Burnaby LC Agenda - June 2024

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Meeting Link & General Information

The HUB Cycling Burnaby Local Committee meets every month on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. The committee meets online, via Google Meet. This month's is scheduled for June 11th, 2024 • 7:00-8:30 PM Online, via Google Meet | Meeting ID: sqc-krmo-ewn

General Agenda Items

Welcome and Introductions
Approval of Previous [1]
Additions to Agenda

Monthly Agenda Items

Letter in Support of Bike Lockers
Next Assessment Ride
Discussion of OCP - We have access to the same surveys as everyone else, but maybe we can do more?
Follow-up Letter about Jagmeet Singh Ride
Discord Clean-up
Update on Felt exporting


June Ride - We talked about having a ride in June last meeting. Let's set a date?

Infrastructure and Gap Priorities

Letters & Correspondence

Wayburne -
Gilmore/Myrtle - hold
North Gamma Bike Measures - message regarding transforming Gamma into an official bike route and adding more bike features as it is calmed and easily connects the Trans Canada to the Frances Union
Oakdale - awaiting further Guidance from RAC
Maze Gates - Data collected - need to start writing
Barnet Hwy - contact city staff
Gilmore and Myrtle - contact city staff

Remaining Budget

Remaining Budget Sheet