09_02_Dewdney_224St_Brown_development.pdf‎ | 2019Sep02 Letter SwissReal downtown development Dewdney, 224 St, Brown Ave]]
*[[Media:2019_09_09_Dewdney_224St_Brown_development.pdf‎ | 2019Sep09 Follow-up letter SwissReal downtown development Dewdney, 224 St, Brown Ave]]
*[[Media:2019_12_11_232St_116Ave.pdf‎ | 2019Dec11 Letter 232 St improvements 116 Ave to Dewdney]]
== 2020 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_2020Apr_new e-mail 117 Ave improvements.pdf | 2020Jun18 email re 117 Ave improvement project Laity St. to 207 St.]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2020Jun_letter 117 Ave improvements new.pdf | 2020Jun29 letter official HUB feedback re 117 Ave improvement project Laity St. to 207 St.]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2020Sep_accommodation active transpo during construction.pdf | 2020Jun29 email re accommodation of active transportation during construction/maintenance/events]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2020Sep27 Town Center Visioning project.pdf | 2020Sep27 Town Center Area Plan]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2020Sep27 Lougheed Transit Corridor Draft Plan.pdf | 2020Sep27 Lougheed Transit Corridor Concept Plan]]
== 2021 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_2021Jan04 Meeting with Mark Halpin 2020Dec03.pdf | 2021Jan04 email re Dec. 3, 2020 meeting with Mark Halpin, MR Transportation Manager]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2021Jan18 email North East Albion Plan.pdf | 2021Jan18 email North East Albion Plan]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2021Jan23 presentation MoTI Hwy 7 widening.pdf | 2021Jan23 CW January 26; presentation by MoTI on Hwy 7 widening 266 to 287 St.]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2021Mar15 letter GHG emissions target update.pdf | 2021Mar15 Greenhouse Gas emissions reduction targets update]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2021Mar29 email 2021-061-RZ 21783 Lougheed Highway.pdf | 2021Mar29 email 2021-061-RZ; 21783 Lougheed Highway; requesting advancement of connecting MUP on Lougheed between 220 and 216 St - update July 2023: no bike parking provided]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2021May28 letter Transportation Plan update.pdf | 2021May28 letter Transportation Plan update]]
*[[Media:Gap_List_Maple_Ridge_Feb2021.pdf | * Feb. 2021 gap list attached to May 28 letter Transportation Plan update]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2021July08 letter bike parking 22083 and 22057 Lougheed Highway.pdf | 2021July 08 letter 2018-180-RZ; 22083 and 22057 Lougheed Highway - bike parking. Update 4Jul23: no bike parking provided]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2021July14 email 2019-392-RZ 22904 22910 22922 Dewdney.pdf | 2021July14 email 2019-392-RZ; 22904, 22910, 22922 Dewdney Trunk Road - bike parking]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2021July19 email 2021-281-RZ 22936 22944 22952 22964 22974 Dewdney.pdf | 2021July19 email 2021-281-RZ; 22936, 22944, 22952, 22964 and 22974 Dewdney Trunk Road - bike parking]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2021Sep01 letter TAC incident April 28.pdf | 2021Sep01 letter to Mayor and Council regarding incident at April 28 Transportation Advisory Committee meeting]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2021Sep13 letter proposed MUP Fletcher St.pdf | 2021Sep13 letter 2019-341-RZ, 12162, 12170, and 12178 Fletcher Street - proposed MUP; Public Hearing September 21
*[[Media:MRPM_2021Sep26 email 2021-341-RZ; bike parking.pdf | 2021Sep26 2021-341-RZ; 22108, 22118, 22126, 22136, 22146, 22154 and 22164 Lougheed Highway; bike parking
*[[Media:MRPM_2021Sep26 email 2021-101-RZ; bike parking.pdf | 2021Sep26 2021-101-RZ; 21938, 21952, 21964, 21976 and 21988 Lougheed Highway; bike parking
*[[Media:MRPM_2021Oct10 email 2021-381-RZ; bike parking.pdf | 2021Oct10 2021-381-RZ - 22900 and 22904 117 Avenue, 11675 229 Street and 11678 and 11690 Burnett Street; bike parking
*[[Media:MRPM_2021Oct10 email 2020-409-RZ; bike lane.pdf | 2021Oct10 2020-409-RZ - 11089 240 Street, 11101 239 Street and 11094 Buckerfield Drive - bike lane
*[[Media:MRPM_2021Oct25 email Metro Vancouver Regional Greenways 2050.pdf | 2021Oct25 email to Dir. of Parks Planning & Development - HUB LC assessment of Regional Greenway trails in Maple Ridge]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2021Nov15 letter support BICCS funding.pdf | 2021Nov15 letter of support to TransLink for request for BICCS funding for MUP Hwy 7 between 220 St. and 216 St.]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2021Dec06 STP feedback Phase 3.pdf | 2021Dec6 Strategic Transportation Plan update Phase 3 feedback, with attachments:]]
*[[Media:2021_2021Dec06 gap list MR.pdf | * 2021 12 HUB MR summary Cycling Gap Priority List]]
*[[Media:2021_2021Dec06 gap map MR.jpg | * 2021 12 gap map Maple Ridge]]
*[[Media:2021_2021Dec06 SoC map MR.jpg | * 2021 12 SoC map Maple Ridge]]
*[[Media:2021_2021Dec06 MR prelim cycling map.pdf | * 2021 12 suggested changes to preliminary cycling network map]]
*[[Media:2021_2021Oct Metro Van Greenways assessment.pdf | * 2021 10 Metro Vancouver Regional Greenways 2050 Maple Ridge - assessment by HUB LC]]
== 2022 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_20230318 Email to MR Engineering 117Ave MUP.pdf | 2022Mar18 Email to Engineering Dept - 117 Ave MUP project]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20220404 Email to MR Engineering Abernethy 232 St MUP incl image.pdf | 2022Apr04 Email to Engineering Dept - Abernethy/232 St. improvements]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20220523 email Kingston industrial development.pdf | 2022May23 email re industrial development at 11310 Kingston Street; 2018-458-RZ]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20220613 letter Master Parks Rec Culture Plan .pdf | 2022June13 feedback Master Parks Recreation and Culture Plan]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20220619 email 2019-426-RZ NE Albion devtprop.pdf | 2022June19 2019-426-RZ NE Albion, devt proposal 24877, 24909, 24929, 2494 7, 24979, 24985, and 24989 112 Avenue; trail and driveway access]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20220619 email 11310 Kingston Street industrial.pdf | 2022June19 email 2018-458-RZ; 11310 Kingston Street industrial development]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20220622 email email North East Albion Concept Plan.pdf | 2022June22 email North East Albion Concept Plan - public engagement]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20220624 email 2021-061-RZ 21783 Lougheed connecting path.pdf | 2022June24 2021-061-RZ 21783 Lougheed Hwy; connecting pathway to Howison Ave. Update 4/7/23: connecting pathway to be constructed]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20220630 email 132 Ave Fern Cr MUP.pdf | 2022June30 email re 132 Ave/Fern Crescent improvements / concern about raised bike lanes into MUPs at ped crossings at 233 St and Balsam St]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20220707 email follow-up 117Ave MUP project.pdf | 2022July07 email follow-up 117 Ave. multi-use path project]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20220726 email final feedback STP cycling network.pdf | 2022July26 email final feedback Transportation Plan cycling network, with attachment:]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20220726 gap list MR.pdf | * 2022 07 HUB MR summary Cycling Gap Priority List]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20220916 email North East Albion Area Plan.pdf | 2022Sep16 email OCP amendment North East Albion Area Plan; bike lanes on 248 St.]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20221208 email 123 Ave 216 to Laity.pdf | 2022Dec08 letter 123 Avenue Road Safety Improvements (Laity St to 216 St)]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20221210 email 2022-339-RZ 21668 21680 Dewdney.pdf | 2022Dec10 email 2022-339-RZ; 21668 and 21680 Dewdney Trunk Road - bike parking]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20221210 email 2021-104-RZ 22337 St Anne Ave.pdf | 2022Dec10 email 2021-104-RZ; 22337 St. Anne Avenue - bike parking]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20221210 email 2016-202-RZ 20556 Dewdney.pdf | 2022Dec10 email 2016-202-RZ, 20556 Dewdney Trunk Road - bike parking and Westridge Greenway connection]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20221227 letter final draft Parks Rec Culture Plan.pdf | 2022Dec27 letter final draft Maple Ridge Parks, Recreation and Culture Plan]]
== 2023 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_20230108 email OCP multi-purpose trails map.pdf | 2023Jan08 email re change of name of trails map in OCP in 2006 from equestrian to multi-purpose]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20230129 letter 2018-132-RZ 12121 232 St.pdf | 2023Jan29 1) 2018-132-RZ 12121 232 Street - connecting path; 2) Request to address accessibility for bikes through policy and guidelines]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20230202 email 2016-202-RZ 20556 Dewdney.pdf | 2023Feb02 email re Council mtg Jan 31 - 2016-202-RZ; 20556 Dewdney, 3rd reading; recommended long-term bike parking requirements for multi-family developments in City of Maple Ridge]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20230226 email 2023-016-RZ 20000 Stewart Cr.pdf | 2023Feb26 letter re Council mtg Feb 26 - 2023-016-RZ; industrial development 20000 Stewart Crescent; Need for protected cycling facilities on 113B Ave. and 203 St.]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20230327 letter watermain 203 St.pdf | 2023Mar27 letter re CoW and RC March 28: Award of Contract ITT-EN23-17: 203 St Watermain (Lougheed Highway to Thorne Avenue); opportunity to upgrade cycling facilities to protected as part of construction work?]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20230411 letter south of Lougheed.pdf | 2023Apr11 letter re need for cycling facilities south of Lougheed between 216 and 222 St]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20230420 2022-439-RZ 11235 243B Street.pdf | 2023Apr20 letter 2022-439-RZ; subdivision at 11235 243B Street, re multi-use trail and protected bike lanes along 112 Ave.]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20230424 2020-432-RZ 12211 and 12229 228 St.pdf | 2023Apr24 letter 2020-432-RZ - 12211 & 12229 228 St; improvements 121 Bikeway at 228 St; proposal for added routes to draft cycling plan]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20230613 MUP recommendations.pdf | 2023June13 letter HUB Cycling Recommendations for Multi-Use Paths]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20230710 North_East_Albion road construction.pdf | 2023July10 North-East Albion Area Plan; Request to immediately halt all road- and boulevard construction at 112 Ave.]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20230716 2021-341-RZ Lougheed Hwy apartments.pdf | 2023July16 2021-341-RZ 22108 22118 22126 22136 22146 22154 and 22164 Lougheed Highway - bike parking and cycling infra south side Lougheed Hwy; this e-mail was submitted for Public Hearing Sept. 12, 2023]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20230716 2022-125-RZ Royal Crescent.pdf | 2023July16 2023-125-RZ, 22527 Royal Crescent - bike parking]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20230919 final feedback 2022 STP.pdf | 2023Sep19 Final feedback 2022 STP]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20231029 Port Haney MUP.pdf | 2023Oct29 Port Haney multi-use path (between Kanaka Creek Riverfront Park and Haney Wharf)]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20231130 bike parking recommendations.pdf | 2023Nov30 Off-street Parking and Loading Bylaw updates / HUB recommendations for bike parking]]
== 2024 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_20240205 2024_budget_feedback.pdf | 2024Feb05 email to Mayor Ruimy - feedback Budget 2024]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20240306 North East Albion Area Plan review.pdf | 2024Mar06 North East Albion Area Plan review]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20240313 email to CAO re Director of Engineering.pdf | 2024Mar13 email to CAO Hartman re Director of Engineering position]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20240514 letter green paint and legalization of elephant feet.pdf | 2024May14 letter green paint in conflict zones and legalization of elephant feet]]

== '''Pitt Meadows''' ==
== '''Pitt Meadows''' ==
== 2010 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_2010Feb MUP_SmartCentres_development.pdf | 2010Feb22 MUP as condition for rezoning SmartCentres owned land north of Lougheed]]
== 2012 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_2012Jul HUB_support_KennedyRd_MUP.pdf | 2012Jul27 HUB letter of support to DOT Cycling Infrastructure Partnerships Program re Kennedy Rd MUP]]
== 2014 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_2014Mar HUB_support_Katzie_Slough_project.pdf | 2014Mar03 letter to Scott Magri through MRPMEC re HUB support for Katzie Slough restoration project]]
== 2016 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_2016Oct email_Pitt_Meadows_Traffic_Calming_Policy_review.pdf | 2016Oct19 e-mail Pitt Meadows Traffic Calming Policy]]
== 2018 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_2018May email_Pitt_Meadows_MVA reform.pdf | 2018May28 e-mail request for support Road Safety Act Reform City of Pitt Meadows]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2018Sep email_UBCM Resolution B15 Active Transpo Strategy.pdf | 2018Sep09 e-mail request for support UBCM Resolution B15: Active Transportation Strategy]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2018Oct email_Park Road traffic calming.pdf | 2018Oct17 e-mail Park Road Corridor Traffic Calming Safety Improvements]]
== 2019 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_2019Jan e-mail new PM Council.pdf | 2019Jan21 email welcome new Council]]
== 2022 ==
Map with suggested wayfinding improvements:
To suggest additional improvements, please e-mail
*[[Media:MRPM_2022Oct letter Harris Rd south bike lanes.pdf | 2022Oct04 Letter re need for protected bike lanes along Harris Rd South]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2022Nov letter Onni dev Harris Rd south bike lanes.pdf | 2022Nov03 Additional feedback Onni Development Harris Rd South and Airport Way]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2022Nov email Park Rd traffic calming.pdf | 2022Nov28 email Park Road Traffic Calming Update; Council meeting Nov. 28, 2022]]
*[[Media:MRPM_2022Nov email Onni dev Harris Rd south cycling facilities.pdf | 2022Nov30 email Onni development at Harris Road South; Need for safe cycling facilities]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20220726 gap list PM.pdf | * attachment: 2022 HUB Cycling Pitt Meadows summary Cycling Gap Priority List]]
== 2023 ==
*[[Media:MRPM_20230516 letter Active Transp Network Review.pdf | 2023May16 letter Active Transportation Network Review]]
*[[Media:MRPM_20231207 letter AT budget.pdf | 2023May16 letter Active Transportation budget]]

Revision as of 21:21, 14 May 2024

Maple Ridge
















Pitt Meadows








Map with suggested wayfinding improvements: To suggest additional improvements, please e-mail