Burnaby LC Minutes - July 2024

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2024 July 9 Monthly Meeting

7pm with Arseni, Jasper, Hank, Leandro, Sebastian

  1. Approved previous minutes.
  2. Additions to the agenda: set date for next assessment ride.
  3. South-East Bikeway report is sent out, Sebastian will upload to wiki. Same for CS-RO letter.
  4. Arseni to check with HUB about follow up letter after ride with Jagmeet Singh
  5. Lougheed flexi bollards: Jasper to email to City staff
  6. HUB Presidents ride: Sebastian to reply to email again
  7. MOTI routes: Arseni will try to extract a list of roads from the gov resource
  8. Next assessment ride: CVG maybe on Aug 10, 10am
  9. Social ride next Saturday: all set for it
  10. Update on letters, partly already discussed above
  11. Arseni to start wiki section with accomplishments

Meeting adjourned 7:57pm