2020-08-13 Agenda

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Revision as of 05:44, 12 August 2020 by imported>Peter Scholefield (→‎District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter)
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HUB North Shore Committee holds regular meetings at 6:30pm - 8:30pm on the second Thursday of every month. Everybody is welcome. For our July meeting we will be using an online conference call using https://join.me/868-277-869 . You can also phone in (audio only) at +1.778.654.8779,,868-277-869 #

  • Agenda additions
  • Introductions

Goals & Objectives

  • 2020 Goals Overview - presentation
    • Implementation of 3 top priority Bikeways
      • Analysis of current state all segments of the 3 Bikeways and next steps for each
      • will be added to UnGap the Map database
    • Establish communications with community stakeholders re Bikeways.
      • Set-up meeting with West Van Chamber of Commerce & Ambleside Dundarave BIA - On Hold
      • Prepare message to share with NS Cycle clubs/organization - Heather/Don


  • State of Cycling Update
    • Gather updates and "informal" bike routes to be added on Map (purple lines)
  • Schedule Meetings with North Shore MLAs - Don
    • Hwy 1 East side connector by MoTI as part of Lower-Lynn interchanges project
    • Updating the MVA to a Safe Roads Act.


  • 3 new ones - Don is preparing replies
    • Jill re Marine Dr from Taylor Way to LGB

City of North Vancouver - Erika/Heather

  • Esplanade
    • New delineators and buffers separating the bike lane from vehicle traffic. Feedback?
  • St Andrews / 17th:
    • reducing speeds on those shared open streets to 30 kmh. Signs are up on both streets. Heard complaints second-hand that traffic has increased on adjacent streets.
    • traffic diverters on 13th and 15th and St Andrews
    • other traffic calming on St. Andrews

Take the Open Streets Survey here https://letstalk.cnv.org/open-streets-in-the-city and please write to Council with your support for Open Streets road reallocations and traffic calming.

  • Cotton (opposite Park & Tilford)

Technically this MUP is open but the west side entrance has a bumpy letdown. Reminder sent to Justin Hall.

  • Local bikeway spot improvements STILL coming:
    • Signal coming at 4th & Lonsdale for 4th street bike route with traffic calming (diverters) planned at intersections @ Chesterfield and @ St Georges
    • Signal at 3rd & St Andrews

District of North Vancouver - Don/Ryan

  • 1st Avenue West
    • Parking protected bike lane once. Treatment plant construction allows. Will be coordinated with City design.
  • LV rd & E 29th
    • Considered Qwick Kurb as well as cast in place concrete curbs similar to Beatty Street in Vancouver, but too expensive.
    • Reduced fast lane width on Lynn Valley Road allowed a 0.3m bike lane buffer space after repaving. Will install permanent style plastic posts this fall. This will allow passing as the cycle lane is only 1.5m
    • Plan to also install on 29th
    • Public consultation for Upper Lynn Valley Road bike lane postponed until at least the fall
  • Targeted OCP Review
    • Public consultation on hold.
  • Marine / Mcguire pinch point
    • DNV reviewing internally to see what can be done with the space available.
  • Salop / Mountain Highway trails
    • Tentative wayfinding signage comments provided to District but no installations yet.
    • Bollard adjustment north end of Lynnmouth pathway connection.
  • North end of Mtn Hwy overpass connection with Arbourlynn:
    • Consultant is working on options expected in Fall.
    • Meeting in Sept to coordinate on MoTI connections and Corridor Study.
  • Casano connector route to LV TC.
    • Public consultation on hold

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter

  • Response to COVID-19 pandemic
    • Peter, Paul and Joe Weiler met with John Calimente on 17 July to discuss the next phases of slow streets implementation.
    • Just after the BC Day holiday weekend, Phase 2 was implemented extending the Bellevue Avenue slow street signage to 31st Street along a route south of the railway tracks.
    • Consideration and implementation of the next phases of slow streets, including loops through Ambleside and Dundarave has been postponed until next year due to insufficient resources available.
    • John Calimente has provided proposed route maps of phase 3 to Peter, Paul and Joe.
  • Park Royal Gateway Residences public hearing - it has been rescheduled for 16 July and both Paul and and Peter have written to the mayor and council in support of the additional 95 rental units and mentioning our satisfaction with the inclusion end-of-trip cycling facilities and the storage of a Cycling Without Age trishaw. There is no plan yet, but we are hopeful for a safe connection to and from the development for cyclists.
  • Cypress Village

MOTI - Antje/Don

  • Lower Lynn Interchanges
    • Active transportation safety audit of Mountain Hwy Interchange
    • Potential bike path along east side of Hwy 1 between Main and Fern - expecting constant report in Aug
    • Keith/Brooksbank intersection signal issues (CNV/DNV)
  • Hwy 1 North Shore Corridor Study Lynn Valley to Horseshoe Bay
  • Maintenance of bridges, causeway
    • To follow up

Developers - Fred/Don

  • Currently active:
    • Park Royal ...- want to add 95 rental units, with no parking
    • UPDATE?
    • Harbourside (near King's Mill park)
      • Provided input on HUB submission for Cycling Amenities to be included in 1st phase of development.