2022-02-03 Agenda: Difference between revisions

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* Agenda additions
* Agenda additions
* Introductions
* Introductions
* HUB HQ want a list of 2021 completed projects

* North Shore MLAs
* North Shore MLAs

Revision as of 01:08, 4 February 2022

HUB North Shore Committee regular meetings will be held online using Zoom, on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Everybody is welcome.

Online conference call at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85326713256?pwd=UUNtTGx4NVBSL2FXcFVXY1dVS1pNZz09

By phone: call 778-907-2071, Meeting ID: 853 2671 3256, Passcode: 406068
One tap mobile: +17789072071,,85326713256#,,,,*406068#


  • Agenda additions
  • Introductions
  • HUB HQ want a list of 2021 completed projects
  • North Shore MLAs
    • Meeting with Bowinn Ma & Erin (HUB Exec Director)
      • Slow streets signage and enforcement
      • Updating the MVA to a Safe Roads Act.
    • set up meeting with MLAs - Don

Public Input/Consultations

Goals & Objectives

  • 2021 Goals Setting
  • Review of progress in 2021 & brainstorm ideas for 2022
    • Implementation of 3 top priority Bikeways
    • Establish communications with community stakeholders re Bikeways.
    • Recruit more committee members
      • Groups.io survey
      • Friends & family
      • Email to NS HUB members

City of North Vancouver - Nadia

CNV Key Contacts & Staff Meetings

  • HUB’s primary contact: Brandon Green
  • Next meeting with staff: TBD

Esplanade Complete Street

  • Construction is currently underway between Mahon and St Georges.
  • Bike lanes are maintained in both directions through the work area.
  • Current information can be found at www.cnv.org/ecs
  • Any comments/questions can be directly sent to Mo Bot at ecs@cnv.org

Moody Avenue & 3rd

  • Up and running!

St Andrews Safety Improvements

  • The following are now complete:
    • New sidewalks on the east side
    • Bumpout & yellow delineators (at 9th)
    • Raised crosswalks (at 8th and 9th)
  • Due to a national road paint shortage, the road has not yet been repainted to narrow the travel lane and provide an uphill parking protected bike lane.
  • Once complete, counts will follow to measure changes to volume and speed.
  • Signage:
    • Signage typical on CNV bike routes will be added, confirming users are on the route.
    • Destination based bicycle wayfinding is not included in this project, as it will be delivered once the City develops a broader wayfinding strategy.
  • https://www.cnv.org/-/media/City-of-North-Vancouver/Images/Image-Panels/Streets-and-Transportation/St-Andrews-road-maps.ashx

CNV Mobility Strategy

Community Wellbeing Strategy

At next CNV staff meeting, plan to follow up on:

  • Upper Levels Greenway
  • Carson Graham School Area Active Transportation Improvements
  • Forbes & 3rd
  • Bike storage designs

ITC - Dana & Jonathan

  • New term cycle of ITC with a few new members. Meeting was mostly orientation and an overview of how the City development process works.
  • Note that the Upper Levels Greenway proposal is out for public comment: https://letstalk.cnv.org/upper-levels-greenway

District of North Vancouver - Fred/Don

  • Next Meeting with staff: Feb-24
    • Marine Dr cycling link (south): DWV border – McGuire
    • Mtn Hwy - Arborlynn connector
    • Arborlynn corridor safety study
    • Spirit Trail planning
    • Wayfinding priorities
    • Slow Streets
  • Transportation Workshop - Jan-31
    • over 60 people attended the workshop
    • Upper Lynn Rd
      • Biggest concern is public consultation
      • Also some discussion of Priorities, RoI on this route vs other options.
      • 30% of 1.4M$ cost is for Cycling, rest for lights, sidewalks & bus stops.
      • Not many objections to Phase 1, Phase 2 is more challenging, several options need to be explored.
    • E 29th
      • 3 on Council want to re-instate parking on south side - "compromise"
      • Average 50 users per day in fall 2021
      • Proposed to remove pylons due to safety issues
      • Other 4 councillors focus on safety, long term goal and that numbers will increase as the network grows.
      • Some residents want parking on one side, move bi-directional bike lane to north side.
  • 2022 Construction plans (to be confirmed):
    • Hunter Street Bridge
    • Marine Drive connection?
    • Paisley Rd route
    • Arborlynn connector
    • Welch St
  • 2021 Completed:
    • W 15th
    • Lower Lynn Wayfinding
    • Permanent Traffic counters (LV RD & Welch St Park)

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike


  • https://wiki.bikehub.ca/sites/northshore/images/0/02/2022_DWV_Active_Transport_Proposals.pdf
  • Bike Rack Installation - District-Wide focussing on parks.
  • Marine Drive Bike Lanes - East of LGB planned to be completed this year.
  • Marine Drive Separated Bike Lanes - 26th to 31st.
  • 31st to Westmount Road Active Transportation Upgrades will include some separated uphill bike lanes and sharrows on the downhill lanes.
  • Mathers Avenue Extension of cycling path from the Hugo Ray Connector along local streets (3rd Street and Mathers Avenue as far as 575 Mathers Avenue).
  • Cycling Wayfinding - Hugo Ray to Deep Dene, Capilano Pacific Trail.
  • Mobility Initiatives - 30 km/h Pilot, Shared/Slow Streets, Traffic Calming Policy, School Safety Upgrades.
  • Traffic Signals & Intersection Improvements - Marine at 31st involving upgrades to the intersection, including signalization of the north and south approaches (currently stop-sign controlled).
  • North Shore Connects - Temporary Full Time FTE to support participation in this and other regional initiatives.

21 January meeting with Jenn Moller, Director of Engineering and Transportation

  • Just one 30 km/hr speed restriction zone - signage only as not enough funds for engineering features - will not be a pilot.
  • Slow Streets - depending on funding, will look at what can be done on Bellevue and Ambleside/Dundarave loops.
  • Mobility Plan (formerly an update to the strategic transportation plan) - Kirk and Co. will be doing public engagement this spring - the plan will not be completed this year.
  • Ambleside Local Area Plan - initial step will be driven by a citizen-led initiative that could go on into 2023.
  • We should meet with Sue Ketler, Director of Parks, Culture & Community Services re: the Spirit Trail bypass and Horseshoe Bay Park renovation to get separated bike lanes on Bay Street.
  • Lime e-bike share will be launched in DWV this spring with no helmet mandate.

New path on Welch Street Bridge

  • The official opening will probably be in the spring and could include the unveiling of some Squamish Nation public art.

Cilcovia Family Day Event

  • It is tentatively planned for June or September of this year.
  • HUB North /Shore will not play a major role in the overall organization of the event but has offered to organize the following four proposed components of the event:
    • set up and operate a tent and table to distribute HUB information;
    • coordinate with the North Shore Safety Council to arrange for a bike rodeo;
    • coordinate with DWV Police Dept to see if they will offer 529 Garage registrations; and
    • will lead one or more group bike rides around a predetermined bike loop through Ambleside and Dundarave.

MOTI - Don/Jonathan

  • Lower Lynn Interchanges
    • Mountain Hwy Interchange
      • Protection for Northbound on Mtn-Hwy at south intersection - MoTI will add spring 2022.
    • Mt Seymour parkway/Keith Interchange
      • DNV Ph2/4 wayfinding signage should going up???
    • Main-Dollarton interchange
      • New access ramps to existing tunnel on north side, completed but path ends with fence at Phibbs
      • Sent comments to DNV on Ph3 wayfinding signage.
    • Phibbs exchange upgrade
      • Requested changes to bikelanes on Orwell and wider cross-walks+cross-rides
  • Hwy 1 North Shore Corridor Study: Lynn Valley to Horseshoe Bay
    • Still waiting for draft report - seems that DNV got a copy.
  • Lynn valley & Cap road Interchange Cycling improvement designs -
    • have asked to see and share final designs, next year maybe?
  • Cycling Gaps project
    • Provided comments on draft of MoTI's Gap's list.
    • Next phase will be prioritization, no dates yet.
  • Small projects - maintenance issues
    • Meet with MoTI's Operations Mgr Oct 14th
    • Phillips ave Tunnel barriers - looking to make changes, but best option will require DNV and local resident buy in.
    • Will consider Repairs to Paths between Cap bridg , North interchange and Phillips tunnel in 2022
    • Cypress Bowl Road - MoTI are gathering information. We and others have suggested reallocation of 1 uphill lane during non-ski season.
    • HSB & Exit 0

Communications & Outreach - Heather/Antje/Giacomo/Paul

  • Communications = Paul, Antje, Giacomo, Heather
    • Send Antje photos of new or existing good infrastructure on the North Shore or tag @hubnorthshore on Twitter
    • let us know if there is something we should communicate about - blocked bike lanes, new infrastructure, etc.

Schools -

  • Several folks have expressed interest in working on Bike Educations and encouraging kids to ride to school
  • If a few people are willing to champion this this could be a 2022 goal


  • Ask them about slow streets?