Meeting Summary: Apr 12, 2018

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Revision as of 06:52, 28 April 2018 by imported>Peter Scholefield
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  • Introductions:Tony (chair) Tammy, Ian, Dave, Martyn, Fiona, Ian (cycling without age), Peter S, Fred, Erica,
    • Ian is from West Van and is working to get established a Cycling Without Age service (see: through the West Van Senior's Activity Centre.
    • As this is cycling based service using three wheeled rickshaws to take elderly people (typically from nursing homes) on outings, he thought that HUB would be supportive of this activity.
    • He has been in contact with Paul Stott who is an organizer of the Silver Wheels Cycling club at the West Van Senior's Activity Centre.
  • Presentation to HUB board meeting on 11 April -
    • Peter and Fred attended the meeting and each shared a 15-minute presentation on our activities to the board.
    • In response to a question about what HUB HQ could do for us, Fred mentioned Phibbs Exchange – we met with designers about two months ago to give them our input – they are going to redevelop the whole site to make more room for buses - there will be a bike connection up to Orwell but no good plan for east-west bike traffic.
  • Events: There is a HUB NS calendar which can be incorporated into a calendar program:
    • Earth day on 22 April noon to 3 at Eastview Park - Don has volunteers.
    • Bike to Shore Escape Adventures 6 May 11-2pm Location: Lynn Valley Village Square
      • Dave will promote bike skills with info from Tim Welsh at HUB HQ
      • North Shore Safety Council- ns safety council will be there.
      • Our Community Bikes ( be there. They are a collectively run community bike shop for D.I.Y. bicycle repair and affordable bike maintenance.
      • Dave is thinking of group rides like a Janes Walk event (, in Lynn Valley that day.
      • Tammy has a poster that she wants to distribute.
    • HUB- NS BTWW Plan - Tuesday May 29th 4-6 at IWMB – Dianne will be getting supplies for booth and Obsession Bikes will man a maintenance tent.
    • Coastal Health will have a station by the hospital
    • We will get permit for Tammy from Escape for a station on Grand Blvd on Green Necklace – we are doing the booth on the afternoon of Thursday - Lynn Valley bikes will be there.
    • an updated list of other BTWW celebration stations, including Lions Gate Bridge 4-6 pm on 28 May, can be found at:
  • Bike Day in Canada - msybe on 11 June on Monday and maybe atWaterfront Park – perhpas it could be coordinated with the opening of Mosquito Creek section of Spirit Trail - if so we should strike a committee.
  • Martyn would like to get Councillors from Vancouver city and north shore on a bike infrastructure ride using the Sea Bus.
  • Consider recommending to NS Councils changes to the Motor Vehicle Act -
    • It was agreed that we should send letters to the three municipality councils - Don will draft a letter.
  • Yahoo group – Erika will test the Google system before we consider switching – maybe a demonstration at next month's meeting.
  • Tony suggested that we consider rotating chairs - one for each municipality.
  • Letters:

District of North Vancouver

  • Highway 1/Lower Lynn Improvements Project
  • Dave will write a letter re the accident
  • 2018 repaving list – Don has it and put them on the maps about 12 segments - He will send out out the list and map again – the red sections are on cycle routes.
  • Plan overview for Mountain Highway to Fern St. and off road trails discussion March 16, 2018
  • Paul Pakulak, Section Manager Streets, accepts HUB Bike Award for DNV responsiveness to cyclist concerns
  • Kirkstone Greenways for Cycling -
  • 2018 DNV repaving list / budget spend - received
    • Background: March 2018 DNV provided a preliminary list of paving projects to Tony. I have reviewed the list and compared them to the 2012 Bicycle Master Plan, BMP. All of the paving segments that are part of the BMP I have highlighted in red on the map. The ones that are not are in grey. The orange lines are cycle routes that are currently have an ongoing review/comment program.
    • Proposal: We should gather comments on the segments listed below using our yahoo group, and discuss/approval a draft at our May meeting and then submit them with a request to see the plans for cycle improvements to be included as part of these repaving projects.
    • Paving segments in the 2012 Bicycle Master Plan:
      • 29th Street – DNV currently has a comment open on there website. We should continue to encourage people to contribute. Also HUB NS should submit an official letter with our recommendations.
      • Highlands Blvd – DNV currently has a pilot on this segment. HUB NS should submit an official letter with our recommendations.
      • Queens - DNV currently has a pilot on this segment. HUB NS should submit an official letter with our recommendations.
      • Mountain Hwy - 1250 Mtn Hwy to 14th St. Steep, narrow S turn on busy road. ask for protected bike lanes, to connect to new Mtn HWY overpass.
      • West 15th/Roosevelt St – 2 block segment Pemberton to McKay Creek(CNV), needs review, ask for protected bike lanes, to be extended later?
      • Spicer – 1 block on-road segment that connects 2 off-road segments, request protected bike lanes?
      • Arbourlynn Drive – short segment Hoskins to 20th, needs review, ask for protected bike lanes, to be extended later?
      • Philip – 1 block on residential street. Any improvements needed? Connection to the underpass?

  • Maplewood Plan - HUB by Invitation Only Attendance (Darwin Properties and the Tsleil-Waututh Nation)- invitation to a meeting to better understand the Active Transportation values related to the North Shore Innovation District site (ie. Maplewood Northlands).

District of West Vancouver

Bowen Island

  • now on ungap the map and an area for growth

City of North Vancouver

  • 13th St E between Lonsdale and St. George's - southside development and Bike Master Plan Implementation update
  • W. 1st work to install sidewalks. Work does not include funding for bike lanes, but future work is possible additional consultation required.

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

Other Letters or Actions Required

  • 2012 Bike Masterplan Updates: 3rd Street / 2nd Street / Mahon -> Planned for 2018
  • HUB Structure and Sub-Committee Focus - discuss rotating chairs and note takers

Meeting notes 12 Apr 18

Introductions:Tony (chair) Tammy, Ian, Dave, Martyn, Fiona, Ian (cycling without age), Peter S, Fred, Erica,

Ian working to get esablished at west Va Seniors łœʼnŧ ŧø æ łøĸßħøþ ł→ŧħ Paul stott ßœœ ł” ß→ŧœ

Annual Committee Budget (annual budget cycle ends on March 31st and does NOT carry over to next fiscal) HQ discussion Fred and I Phibbs exchnage – we met with desgners about two monts ago to give them our input– redevelop whole site more room for buses bike connection up to Orwell -no good plan for east-west bike traffic 3wheel covered bikes pilot velo-mode pilot at UBC Events- Earth day on 22nd noon to 3 at Eastview Park – Bike to shore Escape 6 May Dave will promote buke skill with info from tim ?Welsh at HUB HQ- ns safety council will be there our community bike will be there who getolder used bikes – Dave is thinking of group rides Janes Walk, in Lynn Valley that day -Tammy has a poster that she wants to distribute – Tamy will have a Gleneales bike fest me to enquire

BTWW- 29th 4-6 at IWMB – Dianne getting supplies for booth Obsession bike – on Tusday Coastal Health by hospital we will get permit for Tammy from Escape on Grand Blvd on Green Necklace– we are doing the booth afternoon of thursget the list of seven – Lynn Valley bikes Bike day in canada msybe on 11 June on Monday maybe Waterfron Park – coordinate with opening of Mosquito Cree section of spiri trail strike a committee Martyn would like to get councu illors from Vancouvr city and north shore on a bike infrastuctur ride using the Sea Bus

Motor vehcile act letters from councillors – we send them a a ltter Don will draft

Yahoo group – Erika will test the Google system before we consider switching – maybe a demon next month

Rotating chairs one for each municpality

DNV -open hous for Hwy 1Mountian Highway interchange see Tony's email 6 April with all of our letters on the 14th – we need to send out a reminder 4 phases of one integrate project – need connection to IWMb and spirit trail – attend if you use the IWMB – there are drwaing but we can;t se thm yet

Dave will write a letter re accidnt

2018 repaving list – Don has it and put them on the maps about 12 segmnets and wants a par from thos who ride the segment – Don will send out out the list and map again – red section are on cycle routes BC BC ferries- Fred will attend 23 April workshop

me on 752 and Wardnce bridge

Tony will try to meet with First Nations Carling

tony at Advisory planning commisiisn -open house on 26 april re Harry Jerome -separated greeen neck section for one block bdige separtste bike lanes 1.8 m either side of 23rd lonsdale to St georges in addition to the green necklace

east 13th

adolfo showied drawing to tony buffers and green painted bike lanes 
brochure for handouts at events

Events: - Bike to Shore March and at Lynn Valley Square – we are invited – get bus bike rack? Escape Adventures Date: Sunday, March 4th and/or Sunday, May 6th Times: 11-2pm Location: Lynn Valley Village Square Letters:

Future of HUB NS - Yahoo Group - move to Google? - Erika will look at some options - tags Integrated North shore Transportation Planning Project File:Integrated North Shore Tranporation Planning Project 18jan08-6.1.pdf - District of North Vancouver Update on ACDI - HUB meeting on Brooksbank Intersection giacomo Tony and Antje at a meeting two weeks ago got contacted and gave feedback and accepted our suggestions - 25 January letter Update on Meeting with MoTI review of Phibbs Exchange See recent letters: Follow up with DNV on Phibbs Exchange designs - meeting on skype erika was there - bike path across main street and then over to Orwell - we sent them a letter and District is going to rework the design we sent a letter of support for BikeBC funding to get separated lanes wesugest a tunnel for cyclis to cirlc under hyw1 on the south side of Main ?st. 2018 DNV repaving list / budget spend - Tony wrpte informal request - he wrote but no response Maplewood Plan - HUB By Invitation Only Attendance (Darwin Properties and the Tsleil-Waututh Nation) invitation to a meeting to better understand the Active Transportation values related to the North Shore Innovation District site (ie. Maplewood Northlands). a date for the meeting in March in old international school suggest gettin a First Nation contac to come to our meeting – Tony got a contact from chief ian campblee but no follow-up – Tammy knows of a mountain biker that we could that we were spefic District of West Vancouver Park Royal Plan - Wardance Bridge update File:2017-12-13 email to Ms Leemhuis.pdf s acording to Park royal Parke royal engaing a peer review company anf feel that it can be wider still working on it – plan to start in Drawings of proposals for 20 February meeting with Engineering & Transportation staff Horseshoe Bay - Park Royal Marine Drive overview - Park Royal 752 Marine Drive - Skilift and Folkstone Way - City of North Vancouver Jan 26 - T. Valente Meeting with Michael Epp - Director of Planning which now includes Land Use and Transportation new org structure mike director dragana reports to him went for a beer at jack Lonsdale – planning and operations aeparate -300 eplanade west too narrow don't put construction sign in bike lanes – prearing document which we haven't seen yet – could be prvocnial guidelines – suggest ot HUB HQ get a HUB rep on the integrated planning committee bike possibility shar on the north shore MOBI Letter / Jan 15th Council Meeting support for crosswalk usage clarification [1] 13th east of Lonsdale – will be done when south side of 13th redevelopment "Construction Guidelines for Bike Lane Closures” to assist in ensuring bike safety when bike lanes are closed due to construction, and we anticipate them being completed in fall. Follow Up. New gap: two blocks of 16th Street West, in North Vancouver, between Marine Drive and Fell Ave. Jones to Chesterfiled done wih a flashing crosswalk at 21st Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Lower Lynn Interchanges project update Phibbs Exchange Update BC Ferries Committee Formation [2]( we need to draft a letter for cycling infrastructure HUB Structure and Sub-Committee Focus Other Letters or Actions Required Spirit Trail baffles at Pemberton and Welch – need a video of a family with a bike trailer. 2012 Bike Masterplan Updates: 3rd Street / 2nd Street / Mahon -> Planned for 2018 we need standards for cycling infrastruture – we should get a link to TAC gudlines that were updarted in 2016 nacto nation get low hanging fruit list up