TriCities Meeting agenda Jan 6 2015

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TriCities HUB Committee Meeting Agenda

Date/time: Tuesday Jan 6, 2015, 7:00-8:50PM.

Location: Coquitlam Public Library, 1169 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam

Agenda: (suggested)

1. Issues and updates arising from November assessment ride of new Port Mann bike lanes

2. Ideas for increasing participation in local committee from different demographic/gender groups:)

3. Input for HUB Regional Action Plan:HUB is currently working on the Regional Action Plan for 2015 and would like to include a few priorities from each region.

Some potential items:

-North-south connections between new Barnet bike lanes and existing Guildford bike lanes

-Connection to Central Valley Greenway along South side of Highway 1

-Improvements and amendments to the cycling facilities/access on and around the new Pitt River Bridge

-Continuation and completion of bike access routes along Lougheed Highway, between Schoolhouse and Coquitlam Centre, as well as on the North side between the Pitt River Bridge and Ottawa Street

-Improving safety and access for cyclists on Kingsway, especially around Broadway Street, & as an access point towards the Pitt River Bridge

-Improving cycling network connectivity throughout the Tri-Cities region

-Connectivity with Port Moody

Heather Harvey writes: "We would like to update both the Action Plan as well as the HUB website with your current issues/projects and past successes, it would be great if the committee could spend some time discussing and agreeing on some priorities in your next meeting if you haven't already."

3. AOB

Simon Watkins TriCities HUB Committee