TriCities Meeting agenda Sept 1 2015
TriCities HUB Committee Meeting Agenda
Date/time: Sept 1, 2015, 7:00-8:50PM.
Location: Coquitlam Public Library, 1169 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam
Agenda: (preliminary)
1. Updates regarding Port Mann bridge and related issues
-Signage requests
-Sign prohibitions on pedestrians
-Memo from HUB re deficiencies
-Metro Van water line updates
-MUP from Maryhill/United to Macquabeak
2. Bike-to-work stations coming up:
-Ioco and Murray on Mon Oct 26th afternoon in Port Moody.
-Landsdowne and Guilford on Wed Oct 28th 6:30am-9am in Coquitlam
Local committee support is requested
3. Event requests
-Rivers and trails festival,Sept 27, Port Coquitlam (Volunteeers: Simon,Dave D, +?)Request: Info table. Confirmed.
-Burrard inlet Fish Festival, Sept 26th, from noon to 6pm, at Rock Point Park. Request:Info table/tent, workshop on benefits of cycling
-Coquitlam Crunch Challenge,Sept 12.(Jack has details)
4. Tent purchase
5. Brunette-Lougheed intersection. How are the new markings working?
6. AOB
Simon Watkins TriCities HUB Committee