2024-03-07 Agenda: Difference between revisions

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===District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike===
===District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike===
'''5 February in-person meeting with Director, Jenn Moller, and Deputy director, Andy Kwan'''
'''5 February in-person meeting with Director, Jenn Moller, and Deputy Director, Andy Kwan'''
*Peter and Paul met for 11/2 hours with Jenn and Andy at the municipal hall.
*Peter and Paul met for 11/2 hours with Jenn and Andy at the municipal hall.
*The Westmount Road project is finished and may be part of a bike route to a future Cypress Village.
*The Westmount Road project is finished and may be part of a bike route to a future Cypress Village.

Revision as of 00:38, 8 March 2024

HUB North Shore Committee regular meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Everybody is welcome.

In-person at the North Vancouver City Library (14th/Lonsdale) in the Don Preston Boardroom (2nd floor).

Or Online, using Google Meets: https://meet.google.com/myr-xmnd-iob

or by Phone: +1 587-977-8033‬ PIN: ‪290 663 905‬#


  • Agenda additions
  • Introductions

Public Input/Consultations

  • Public input is critical when Council and Staff make trade-offs and decisions. Please make sure your voice is heard!!
  • Spirit Trail East - DNV
    • Request separated bike and pedestrian paths to avoid conflicts and congestion seen on other Spirit Trail MUPs

Goals & Objectives


  • Need a coordinator/organizer for Events
  • Earth Day event - Booth? need people - Sat, April 20th in Moodyville Park.
  • Spring Go By Bike Week, June 3-9, 2024.
    • will need people to staff celebrations stations
  • Cargo Bike race - June?

City of North Vancouver - Don(temporary)

  • Meeting with Staff
    • Next meeting late Feb, early March
  • Casano-Loutet Overpass
    • Still waiting for MoTI, hope to start this spring.
  • 3rd St/Cotton/Lower Level Rd
    • They will look into extending bike lane protection for intersection up to Neptune terminal intersection.
    • Asked them to repaint bikelanes on Lynn Creek Bridge
  • Midtown Connector - HUB top priority
    • Currently stalled. Hope to restart this summer.
    • Requested that we be able to provide input on requirements.
      • Central Lonsdale is a Destination, not just a busy road to cross.
  • Chesterfield - North-South route
    • Currently planned after Midtown and Upper levels greenway.
    • Stated this is a HUB Top priority.
      • Also needs to be coordinated with Midtown.
  • Upper Levels Greenway
    • discussions underway with MOTI to ensure they are on board with the proposed changes as 25th is currently the proposed route. Big issue is crossing Lonsdale @ 25th. Will take some time. Next public engagement late in 2024?
    • Also discussing Hwy1 crossing with MoTI
      • Short term: improvements on Lonsdale overpass
      • Long term: proposed new crossing at St Georges
  • St. Andrew's
    • Staff's recommendation approved. Expect to build it this spring dependant on weather.

ITC - Dana & Jonathan

  • When is the next meeting??

First Nations - Kira

District of North Vancouver - Duncan/Stephen/Stewart

  • 1. Projects/sections Expected completed in Next 4-6 months
    • Main Street North Side
    • Mt. Seymour Pkwy: (MSP) improvements Superstore to Parkgate
    • Mtn Hwy - Hwy1 overpass to Arborlynn
    • Salop-Brooksbank-Rufus-Kirkstone Park-Whiteley


  • 2. DNV budget - well done!
    • 9 of 14 comments (65%) mentioned active transportation.
    • Will help protect AT work from the scissors by council and staff.


  • 3. Cargo Bikes at Libraries - Moving Forward
      • RFI issued Dec 18, closes Feb 9.
    • Plan is 8 bikes at several library locations, by May-June 2024.
    • DW attended RFI meeting on 29-Jan-2024. Good to see the progress!


  • Opportunity for Input - Debugging the Network
      • Right turn lane hazard - DNV will add flex posts on a case by case basis - have done at Fromme & 29th.
        • "Debugging the network" - please pass on examples where most needed to Duncan.

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike

5 February in-person meeting with Director, Jenn Moller, and Deputy Director, Andy Kwan

  • Peter and Paul met for 11/2 hours with Jenn and Andy at the municipal hall.
  • The Westmount Road project is finished and may be part of a bike route to a future Cypress Village.
  • The design for the plans to improve the 31st and Marine Drive Intersection will be ready by 31 March with construction planned in 2025.
  • Bike lane on the south side of Marine Drive between the Lions Gate Bridge to Capilano Road - MoTI approval has not yet been received due to the need to narrow traffic lanes and avoid encroaching on Squamish Nation lands.
  • On 4 March, staff will present a report on traffic calming at the 4 March council meeting.
  • On 11 March, staff will present an improved design for the north side of the 2500 block of Marine Drive and would appreciate HUB support.
  • Mathers Ave to Wescot Road MUP - MoTI accepts the concept but has not yet approved the design and $400,000 TransLink funding expires next year.
  • Much of the 2024 active transportation budget will be for sidewalks.
  • Council has adopted the concept of accommodating bikes and pedestrians on Bellevue Ave and automobiles on Marine Drive.
  • Ambleside Local Area Plan - Consultant Dona Howes and staffer, Courtney Miller, are working on the transportation component.
  • Mobility plan - no progress to report - waiting to see the Climate Action Strategy.

DWV Traffic Calming policy

  • On 4 March, Council approved staff's plan to determine how requests for speed humps would be prioritized and for $60,000 to be redirected for installing speed humps.
  • Before the meeting, Paul submitted an email that pointed out the plan's bias toward automobiles and the lack of adequate funding to implement traffic calming measures.
  • Paul also presented at the council meeting his views on the topic.
  • Peter's email said he thought that much more than $60,000 should be allocated to implementing traffic calming and road safety measures for safer cycling.
  • Peter attached to his email his hierarchical list of such measures for safer cycling - https://wiki.bikehub.ca/images/8/8a/2024-03-04_Hierarchy_of_Traffic_Calming_and_Measures_for_Safer_Cycling.pdf
  • Council approved staff's plan and also thought more funds should be spent on traffic calming. The mayor thought that the district should be able to find more funds for traffic calming.

Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure - Mike/Don

Communications & Outreach - Rueben/Paul/Heather

  • Facebook(Heather)
    • SPIRIT TRAIL Maplewood to Deep Cove
    • Translinks new Ridelink app
    • Main Street Improvements
    • Slip lane crowd-source
    • Financial Plan - CNV
  • Other(Heather)
    • Hand-out and online info for the Spirit Trail Maplewood to Deep Cove

Schools - Paul Janzen

  • School programs resuming first week in April.
  • Collingwood road ride April 8 & 9. Volunteers from our committee are welcome.
    • Route to be determined but leaving from Ambleside area near boci field.


  • Jack Lonsdale, after the meeting.
    • Any and all are welcome