2024-10-03 Summary

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Attending; Don (chair), Duncan, Derrick, Heather, Rhonda, Erika, Paul J., Jacob, Nicole, Vince, Theresa (1st meeting) On line Peter, Rueben, Rhiannon

Meeting commenced 6:31 pm


  • No changes to agenda.

Consultation & Public Inputs

  • Nothing currently.


  • Shipyard Festival/Car Free days. Was very well attended.
  • Go by bike week September 23-October 6.
  • Cargo bike event planned to resume summer 2025. Organized by Roland. He will gladly accept volunteers to help.

Priorities and goals for 2025

  • In 2021 we identified three major corridors as priority routes requiring improvements.
    • Harbour to Headways (Lower Lonsdale to Lynn Town Center).
    • Creek to Peak (Lynn Creek to Lynn Valley Town Center).
    • Main to Marine (Dundarave to Maplewood).
  • Updated priorities are outlined here: https://wiki.bikehub.ca/images/5/51/HUB-NS_2024_Goals_v2.pdf

City of North Vancouver - Rhonda & Heather

  • Don had meeting with staff mid September and another one October 3.
  • Casano overpass held up waiting for permits.
  • Midtown connector likely to include 13 Street.
  • Chesterfield under review. CNV has asked for our input on the best option for handling bike infrastructure along this corridor specifically sb from 13. Discussion ensued. Note - there are no specs in the BC design guide on how best to handle steep DH sections.
    • Action item- Don to contact HuB staff about previous methods of handling this.

First Nations

  • No update this month.

District of North Vancouver - Duncan/Stephen/Stewart

  • meeting held September 5, another to come in October. Numerous topics discussed as outlined in the agenda.
  • cargo bike program in hibernation as of November 2 2024. Resuming in spring.
    • Action item-Duncan to investigate status of improvements LGB to Cap road EB. Funding in place.

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Paul S.

  • Next meeting will address the need to update the Strategic TransportPlan to include AT. This plan dates back to 2012 and badly needs revisions. We will also submit top priorities.
  • Work begun on extension to Hugo Ray MUP to Westcott but requires MOTI approval.
  • Marine Drive EB from Taylor Way to Cap River. There is an existing sidewalk that could be converted to a MUP for access through to Spirit Trail. Peter to discuss with staff.


  • Phibbs project complete. Adjacent work is being done to install under bridge lighting and drainage improvements.
  • Sign on approach to IWMB is confusing. Don has emailed to have it removed or clarified.
  • Bike lanes on Mountain hiway between Keith road and #1 need repainting. These were installed by MOTI who then handed off maintenance chores to the district. Don to investigate adding a barrier.


  • Rueben has posted images of the updated bike lane on 13 in front of LGH as well as the GBBW stations.
  • Facebook post shows closure of Mountain hiway above seven sisters by Grouse Mountain Resort. Paul J. To report back on details.
  • GBBW has a mechanism to report rides via Strava app. Don notes our munis use Strava to look for data on routes. Paul will follow up with info from Cathy and Ann to see if we can bolster this.

Meeting adjourned 8:17 pm.