2023-09-07 Agenda

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HUB North Shore Committee regular meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Everybody is welcome.

In-person at the North Vancouver City Library (14th/Lonsdale) in the Don Preston Boardroom (2nd floor).

Or Online, using Google Meets: https://meet.google.com/myr-xmnd-iob

or by Phone: +1 587-977-8033‬ PIN: ‪290 663 905‬#


  • Agenda additions
  • Introductions

Public Input/Consultations

Goals & Objectives

  • Add Phase 2 top priority Bikeways - current Gaps Map
    • Liaisons to select a one or two for their municipality
  • Communications - any ideas??
  • Recruiting - Fill vacant positions
  • Ensure Cycling Priorities are in DWV's Transportation Strategy
  • ____
  • DW: Limiting Car Parking. What levers do we have? Discussion.


  • Need a coordinator/organizer for events
  • Cargo Bike Race: Disaster Relief Trial (DRT), 26-Aug-2023
    • Success! 9 participants. Was fun! Was informative.
    • Roland Schigas will give a report on how it went
    • Big thanks to Volunteers = Roland, Duncan, Fiona & Jen
    • Sponsor: Our Greenway (Sam Starr + Darnell)
    • and Partners: Harvest Project, HUB, North Shore Emergency Management, Reckless Cycles and RONA
  • Vancouver/UBC Local Committee ride - Sunday, Sept 24 11:00-15:00
    • from Riley Park (near Nat Bailey Stadium) to Steveston and back - about 50km
    • It's our intention to grab lunch(ish) in Steveston before turning around and coming back. The route is essentially Ontario to the Canada Line Bridge, work our way over to Railway, down to Steveston, and then back up Shell Rd and back across the Canada Line Bridge.
    • Please register at Eventbrite so we have an idea of how many people will be riding, and so that everyone can e-sign the waiver.

City of North Vancouver - Nadia/Sophia

  • NO UPDATES for August.

CNV Key Contacts & Staff Meetings

  • Completed meetings

Summary of current/upcoming CNV projects - this year & beyond

  • R2 improvements
    • construction has started at Kennard Ave for the transit and cycling improvements, so riders should be aware of loose materials and changing traffic control
  • Casano-Loutet Overpass/Midtown Connector
    • still waiting on permit
    • no update on the Midtown Connector
  • Upper Levels Greenway
    • discussions underway with MOTI to ensure they are on board with the proposed changes as 25th is currently the proposed route. This should allow for general mobility improvements around the Lonsdale/highway interchange area
  • 4th and Chesterfield
    • bike light and bump outs are currently being constructed
  • St. Andrew's
    • update here from the NSNews

ITC - Dana & Jonathan

  • May meeting update (held May 3): we received an overview of CNV's zoning bylaw policy (for information purposes only). CNV will be overhauling their zoning bylaws in the coming months, which could have direct and indirect impacts on cycling infrastructure (e.g., bike storage requirements for new builds, encouraging more community amenities to reduce travel distances, etc.). Public engagement on their zoning policy is expected to start in early June.

District of North Vancouver - Duncan/Stephen/Don

  • Meeting with Staff - Have proposed meetings in Sep for both Spirit Trail & Marine Drive @ Capilano Road.
    • Met with Heather McCauley on Lynn Valley Safeway redevelopment
    • will meet with transportation planners (Mac & Demetra) in September to review infrastructure Gaps and HUB's priorities.
      • Will also discuss need to have our input at concept and 30% design stages, as reviewing 90% designs is too late for significant changes/improvements.
  • 2023 Budget
    • How the extra $4.5M + $3M AT funding will be allocated
      • Mountain Highway Safety Study - public engagement in the fall
      • Construction funds were also released for:
        • Main Street (2024) - HUB NS top priority
        • Marine Drive (2024) - HUB NS top priority
        • portions of the Lynn Valley TC-Lynn Creek TC (eastern) route (2025) - HUB NS top priority
        • more to come soon.
  • Marine Drive - Bridge to Tatlow
    • Received a copy of the design, but we responded with several issues:
      • Scope has been reduced to just east of Capilano, leaving a dangerous gap to McGuire
      • Bikes share the bus+right turn lane just west of Capilano, even though there is space for the MUP to continue to Capilano.
      • The design does not include any wayfinding signage.
      • The slip-lane/channelized turn SE corner of Capilano could be removed to make crossing safer and provide much more space for the very tight bus stop.
    • Have asked for a follow up meeting.
  • Spirit Trail, East of Seymour planning:
    • Have asked for timeline and a copy of consultants report. (Again: SL, 30-Jul)
  • Main St - Harbour Ave - Barrows
    • Planning to tender in October, and Build in Spring/Summer 2024

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike

8 August meeting with DWV Transportation staff

  • I met online with director, Jenn Moller, Sean O'Sullivan and Andy Kwan.
  • Phase 1 construction continues on Westmount Road and planning for the 31st and Marine intersection is to begin this fall.
  • Consultations with residents on 2500 Marine Drive re north-side bike lane to proceed this fall.
  • Ambleside Local Area Plan (LAP):
    • The Transportation Plan will focus on the village centre and will consider the results of the public engagement process to begin in September.
    • It is expected that the LAP will be adopted before the higher level mobility plan for the District.
    • Bellevue Ave will likely be a focus in the LAP Transportation Plan and the 30 km/hr speed limit will remain.
  • The final engineering drawings for the Hadden Drive to Westcot Road Multi-Use-Path will be available in September.
  • Jenn has not yet met with Rick Amantea, so our proposal for a Spirit Trail bypass through or near Park Royal South has not advanced and is complicated by plans for the development of the adjoining Squamish Nation lands.
  • Andy Kwan wants feedback on the new etiquette signage (https://wiki.bikehub.ca/images/0/0e/Etiquette_sgn_on_the_Spirit_Trail_2023-08-31_IMG_4815.jpg) on the Spirit Trail between Ambleside and Park Royal.
  • I raised again the possibility of a bike path from the new Park Royal South Gateway Residences development along the path on the south side of Marine Drive from Taylor Way to the Capilano Pacific Trail which would give cyclists a safer route between the new development and both the Spirit Trail and entering onto Lions Gate Bridge via the eastbound Marine Drive bridge over the Capilano River. I was told that West Van owns the adjacent property, so this may be a possibility.
  • After asking a question, I was reminded that the decision about separating cyclists from pedestrians on the Spirit Trail between 14th and 16th Street would be part of the Ambleside Waterfront Plan (Council motion in 2018) which will eventually be addressed by Council, probably after the last private property is acquired by the District.
  • I also asked about our proposed bike loops through Ambleside and Dundarave and Jenn suggested that we should approach Council with our proposals.
  • Sean was receptive to my invitation for us to take him on a bike ride through Ambleside, Dundarave and Park Royal. He would be interested in riding around one of the bike loops. Paul is not available until the end of September, so I am gong to suggest to Sean that we plan a ride during the last week of September.

Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure - Mike/Don

  • Blind spot where Orwell trail meets MSP-Keith Rd overpass MUP
    • MoTI has painted stop line & warnings, checking if signage is to follow.
  • Phibbs Exchange
    • Phase 1b just about finished - closure of eastbound off-ramp and east sidewalk for new drainage pipe
      • East sidewalk on bridge reopened
      • MUP on south side of main is being widened and flattened, should reopen soon.
    • Phase 2 just starting and will run for at least a year.
      • North side of main will be walk-your-bike south and west of Phibb's exchange, best to detour to South side of main.
      • The connection between Orwell and south side of Main is via detour 1/2 block west - not sure when it will be reopened.

Communications & Outreach - Rueben/Paul/Heather

  • let us know if there is something we should communicate about - blocked bike lanes, new infrastructure, etc.
  • Twitter (Rueben)
    • Posted about new bike storage boxes near the Quay
    • Promoted the Cargo Bike Race (Disaster Relief Trials) and re-tweeted photos from the event
    • Posted photos of the blockage of the bike lane at the east end of the Low Road (Marine-Main R2 RabidBus construction)
    • Posted photos of the opened east side (northbound) Iron Workers Bridge and path on the south side of Main St. (across from Phibbs Exchange).
    • Upcoming for Sept:
      • Bike Detour on Orwell St (Phibbs Construction)
  • Facebook(Heather)

Schools - Paul Janzen

  • West Van 2nd school this fall - Chartwell Elementary
  • Opportunity to obtain greater funding from DWV civic budgets. Two Pauls to investigate via Tim Welsh Hub staffer.

Developers - Fred, Paul & Peter

  • Currently active:
    • West Van
      • Any????
    • CNV
      • Capilano Mall
    • DNV
      • Lynn Valley Safeway
      • Maplewoods Garden (SE of Old Dollarton & Riverside)


  • Jack Lonsdale, after the meeting
    • Any and all are welcome