October 2024

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In Attendance

Andrew, Colin, Colleen, Brian, Winter

Report of the Co-Chair (Colin)

  • Colin discussed the maze gate initiative with the Langley committee who hopes for similar success.

New Business

Presentation - Seaview/Glenayre Cycling Improvements

  • Presentation by Brian and Winter
  • Noted 50% of students walk to Ecole Glenayre but the other 50% drive despite relatively close catchment for non-French immersion students
  • Brian and Winter noted the following infrastructure challenges:
    • Lack of curb drop from Seaview turning southbound onto Glenayre protected bike lane
    • Lack of curb drop from Angela turning southbound onto Glenayre protected bike lane
    • No curbdrop at entrance to Heritage Woods Secondary on David/Heritage Mountain Drive
    • Lack of bike infrastructure on Cecile Drive north/south near Seaview Elementary despite wide roads
    • Potential for bidirectional infrastructure on College Park Way between Cardiff Way gate south to Seaview Elementary

Next Steps:

  1. Brian & Winter to prepare map for letdown improvements for HUB to use in lobbying
  2. Brian to submit delegation request form for Council