2022-02-03 Agenda

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Revision as of 00:01, 3 February 2022 by imported>Peter Scholefield (→‎District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike)
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HUB North Shore Committee regular meetings will be held online using Zoom, on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Everybody is welcome.

Online conference call at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85326713256?pwd=UUNtTGx4NVBSL2FXcFVXY1dVS1pNZz09

By phone: call 778-907-2071, Meeting ID: 853 2671 3256, Passcode: 406068
One tap mobile: +17789072071,,85326713256#,,,,*406068#


  • Agenda additions
  • Introductions

Public Input/Consultations

  • Public input is critical when Council and Staff make trade-offs and decisions. Please make sure your voice is heard!!

Goals & Objectives

  • 2021 Goals Setting
  • Review of progress in 2021 & brainstorm ideas for 2022
    • Implementation of 3 top priority Bikeways
    • Establish communications with community stakeholders re Bikeways.
    • Recruit more committee members
      • Groups.io survey
      • Friends & family
      • Email to NS HUB members

City of North Vancouver - Nadia

CNV Key Contacts & Staff Meetings

  • HUB’s primary contact: Brandon Green
  • Next meeting with staff: TBD

Esplanade Complete Street

  • Construction is currently underway between Lonsdale and St Georges and between Mahon and Chesterfield.
    • Between Lonsdale & St Georges:
      • Bike lanes are maintained in both directions through the work area
    • Between Mahon & Chesterfield:
      • Bike lanes will be maintained eastbound through the work area
      • Cyclists travelling westbound will be directed to merge with traffic for a half block between Chesterfield and Semisch. An optional detour is available by travelling north on Chesterfield to 1st Street.
  • Information can be found at www.cnv.org/ecs
    • Any comments/questions can be directly sent to Mo Bot at ecs@cnv.org

Brooksbank Avenue

  • Since the lanes initially went in, the City installed a no right turn on red sign and changed the signal phasing to have an advanced walk for pedestrians

Moody Avenue

  • Poles & lights are in, but still covered.

Community Wellbeing Strategy

St Andrews Safety Improvements

CNV Mobility Strategy

  • Staff recently presented the Draft Mobility Strategy to Council
  • “When finished, it will be the playbook that guides decisions about how we plan, design, operate, maintain and invest in our transportation system today and over the next decade, in order to best respond to current and emerging needs, issues and opportunities.”
  • Located here (in the Dec 13 Agenda Pack, starting on pg.123): link
  • Hub to provide our feedback in early 2022.

Waterfront Transportation Network Survey

  • Survey closed on December 10th
  • Targeted towards people who live, work or visit the City’s waterfront
  • Some comments regarding cycling: more bike parking, better/clearer bike routes (wayfinding signage with destinations, pavement markings), separation of walking & cycling, slower car speeds,car free areas (e.g. in front of the art gallery at Lonsdale/Carrie Cates

ITC - Dana & Jonathan

District of North Vancouver - Fred/Don

  • Next Meeting with staff: Feb-24
  • Transportation Workshop - Jan-31
    • over 60 people attended the workshop
    • Upper Lynn Rd
      • Biggest concern is public consultation
      • Also some discussion of Priorities, RoI on this route vs other options.
      • 30% of 1.4M$ cost is for Cycling, rest for lights, sidewalks & bus stops.
      • Not many objections to Phase 1, Phase 2 is more challenging, several options need to be explored.
    • E 29th
      • 3 on Council want to re-instate parking on south side - "compromise"
      • Average 50 users per day in fall 2021
      • Proposed to remove pylons due to safety issues
      • Other 4 councillors focus on safety, long term goal and that numbers will increase as the network grows.
      • Some residents want parking on one side, move bi-directional bike lane to north side.
  • Tatlow + W15th
    • Mostly completed - Asked for traffic measurement results - whole DNV report due in Jan 2022.
    • Working on design for the connection on Marine between Capilano Rd and Garden. Hope to build next spring.
  • Arborlyn Connector
    • requested schedule update

  • Capilano Rd/Highway Underpass MOTI project
    • budget request for a joint design with MoTI in 2022
    • Investigating replace the barriers in Phillips tunnel with fence at south end (on DNV roadway) to make entry to Phillips Ave safer
  • Other
    • Wayfinding signage - Lower Lynn Ph 1/2/4 designs done, Ph3 (main/dollarton) - underway.

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike


  • https://wiki.bikehub.ca/sites/northshore/images/0/02/2022_DWV_Active_Transport_Proposals.pdf
  • Bike Rack Installation - District-Wide focussing on parks.
  • Marine Drive Bike Lanes - East of LGB planned to completed this year.
  • Marine Drive Separated Bike Lanes - 26th to 31st.
  • 31st to Westmount Road Active Transportation Upgrades will include some separated uphill bike lanes and sharrows on the downhill lanes.
  • Mathers Avenue Extension of cycling path from the Hugo Ray Connector along local streets (3rd Street and Mathers Avenue as far as 575 Mathers Avenue).
  • Cycling Wayfinding - Hugo Ray to Deep Dene, Capilano Pacific Trail.
  • Mobility Initiatives - 30 km/h Pilot, Shared/Slow Streets, Traffic Calming Policy, School Safety Upgrades.
  • Traffic Signals & Intersection Improvements - Marine at 31st involving upgrades to the intersection, including signalization of the north and south approaches (currently stop-sign controlled).
  • North Shore Connects - Temporary Full Time FTE to support participation in this and other regional initiatives.

21 January meeting with Jenn Moller, Director of Engineering and transportation

  • Just one 30 km/hr speed restriction zone - signage only as not enough funds for engineering features - will not be a pilot.
  • Slow Streets - depending on funding, will look at what can be done on Bellevue and Ambleside/Dundarave loops.
  • Mobility Plan (formerly an update to the strategic transportation plan) - Kirk and Co. will be doing public engagement this spring - the plan will not be completed this year.
  • Ambleside Local Area Plan - initial step will be driven by a citizen-led initiative that could go on into 2023.
  • We should meet with Sue Ketler, Director of Parks, Culture & Community Services re: the Spirt Trail bypass and Horseshoe Bay Park renovation to get separated bike lanes on Bay Street.
  • Lime e-bike share will be launched in DWV this spring with no helmet mandate.

New path on Welch Street Bridge

  • HUB Infrastructure Improvement Award to be presented to Park Royal, DWV, and Squamish Nation at virtual HUB awards ceremony on 24 February.
  • Don to be videoed at his home with a script presenting the award.
  • It is being proposed that with Peter as MC, Don will present the awards to the recipients on the path on 9 February and Paul will video acceptance speeches.
  • The official opening will probably be in the spring and could include the unveiling of some Squmish Nation public art.

MOTI - Don/Jonathan

  • Lower Lynn Interchanges
    • Mountain Hwy Interchange
      • Protection for Northbound on Mtn-Hwy at south intersection - MoTI will add next year.
    • Mt Seymour parkway/Keith Interchange
      • DNV wayfinding signage should going up???
    • Main-Dollarton interchange
      • New access ramps to existing tunnel on north side underway, completed
      • Sent comments to DNV on wayfinding signage.
    • Phibbs exchange upgrade
      • Requested changes to bikelanes on Orwell and wider cross-walks+cross-rides
  • Hwy 1 North Shore Corridor Study: Lynn Valley to Horseshoe Bay
    • Still waiting for draft report - by end of year?
  • BC Economic Recovery funding -
    • have asked to see and share final designs, next year maybe?
  • Cycling Gaps project
    • Provided comments on draft of MoTI's Gap's list.
    • Next paste will be prioritization, no dates yet.
  • Small projects - maintenance issues
    • Meet with MoTI's Operations Mgr Oct 14th
    • Phillips ave Tunnel barriers - looking to make changes, but best option will require DNV and local resident buy in.
    • Will consider Repairs to Paths between Cap bridg , North interchange and Phillips tunnel in 2022
    • Cypress Bowl Road - MoTI are gathering information. We and others have suggested reallocation of 1 uphill lane during non-ski season.
    • HSB & Exit 0

Communications & Outreach - Heather/Antje/Giacomo/Paul


  • Communications = Paul, Antje, Giacomo, Heather
    • let us know if there is something we should communicate about - blocked bike lanes, new infrastructure, etc.

Translink - Antje

  • Secure bike parking at Lonsdale Quay
