January 2021

From committees
Revision as of 15:44, 6 January 2021 by Watgringo (talk | contribs)
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In attendance

Andrew, Vince, Dragana, Colleen, Riitaa, Leon

Kathryn stepping down as committee co-chair

Too bad! More co-chairs solicited (not very well) by Andrew

Letters of support

Four new letters of support for Coquitlam HUB_Tri-Cities_letters_to_the_Tri-Cities_and_Parks_Board

This is really promising. Coquitlam want to build separated, bike-specific (non-MUP) infrastructure in a number of places, some of which are on or adjacent to high priority gaps for our committee.

Todo: Let Dragana know about future Letters Todo: Mention on the wiki/ elsewhere that the Guildford gap is also a gap in the TCT/ Great Trail

Argue Street to United Boulevard path

Leon and Vince to attend meeting this week (Friday) regarding MOTI plans to create a path on the south side of the Mary Hill Bypass, from Argue Street to United Boulevard. Andrew can be Vince's understudy. Leon is hoping that the illegal trail from Colony Farm past the forensic psychiatric hostpital can connect up with this as part of a future legitimization. If it's done properly, this route will connect with three ways to get to Colony Farm.

Committee priorities for 2021

Streamlined and edited version of 2020 priorities list. Major changes:

  • Changed "improve our visibility in the community" to "improve our integration with the community".
    • Idea is that we want to lend our strength to concerned citizens, and leverage citizen strength towards committee goals.
  • Changed "improve connections with munis" to "maintain connections with munis".
  • Added something about clarifying what priorities we want to get done, when. Andrew to look into this.
  • Action item: Andrew to create and send Helen a GoToMeeting link for an ad in the Tri-City News.

Any other business

20 in 20 2020

Dragana received feedback from Port Moody regarding the Quick Fix campaign. It is outlined here: [ https://draganarad.github.io/TriCityQuickFix2020/ ] Coquitlam sent information to Evan which he is still processing. Andrew is supposed to go out to PoCo and take a picture of a completed Quick Fix on the Coast Meridian Overpass.

Coquitlam Connect app integration with our Quick Fix app

The Coquitlam Connect app is used to report city issues, etc. It includes a list of City Apps. Dragana is trying to see whether her app can be included in the official City Apps list.

Meeting with Madeline Service

Dragana has been invited to meet with Madeline Service from HUB this month.

Meeting with Evan and Navdeep

Andrew had a meeting with Nav and Evan from HUB regarding how to be an effective committee chair. Nav pointed me (Andrew) towards this Getting Involved page including HUB positions on issues such as e-bikes and rigid bollards. This is a really useful resource that helps us present a coherent set of wishes to municipalities and other bodies. [ https://bikehub.ca/get-involved ]