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== 2025 ==

Letter to Minister of Transportation and Transit, Honourable Mike Farnworth, expressing our strong support for Bike Fraser Valley’s position on integrating active transportation infrastructure into the Hwy 1 Corridor Improvement Project.
*[[media:HUBcycling_MoTT_Hwy1Widening.pdf | Letter to Minister of Transportation and Transit - February 06, 2025]]

Letter to Minister of Transportation and Transit, Honourable Mike Farnworth, to request a meeting to discuss how we can collaborate to deliver on the Ministry's mandate.
*[[media:HUB_Cycling_Minister_of_Transportation_and_Transit.pdf | Letter to Minister of Transportation and Transit - February 06, 2025]]

== 2024 ==

Improving Bike Parking Accessibility in New and Existing Buildings
*[[media:BC Policy Recommendations re Building Bike Parking Bylaws - HUB Cycling-69-.pdf | Policy Recommendations re Building Bike Parking Bylaws from HUB Cycling - Nov 2024]]

'''* Horseshoe Bay to Whistler Trail *'''
The District of West Vancouver has been pushing forward the idea of a multi-use trail connecting Horseshoe Bay to Whistler. This trail offers the opportunity of a longer-distance connection between the two communities, and also has significant implications for tourism and recreation. HUB Cycling wrote a letter jointly with BCCC to Minister Popham to support this trail concept.

*[[media:24_-_Letter_in_Support_of_Horseshoe_Bay_to_Whistler_Trail_(2).pdf | Letter in Support of Horseshoe Bay to Whistler Trail - February 24, 2024]]
*[[media:24_-_Response_from_Minister_Popham_-_Horseshoe_Bay_to_Whistler_Trail.pdf | Response from the office of Minister Popham - March 12, 2024]]

== 2023 ==
== 2023 ==

'''* Fraser Valley Highway 1 Corridor Improvement Program *'''
The Provincial government is investing in improvements to active transportation along this corridor. This is an example of a cycle highway which will help make progress toward the Government of BC’s goal to double the number of active transportation trips by 2030, reduce vehicle kilometres travelled, and protect against climate-induced crises like atmospheric rivers. HUB Cycling wrote a letter in support of the plans for Phase 3a of this project, which entails the development of a new multi-use path (MUP) parallel to the highway between the 264th Interchange and Mt. Lehman Road Interchange.
[[media:23_Hwy1_Recommendations.pdf| Enhancing Active Transportation Infrastructure along Highway 1 Corridor 264th to Highway 11 Project - September 13, 2023]]

'''* Meeting with the Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport'''
HUB met with Minister Popham to present the findings of HUB Cycling's research report and analysis of the benefits of cycle highways and discuss how cycle highways can help to achieve the Ministry’s goals.
[[media:2023_May_Letter_to_Minister_Tourism_Re_Cycle_Highways.pdf| Letter to Minister Lana Popham, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport - May 15, 2023]]

'''* Recommendations to improve ICBC’s handling of vulnerable road users' claims within Enhanced Care'''
HUB Cycling has been working with the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General and ICBC staff teams for many years to improve road safety, accountability and insurance coverage options for people cycling and other vulnerable road users. As advocates for safe and accessible cycle infrastructure, we are grateful for the incremental improvements that have been made in that time, including the recent May 1 implementation of the first phases of ICBC’s four-phase plan to serve vulnerable road users better. [[media:2023_May_HUB_Cycling_Recommendations_to_improve_ICBC’s_handling_of_vulnerable_road_users'_claims_within_Enhanced_Care.pdf| Read HUB's Recommendations - May 15, 2023]]

*[[media:2023_Feb_CTAP_Additional_Recommendations.pdf| Additional recommendations on Clean Transportation Action Plan]]
*[[media:638132_-_Response_to_Jeff_Leigh_-_Hub_Cycling.pdf| Response from Minister Ma re: Welcome Letter - Feb 27, 2023]]
*[[media:638132_-_Response_to_Jeff_Leigh_-_Hub_Cycling.pdf| Response from Minister Ma re: Welcome Letter - Feb 27, 2023]]
*[[media:2023_Jan_Letter_to_Ministers_re_Hwy_1_and_Cycle_Highways.pdf | Letter to MoTI re: Cycle Highways on Hwy 1 - 264 St - Whatcom Rd - Jan 20, 2023]]
*[[media:2023_Jan_Letter_to_Ministers_re_Hwy_1_and_Cycle_Highways.pdf | Letter to MoTI re: Cycle Highways on Hwy 1 - 264 St - Whatcom Rd - Jan 20, 2023]]
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== 2022 ==
== 2022 ==
*[[Media:Additional_Recommendations_for_MVA_Reform.pdf | Letter from HUB Cycling and BCCC re: Additional Recommendations for MVA Reform - Dec 6, 2022]]
*[[Media:Additional_Recommendations_for_MVA_Reform.pdf | Letter from HUB Cycling and BCCC re: Additional Recommendations for MVA Reform - Dec 6, 2022]]
*HUB Cycling, Capital Bikes, Trails Society of BC and the BC Cycling Coalition submitted short-term and long-term strategies and tangible actions, background context, and evidence to help meet the 2030 emission reduction targets set forth by the provincial government. These recommendations are a follow-up to the recommendations HUB Cycling submitted on June 15, 2021. [[Media:22Action_RecomendationLetter_ClimateActionSecretariat(CAS).pdf| Recomendation Letter to Climate Action Secretariat (CAS) - Nov 22, 2022]]
*[[Media:22Action_RecomendationLetter_ClimateActionSecretariat(CAS).pdf| Recommendation Letter to Climate Action Secretariat (CAS) - Nov 22, 2022]] | Background: HUB Cycling, Capital Bikes, Trails Society of BC and the BC Cycling Coalition submitted short-term and long-term strategies and tangible actions, background context, and evidence to help meet the 2030 emission reduction targets set forth by the provincial government. These recommendations are a follow-up to the recommendations HUB Cycling submitted on June 15, 2021.

*[[Media:PBR-TIC-PM-LTR-00751_R0_HUB_Response_Means_Prevention_20221027.pdf | Response from TI Corp re Means Prevention Barrioer for Pattullo bridge - Nov 17, 2022]]
*[[Media:PBR-TIC-PM-LTR-00751_R0_HUB_Response_Means_Prevention_20221027.pdf | Response from TI Corp re Means Prevention Barrier for Pattullo bridge - Nov 17, 2022]]
*[[Media:2022-09-19 - Letter to MoTI re Hwy 7 Widening Maple Ridge.pdf| Letter to MoTI re Hwy 7 Widening Maple Ridge - Sept 19, 2022]]
*[[Media:2022-09-19 - Letter to MoTI re Hwy 7 Widening Maple Ridge.pdf| Letter to MoTI re Hwy 7 Widening Maple Ridge - Sept 19, 2022]]
*[[Media:22 - Letter to TI Corp re Means Prevention Barrier for new Pattullo bridge.pdf|Letter to TI Corp regarding concerns about proposed fencing on new Pattullo Bridge - Sept 8, 2022]]
*[[Media:22 - Letter to TI Corp re Means Prevention Barrier for new Pattullo bridge.pdf|Letter to TI Corp regarding concerns about proposed fencing on new Pattullo Bridge - Sept 8, 2022]]

Latest revision as of 17:19, 11 March 2025

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Letter to Minister of Transportation and Transit, Honourable Mike Farnworth, expressing our strong support for Bike Fraser Valley’s position on integrating active transportation infrastructure into the Hwy 1 Corridor Improvement Project.

Letter to Minister of Transportation and Transit, Honourable Mike Farnworth, to request a meeting to discuss how we can collaborate to deliver on the Ministry's mandate.


Improving Bike Parking Accessibility in New and Existing Buildings

* Horseshoe Bay to Whistler Trail * The District of West Vancouver has been pushing forward the idea of a multi-use trail connecting Horseshoe Bay to Whistler. This trail offers the opportunity of a longer-distance connection between the two communities, and also has significant implications for tourism and recreation. HUB Cycling wrote a letter jointly with BCCC to Minister Popham to support this trail concept.


* Fraser Valley Highway 1 Corridor Improvement Program * The Provincial government is investing in improvements to active transportation along this corridor. This is an example of a cycle highway which will help make progress toward the Government of BC’s goal to double the number of active transportation trips by 2030, reduce vehicle kilometres travelled, and protect against climate-induced crises like atmospheric rivers. HUB Cycling wrote a letter in support of the plans for Phase 3a of this project, which entails the development of a new multi-use path (MUP) parallel to the highway between the 264th Interchange and Mt. Lehman Road Interchange. Enhancing Active Transportation Infrastructure along Highway 1 Corridor 264th to Highway 11 Project - September 13, 2023

* Meeting with the Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport HUB met with Minister Popham to present the findings of HUB Cycling's research report and analysis of the benefits of cycle highways and discuss how cycle highways can help to achieve the Ministry’s goals. Letter to Minister Lana Popham, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport - May 15, 2023

* Recommendations to improve ICBC’s handling of vulnerable road users' claims within Enhanced Care HUB Cycling has been working with the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General and ICBC staff teams for many years to improve road safety, accountability and insurance coverage options for people cycling and other vulnerable road users. As advocates for safe and accessible cycle infrastructure, we are grateful for the incremental improvements that have been made in that time, including the recent May 1 implementation of the first phases of ICBC’s four-phase plan to serve vulnerable road users better. Read HUB's Recommendations - May 15, 2023