HUB letters to the City of Vancouver and Parks Board
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2024 Letters
- HUB VULC letter to CoV re Dunsmuir Melville Street Upgrades (Oct 7)
- HUB VULC letter to CoV re 16th and Wallace Improvements (Sept 14)
- HUB VULC letter to Park Board re Stanley Park Mobility Study (July 19)
- HUB VULC letter to Director of Transportation CoV re Clark Drive (July 15)
- HUB VULC letter to Park Board re Changes to Increase Vehicle Traffic on Beach Ave (July 8)
- HUB VULC letter to Mayor and Council re Right Turn on Red (June 3)
- HUB letter to Park Board re the Stanley Park Mobility Study (Apr 15)
- HUB letter to Translink Burrard Peninsula Area Transport Planning Team re transit in Stanley Park (Feb 22)
- HUB letter to City of Vancouver re Support for the Jericho Lands Policy Statement (Jan 22)
- HUB letter to Park Board Again Calling for the Stanley Park Temporary Protected Bike Lanes to be Reinstated (Jan 16)
2023 Letters
- HUB letter to Park Board calling for the Stanley Park Temporary Protected Bike Lanes to be Reinstated (Nov 29)
- HUB letter to CoV re Support for Staff Recommendation to Revise Parking Minimums (Nov 10)
- HUB letter to Park Board staff re Tatlow and Volunteer Park detour (Nov 5)
- HUB letter to CoV re The Portside Greenway (May 25)
- HUB letter to CoV Director Transportation and PB GMO re restoring access to the West End Waterfront Seawall Path (Apr 24)
- HUB letter to Mayor and Council re Cornwall 30kph zone (Apr 20)
- HUB letter to Mayor and Council re School Streets (Apr 05)
- HUB letter to Mayor and Council re Broadway AT Lanes (Mar 25)
- HUB email to Park Board Commissioners re Stanley Park Bike Lanes (Feb 12)
2022 Letters
- HUB email to Park Board Commissioners re Stanley Park Bike Lanes (Dec 4)
- HUB letter to Park Board Commissioners (Similar letters sent to 7 commissioners) (November 14)
- HUB letter to Park Board re Stanley Park Mobility Study (July 17)
- HUB letter to CoV re support for the July 19th Council motion regarding Truck Side Guards (July 15)
- HUB email to Park Board Commissioners re Kits Beach Park Seaside Greenway (Apr 10)
- HUB letter to CoV re Improved Pavement Markings on Local Street Bikeways (April 8)
- HUB letter to CoV re Protected Bikeways Alongside Parks (April 8)
- HUB letter to CoV The Bay Building Proposal for a Green Mobility Hub with a Bike Parkade (April 8)
- HUB email to Park Board Commissioners re Cycling in Parks (Mar 23)
2021 Letters
- HUB letter to Park Board staff re Kits Beach Park Path Improvements (Nov 18)
- HUB letter to Park Board Commissioners re maintaining the Stanley Park protected lane (Nov 12)
- HUB Cycling Position re Kits Beach Park Path Improvements (Nov 09)
- HUB letter to CoV re a temporary protected lane in Kits Point (May 25)
- Email to Park Board Commissioners re temporary cycling facilities (May 20)
- Email to Development Permit Board re 480 Broughton (Coal Harbour School) (Mar 22)
- Email to Park Board Commissioners re Stanley Park Temporary Cycling Lane (Mar 4)
- Letter to CoV re Broadway Plan Emerging Directions Report (Feb 22)
- Email to Park Board Commissioners re 2021 Active Transportation projects (Jan 18)
2020 Letters
- Letter to CoV re the Balaclava Bikeway (Dec 02)
- Letter to CoV re the Climate Emergency Action Plan (Nov 4)
- Email to Park Board re Temporary Road Reallocations in Stanley Park (Sept 23)
- Letter to CoV re the Granville Connector and Drake St (Sept 2)
- Letter to Park Board and CoV re Temporary Road Reallocations in Stanley Park (June 26)
- Email to Park Board re Parks being open during the Pandemic (Apr 15)
- Email to Park Board Commissioners re Kits Beach Park Walkthrough (Jan 08)
2019 Letters
- Letter to CoV re changes to the Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) Program (Nov 20)
- Letter to Park Board commissioners re Kits Beach path proposal (Nov 5)
- Letter to Force of Nature Alliance re Granville Connector (Oct 29)
- CoV Report on 10th Ave Hospital Zone Improvements (Oct 21)
- Letter to CoV re Haro/Bute Bikeway Upgrades (Oct 2)
- Letter to Park Board re Cooper Park Expansion (Sept 30)
- Letter to CoV re Granville Connector Phase II Engagement (Sept 30)
- Pandora Bikeway and Powell Connector Recommendations (Sept 06)
- NE Quadrant Greenway Route Proposal (May 21)
- City of Vancouver 10th Ave Evaluation Committee Report (Apr 17)
- UBC-SFU 10th Ave Evaluation Committee Research Report (Apr 17)
- Letter to Park Board re Stanley Park Cycling Plan Implementation (Mar 027)
- Midtown Ridgeway Bikeways Improvement Proposal (Mar 05)
- Nanaimo St Assessment Ride Report (Jan 19)
2018 Letters
- Letter to Park Board Commissioner Stuart MacKinnon (similar letters were sent to each of 7 recently elected commissioners) (Dec 13)
- Recommendations to CoV re the Pender Corridor (Dec 12)
- Letter to City of Vancouver re Richards St Bikeway (Dec 12)
- Letter to City of Vancouver re Cassiar Overpass, NE False Creek, Powell Bypass, West End Lanes (Dec 11)
- Submission to City of Vancouver re 14th Ave Bikeway improvements and Feb 18th Assessment Ride (Dec 7)
- Letter to City of Vancouver re Vehicles Stopping in Bike Lanes and Bylaw Changes (Dec 7)
- Letter to City of Vancouver re 7th Ave Bikeway at Granville (Dec 6)
- Letter to City of Vancouver re King Edward and Arbutus Traffic Signal Operation (Dec 5)
- Letter to Mayor Kennedy Stewart (similar letters were sent to each of 10 recently elected councillors) (Dec 5)
- Letter to Mayor and Council re Support for the Arbutus Greenway Plan (Jul 9)
- Letter to City of Vancouver re Arbutus Greenway Design Concept (Jun 3)
- Letter to City of Vancouver re Cycling on High Streets (Apr 23)
- Letter to City of Vancouver re Arbutus Greenway Connections (Apr 13)
- Park Board Presentation re Kits Beach Path Concepts (Mar 12)
- Letter to Park Board re Kits Beach Park Path Options Decision Matrix (Jan 29)
2017 Letters
- Follow Up Letter to BC Hydro and the City of Vancouver re proposed Grandview Cut Pedestrian Cycling bridge (Dec 30)
- City of Vancouver response letter to HUB re proposed Grandview Cut Pedestrian Cycling bridge (Dec 6)
- Letter to City of Vancouver re Cambie Bridge Improvements (Dec 6)
- Letter to City of Vancouver re Alexander Street Bikeway Improvements (Nov 29)
- Letter to City of Vancouver re Complete Street proposal for Georgia Gateway West (Nov 29)
- Park Board Meeting Notes re Kits Park Paths (Nov 27)
- City of Vancouver Response to In Service Road Safety Review of SW Marine Drive (Oct 24)
- In Service Road Safety Review of SW Marine Drive (Oct 24)
- Letter to BC Hydro and the City of Vancouver re proposed Grandview Cut Pedestrian Cycling bridge (Sep 5)
- Letter to Park Board re Kits Beach Bike Paths along the Seaside Greenway (Jun 14)
- Recommendations to CoV re the Powell Corridor (May 31)
- Recommendations to CoV re Arbutus Greenway Temporary Path (May 23)
- Letter to Mayor and Council re 10th Ave Street Improvements in the Health Precinct (May 15)
- Recommendations to CoV re North West Marine Drive (May 8)
- Letter to Mayor and Council re Charleson Road (Apr 3)
- Letter to Mayor and Council re Commercial Drive (Mar 6)
- Letter to Park Board re Kits Park Bike Path Signs (Feb 2)
- Email chain re Kits Park Bike Path Signs (Feb 2)
- Letter to Park Board re Kits Park Bike Path Signs (Jan 26)
2016 Letters
- Letter to Park Board re Kits Park Bike Path Improvements - Balsam and Cornwall (Dec 7)
- Presentation to Park Board Commissioners re 2017 Budget and Stanley Park Cycling Plan (Dec 6)
- Letter to CoV re 800 Robson Plaza Planning (Nov 28)
- Response from Park Board re Connectivity Issues - Stanley Park Causeway South End
- Letter to CoV re King Edward Ave bicycle lane improvements (Aug 21)
- Letter to Park Board re Connectivity Issues - Stanley Park Causeway South End (Aug 21)
- Copy of letter from David Hay to CoV and Park Board re Seaside Greenway (Aug 15)
- Letter to CoV and Park Board re South Seaside Greenway between Burrard Bridge and Trafalgar (Aug 2)
- Side by Side - HUB Cycling Ideas for the Arbutus Greenway (July 19)
- Letter to CoV re Knight and SE Marine Intersection Improvements (June 10)
- Letter to CoV re Little Mountain Development (May 10)
- Letter to Mayor and Council re South False Creek Seaside Bikeway (May 2)
- Further Follow Up Letter to Park Board re Kits Beach Park (Apr 20)
- Letter to CoV re Pearson Dogwood redevelopment (Apr 1)
- Assessment Ride Report to CoV re 10th Ave Bikeway Improvements (Mar 11)
- Letter to Mayor and Council re Arbutus Greenway (Mar 9)
2015 Letters
- Response from Park Board re Kits Beach Park
- Follow Up Letter to Park Board re Kits Beach Park
- Letter to Mayor and Council re SW Marine Drive
- Letter to Mayor and Council re Bike Licensing
- Letter to Mayor and Council re Viaducts Removal
- Letter to CoV staff re South False Creek Seaside Bikeway Improvements
- Letter to Mayor and Council re South False Creek Seaside Bikeway Improvements
- Letter to Park Board re Kits Beach Park
- Report to CoV re SW Marine Drive Cycling Route
- Letter to CoV re Viaducts Removal
- Assessment Ride Report to CoV re South False Creek Seaside Bikeway Improvements
- Letter to CoV re Burrard and Pacific Improvements
- Letter to CoV and Translink re CVG at Rupert Station
- HUB Presentation to Park Board Commissioners (March 26)
- Letter to Park Board re Park Improvements at 17th and Yukon
2014 Letters
- Input to the Sunset Park Master Plan
- Connection Between the Powell Street Overpass Protected Bikeway and the End of the Mosaic Route
- Support for ATPC motion regarding the city's budget for active transportation in the 2015-2018 Capital Plan
- Dangerous Intersection - Bike Path in Seaforth Peace Park
- Support for ATPC motion regarding Kitsilano Beach/Hadden Park
- Feedback on Trout Lake (John Hendry) park redesign
- List of Spot Improvement Suggestions
2013 letters
- HUB 2nd submission on Oakridge Mall redevelopment
- HUB submission on Pearson Dogwood development proposal
- Oakridge Mall redevelopment - recommendations to the city
- Viaducts, Eastern Core and False Creek Flats Cycling
- Quebec St - ask Council to put in south bound lanes
- follow up letter on Adanac improvements to Council
2012 letters
- 2040 Vision Document to the city
- addition comments to the 2040 vision document to the city
- letter to Translink in support of lighting improvement on BC parkway
- to City, support of signal on CVG and boundary
2011 letters
- Letter to City re. 2014 Capitol Plan
- Letter to Transportation 2040 Planning Team
- Letter to Vancouver School Board re. Cycling education in schools
- Input to Stanley Park Cycling Master Plan
- Letter to Translink re. 2012 Supplemental Plan
- Letter to Translink re. deficiencies in cycling infrastructure on Golden Ears Bridge
- Letter to City on capital plan allocations
- Letter to the city on bike route construction policy
- Kent Avenue letter to City by Lisa
2010 letters
- letter to the city from Arno about spending on cycling education
- letter to the city on concerns with the CVG Central Valley Greenway
- letter to Port Authorities on creating bike lanes on port side and waterfront road
2009 letters
- Letter to Council re. Public Bike Share
- Letter to Council on Granville Loops (doc) Sent by Gertjan Hofman as rep on the Bicycle Advisory Committee
- Improving Cycling in Vancouver Recommendations for City of Vancouver Council: 2008-2011
- VACC funding for the One Day School Program Instruction
2008 letters
2007 letters
- Cambie Stree Bike Lanes and Canada Line
- Response from the City to letter on Oakridge Mall development
2006 letters
- Letter to Council on Cambie St. (doc) Sent by Gertjan Hofman as rep on the Bicycle Advisory Committee, on the subject of lane allocation before Canada Line construction
- Another letter to Council on Cambie St. (doc) Same theme, alternative version ?
- Cycling to schools vision document (M. Sherlock)
- rezoning of Langara, traffic calming on Ontario request
- Support for Bike parkade at Pacific Centre
- letter to City on Granville Mall re-design
2005 letters
2004 letters
2003 letters
Date/Year Unknown
two page colorful brochure from VACC on the arbutus corridor. Probably from 2011