Current Public Consultations

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Revision as of 02:23, 11 October 2023 by Duncanwilcock (talk | contribs)
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Public input is critical when Council and Staff make trade-offs and decisions.
Please make sure your voice is heard!!

The Section titles below are linked to the surveys.

Central Mountain Hwy Safety improvements (Arborlynn to Lynn Valley Road)

  • Safety improvements including bikelanes, sidewalks and improved crossings.
    • Open House - Thursday, Oct-12th, 6-8pm, Karen Magnussen Community Recreation Centre, Eagle Room
  • Link to the Survey now open until Oct 24th, 2023 (~5 mins, 6 webpages with mostly multiple choice)


  • Some things you may want to consider when completing the survey:
    • On the 5th page, Ross Rd to E 27th Street regarding the - Bikelane southbound + MUP northbound
      • The Bikelanes should be protected where possible. Plastic posts in the buffer on segments without Driveways, and the Upper Lynn Valley Rd design where there are driveways.
      • Prefer to see a sidewalk plus a separate protected bike lane on the East side. Busy Multi-User Paths not comfortable for either people walking or on bikes - especially with the continued growth of ebikes.
      • The Bike lanes need to be extended all the way past Ross Rd to join the existing bike lanes on Lynn Valley Road, Otherwise there will be a one block "Gap" that is not comfortable for most people on Bikes.
    • Whiteley Crt to E18th
      • Option 1 provides more comfort for both people walking and on bikes. Ensure the bikes lanes are wide enough to allow passing.
      • On block or segments with no driveways the Bikelanes on the west side should be protected with plastic posts in the buffer. (North & south of 24th, power line crossing, ...)
      • On segments with driveways the west side bikelanes should use the Upper Lynn Valley design.
    • East 18th Street to Arborlynn Drive
      • We think both should be implemented - and at the very least - 14th to 18th requires protected bike lanes. In our comments we noted that this was a 'false choice' and requested both. A direct, but busy route for the confident people on bikes - especially on the downhill. The quieter route is important for the less confident people on bikes (“Interested but concerned”)
      • We recommend selecting Option 1 in the choices, since that is all that is allowed by the choices. Some additional comments:
      • Option 1 - Mtn Hwy - slightly less steep, but next to heavy traffic
        • Ensure the bikelanes are protected from traffic, and with concrete barriers at the sharp corners
        • The bikelanes should be wide enough to permit passing, especially uphill.
      • Option 2 - Neignbourhood bikeway on E18th, Appin, Arbourlynn - bit steeper, much quieter.
        • Protected bikelanes on both sides of Arbourlynn with separated sidewalk. Busy Multi-User Paths are not comfortable for people walking or on bikes. Bi-directional bike paths on one side of bi-directional streets are a well known hazard.
        • Consider a connection along Appin, up 20th, along Viewlynn to E27th. This would provide an alternative, quiet neighbourhood bikeway all the way to Lynn Valley Town Centre.