2024-02-01 Agenda: Difference between revisions

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===Events ===
===Events ===
* Need a coordinator/organizer for events
* Need a coordinator/organizer for events
* Spring Go By Bike Week, June 3-9, 2024.
* dates for Spring GBBW???

Revision as of 01:09, 30 January 2024

HUB North Shore Committee regular meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Everybody is welcome.

In-person at the North Vancouver City Library (14th/Lonsdale) in the Don Preston Boardroom (2nd floor).

Or Online, using Google Meets: https://meet.google.com/myr-xmnd-iob

or by Phone: +1 587-977-8033‬ PIN: ‪290 663 905‬#


  • Agenda additions
  • Introductions

Public Input/Consultations

  • Public input is critical when Council and Staff make trade-offs and decisions. Please make sure your voice is heard!!
    • are there any active ones?????

Goals & Objectives


  • Need a coordinator/organizer for events
  • Spring Go By Bike Week, June 3-9, 2024.

City of North Vancouver - Don(temporary)

  • Meeting with Staff
    • Met with Brendon Jan 26th
    • 2024 budget
    • Next meeting late Feb, early March
  • Casano-Loutet Overpass
    • Still waiting for MoTI, hope to start this spring.
  • 3rd St/Cotton/Lower Level Rd
    • Signal will be reprogrammed per HUB's suggestion.
    • They will look into extending bike lane protection for intersection up to Neptune terminal intersection.
  • Midtown Connector - HUB top priority
    • Currently stalled. Hope to restart this summer.
    • Requested that we be able to provide input on requirements.
      • Central Lonsdale is a Destination, not just a busy road to cross.
  • Chesterfield - North-South route
    • Currently planned after Midtown and Upper levels greenway.
    • Stated this is a HUB Top priority.
      • Also needs to be coordinated with Midtown.
  • Upper Levels Greenway
    • discussions underway with MOTI to ensure they are on board with the proposed changes as 25th is currently the proposed route. Big issue is crossing Lonsdale @ 25th. Will take some time. Next public engagement late in 2024?
    • Also discussing Hwy1 crossing with MoTI
      • Short term: improvements on Lonsdale overpass
      • Long term: proposed new crossing at St Georges
  • St. Andrew's
    • Staff's recommendation approved. Expect to build it this spring dependant on weather.

ITC - Dana & Jonathan

  • When is the next meeting??

First Nations - Kira

District of North Vancouver - Duncan/Stephen/Stewart

  • Regular Meetings scheduled every 2 months
    • Most Recent was 08-Dec-2023
  1. Scoping Project Ends Beyond Intersections
  2. Bike Lane Ends: "Alternatives"
    • Examples of how best dealt with
  1. Right turn lane hazard - DNV will add flex posts on a case by case basis
    • "Debugging the network" - please pass on examples where most needed to Duncan.
  • January is budget time. Plan to advocate at DNV Council meetings
  1. Mtn Hwy: Ross Road to Arborlynn - money is budgeted for 2025. If we want it in 2024, we need to convince council to allocate the funds.

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike

Proposed bike lane up Cypress Bowl Road

  • Peter has been asked by John Weston to seek HUB North Shore support to the mayor for this proposal from the Canadian Health and Fitness Institute (see resolution at: https://wiki.bikehub.ca/images/3/37/2024-01-03_Proposed_bike_lane_up_Cypress_Bowl_Road.pdf).
    • Here is the concluding statement of the institute's resolution: "The Canadian Health and Fitness Institute, supported by stakeholders, requests that the District of West Vancouver, at its earliest convenience, create a segregated bicycle lane ascending Cypress Bowl Road."
    • I recommend a brief HUB letter of support to the mayor pointing out that Cypress Bowl Road is within the jurisdiction of the MoTI and there are other higher priority bike infrastructure projects that we would like to see constructed in West Vancouver, especially along the Marine Drive corridor east of 31st Street. Nevertheless, we can support this proposal for two reasons. Firstly, it would help meet HUB's objective of getting more people safely onto bicycles. Secondly, it would support our previous recommendation to the District for safe protected bike lanes on that portion of Cypress Bowl Road that will connect the planned Cypress Village to other West Vancouver Cycling Network components.

Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure - Mike/Don

Communications & Outreach - Rueben/Paul/Heather

  • let us know if there is something we should communicate about - blocked bike lanes, new infrastructure, etc.
  • Implementation of Strava HUB bike club
  • Twitter (Rueben)
    • Posted some photos from the North Van Holiday Bike Parade (Dec 17)
    • Wrote draft "Ode to the Spirit Trail". Will eventually be a 20 tweet thread with 50 photos. Probably will post doc to wiki.
  • Facebook(Heather)

Schools - Paul Janzen

  • Collingwood school program confirmed commencing Jan 29/24.
    • in class sessions leading up to road ride in April.
    • Hub volunteers always invited to attend to see how this works.


  • Jack Lonsdale, after the meeting.
    • Any and all are welcome