Meeting Summary: March 10, 2016

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  1. Attendance: Brian, Antje, Peter S, Tony (Chair), Peter T, Martyn, Fiona, Dianne, Nelson, Anastasia NS emergency Management office, Fred, Erika, Heather
  2. Membership - deferred to next meeting
  3. Remaining $285 for HUB-NS from HUB 2015/16 budget
    • It was agree that we should put the remaining funds toward the purchase of a tent and Tony will follow-up with HUB HQ.
  4. Review of upcoming events
    • We will participate in the Gleneagles Bikefest Saturday, May 28 10am-1pm at the Gleneagles Community Centre
  5. Delegations to CNV and DWV Councils
    • An application form for a delegation has been obtained from DWV and we should propose to talk about AAA bicycle infrastructure.
    • For the CNV we should thank then for recent improvements in cycling infrastructure and urge them to include cycling with new planning
  6. Municipalities
    • CNV Update (10 min Heather)
      • Spirit Trail 3rd St to Lynn Creek
      • Application to be on the CNV Integrated Transportation Committee- Brian applied
      • East Keith and Grand Boulevard
    • DNV Update (10 min Antje)
      • Lynn Valley Road bike lanes
      • Potential council workshop on AAA bike network / Kay Teschke
    • DWV Update (10 min Peter)
      • HUB letter on Keith Road Safety Improvements has been sent to HUB HQ for approval
      • Response from DWV on Spirit Trail Safety Improvements- HUB letter to all 3 municipalities letter needed re: green paint in crosswalks - Action Peter.
      • Spirit Trail through Ambleside waterfront - HUB letter to all West Van mayor and councillors needed to support extended Spirit Trail with separation and through passage for cyclists - Action Peter.
      • 2016 capital cycling infrastructure projects - mayor suggests sending a list of proposed bike route signage to Raymond Fung.
  7. Status of Draft #Ungapthemap list (5 min Tony)

7.30pm Social Gathering at Jack Lonsdale's Pub (1433 Lonsdale Ave)with North Shore Mountain Bike Association Notes 10 March 2015

nelson, Anastasia NS emergency Management office, Fred, Erika, Diann, Peter, Brian, Antje, Heather Martyn

1. 1. $285 get a tent tony 2. we will participate 3. will apply to West Van – and city of NV – HUB- NS update and include cycling with new planning 4. Brian not on but could attend as public– Tony Transport planning advisory committee 5. Spirit Trail letter went and thanked them for the design 4m and three suggestions to improve it – will be final segment of city NV trail 6. East Keith- paved with bike paths on each side Brian wonder who would use them – Erkia would use it going up – lot s of discussion about its utility 7. DNV update – DNV has some funding for Lynn Valley connection to CNV bike lanes – just painted 1.5m bike lanes – send a letter request separated bike lanes - Antje will draft one. - council workshop a good idea – mtn hiwa with Moti Feb 16th – a posoed designs we alighned with Coast Heater and mountain bike association – we will go to projec manager – they are working on a desing which will be prsented a next open house – will be some densesification – we sent them some info on bike infrastructure standards 8. DWV – get olympic village 9. cnada bikes bike day in Canada 30 May– get RCMP involved – get mountain bikers as well – get library involved – wilkenson won't be here but lets get his office involved. 10. Emergency – all across north shore start an emergency bike team – follow example from Victoria – deliver supplies and messages – meeting 14 April 1630 - 1800 in RCMP office just before our meeting – conversion voluteers – just off the street – like to train a team free. We will get an inviation to distribute – inlude mountian bike association.