2024-11-07 Agenda

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November 7, HUB North Shore Committee regular meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Everybody is welcome.

In-person at the North Vancouver City Library (14th/Lonsdale) in the Don Preston Boardroom (2nd floor).

Or Online, using Google Meets: https://meet.google.com/myr-xmnd-iob

or by Phone: +1 587-977-8033‬ PIN: ‪290 663 905‬#


  • Agenda additions
  • Introductions

Public Input/Consultations

  • Public input is critical when Council and Staff make trade-offs and decisions. Please make sure your voice is heard!!

Goals & Objectives


  • Need a coordinator/organizer for Events
  • DRT - Cargo Bike Race 2025, Emergency Management Drill - Volunteers to organize needed. Roland Schigas is contact. Duncan Wilcock can connect you.


City of North Vancouver - Heather+new recruits

  • Meeting with Staff
  • Casano-Loutet Overpass

This project has been on hold due to MOTI review. All projects involving highways must go through MOTI. City Staff have reminded them several times - their issue is staff capacity.

  • Midtown Connector - HUB top priority
    • The route proposal and presentation to council will happen on November 18 at the regular council meeting. The package describing the route and presentation will be available publicly on Nov 15th. We will read and monitor. Heather has prepared a draft generic letter endorsing the project, but this may change when we get more route information. Our goal is to support the route as best we can so that it might get built.

An interesting wrinkle in the route, which will be suggested as a vehicle-protected lane on 13th to continue the existing route is that any future Bus Rapid Transit line would likely follow the same route. Staff were interested to know our opinion regarding intersection upgrades in particular at Lonsdale and at St. Georges. If they spend a lot of $ on those intersections then the BRT comes along, that route may not be the active transportation corridor any longer. Don reminded staff that the intersections are the most important part of any route to protect because that's where crashes happen.

  • Chesterfield - HUB top priority
    • This is the City's next priority route from 13th down to the Quay. The uphill segments are coming together as development takes place. The downhill direction is trickier since there is not room for a protected lane. They may have to suggest a different route altogether for the downhill segment to ensure safety. The uphill bikelane paint is almost completely worn away. When they are repainted, we asked staff if they can move the parking out to protect the bikelane? We asked HUB central for recommendations on the downhills with lots of intersections, like Chesterfield. They did not have any recommendations beyond the BC Active Transportation Design Guidelines. We did find a German document that discusses bike path routing in hilly places. It recommends that if you can't protect the intersections, consider a different route.
  • Upper Levels Greenway
    • MOTI involvement has shifted the focus for this project from the eastern end to the Lonsdale and 25th segment, starting with the crossings at Lonsdale. Working with MOTI takes time : )
  • Kings Mill Area (Spirit Trail & Harbourside Dr)
    • Discussed the current state (no bikelanes on Harbourside), and W1st as poor detour, Brandon to look into this. Haven't heard back yet.

The detours may be in for several more years. We recommend you add wayfinding for cycle bypass of the congested Kings Mill MUP sections (along Harbourside or W1st) when this reopens.

  • West 3rd - Forbes to Marine Drive
    • We asked if during the repaving project on 3rd if there could be a protected lane installed on the north side. Staff said there is not room to accommodate.
  • 3rd St/Cotton/Lower Level Rd
    • There is room for a bike lane on the south side, except at bus stop. Would require removing a lot of trees and adding retaining walls

May be majorly impacted by BRT, wait for it to settle CNV primes are Elissa Eliot & Jen Draper

ITC - Jonathan

  • No Update in several months

First Nations - Kira

District of North Vancouver - Duncan/Stephen/Stewart/Mike

  1. Regular Bi-monthly Meeting with Staff last took place 05-Sep-2024
  2. Projects/sections

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike

Meeting with District staff on 9 October

  • Paul and Peter met in person with Director of Engineering and Transportation, Jenn Moller, Sean O'Sullivan and Andy Quan.
  • Improvements to the intersection of 31st and Marine Drive will be completed in 2025, including bike lanes on Marine Drive through the intersection and a little further west to Radcliffe Ave.
  • MUP on the south side of Marine Drive from the Lions Gate Bridge to Capilano Road
    • The design has been completed but MoTI approval has not yet been granted with a concern being drainage and light poles.
    • DNV is the project manager and DWV is providing some funding.
  • A Hadden Drive to Westcot Road MUP is planned for 2025 but MoTI approval is needed as part of it will occupy a traffic lane on the Taylor Way off-ramp from Hwy 1.
  • Spirit Trail - some funding left over from the original project has been discovered and could be used to make improvements to that busy section through Ambleside Park east of 13th Street.
  • We requested that an " EXCEPT BICYCLES" sign be added to the two "NO ENTRY" signs at the exit from the parking lot in Ambleside Park, which would allow eastbound cyclists to legally pass through that one-way traffic exit from the parking lot to ride on the road to the three hole golf course which has been signed for faster cyclists and is directly adjacent to the Spirit Trail.

Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure - Mike/Don

  • Need to discuss state of several projects with MoTI primes
    • List of cycling Gaps in lower mainland region
    • Capilano road underpass design
    • Lynn Valley Rd underpass design
    • Delays approving Marine Drive (LGB to Cap Rd)
    • Delayed approvals for Casano Loutet overpass

Communications & Outreach - Rueben/Paul/Heather

  • let us know if there is something we should communicate about - blocked bike lanes, new infrastructure, etc.
  • Twitter (Rueben)
  • Facebook(Heather)
  • North Shore News
    • [

Schools - Paul Janzen

  • School programs ending November 13.


  • Jack Lonsdale, after the meeting.
    • Any and all are welcome