March 2020
In attendance
Kathryn, Andrew, Geoff, Fiona, Scott, Dragana, Mark, Neil
Jack Trumley's departure
Let's plan on how to keep relationships with Coquitlam established.
Scott S. went to a meeting with the City of Coquitlam and knows a few people. Canisius Chan, Aaron Dixon, Mark Dylag Action item: Scott is willing to email them and be our new point
2020 Action Plan
[1] Andrew to send it around and we’ll work on it collectively 2018 Action Plan is here [2]
Infrastructure Successes for 2019
[3] Andrew to enter all of: (done)
* Gatensbury Road * Murray Street bikeway extension * Moody and Clarke to Skytrain connector * Coq Central Skytrain to Riverview path building “Riverview Greenway” including a new bridge. * Sheep Paddock Trail (Metro) * Heritage Mtn separated extension * Burquitlam bike parkade (2020 so we'll save it for next year) * PoCo station bike parkade (2020 so we'll save it for next year)
HUB Bike Awards follow up
Burquitlam parkade follow up
Nice parkade, no infrastructure at all in the surrounding area. What communication actually happened between the city and Translink? Action item: Can we send Coquitlam an email regarding whether they plan to improve infrastructure around Burquitlam Central? Andrew to ask Scott do do this.
Sheep Paddock Trail article follow up
Can we think about inviting Mario Bartel to a meeting? At any rate let’s consider emailing him when we have something we’re cranky about
HUB Board Meeting follow up
Coquitlam River bridge
MUPS along Lougheed are planned Action item: Kathleen to email Melony Burton, Forrest Smith, Kristin Dixon, CAO
City of Vancouver VanConnect [5]
Dragana knows about this
State of Cycling project is complete
Looks really good! Group action item: Let’s endeavor to study it and consider how we can use it to further our goals.
2020 20 in 20
1. 2019 spreadsheet: 2. Location is a must. Dragana's app is perfect for this. 3. Photo of the location and problem are a must. Please send photos to for insertion in the spreadsheet. 4. Focus on relationship building and getting the ball rolling, rather than getting great big problems fixed. 5. Requests must meet the 20/20 criteria - small fixes that do not need a capital budget - things like cleaning up a trail, small repairs like a broken bollard, tree trimming. 20 simple tasks that can be done in 20 days. 6. Our requests last year were a bit too large hence they weren't completed. Let's let the cities meet with success.
Metro Van ferry survey
Metro Van Climate 2050 survey
Highland Games volunteers
Kathleen and Dragana volunteered Fiona to consider emailing Mario Let’s get the word out in April and May (event is in
Any other business?
Climate 2050 action event in Vancouver on Thursday Cycling: what works [8]