Meeting Agenda: November 12, 2015

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The HUB North Shore Committee holds regular meetings at 6:30pm - 8:30pm on the second Thursday of every month. Everybody is welcome. The meetings are at the North Vancouver City Library (14th/Lonsdale) in the Don Preston Boardroom (2nd floor).

  1. Introduction and Attendance (5 min)
  2. Minutes Review (5 min)
  3. Review of Upcoming Events List
  4. BTWW summary
    • Thank you card for Nester's Grocery - committee to sign
  5. Cycling Expo on October 18, 2015 Lynn Valley Village summary (Fiona)
  6. Delegation presentation for District of North Van council meeting Oct 26 summary (Antje)
  7. AAA workshop plans for CNV and DNV (Heather, Antje)
    • CNV ITC meeting in December - what would our group like to discuss?
    • Likely DNV Council Committee of the Whole meeting end of November
  8. Municipality engagement strategies
    • CNV Update (Heather)
      • Green Necklace E Keith and Grand Blvd
      • Chesterfield
    • DNV Update
      • Lower Mountain Highway (Antje)
      • E Keith at Mountain Highway Interchange (Antje)
      • Street width/sidewalk changes in Maplewood
      • Spirit Trail barrier at Welch/Pemberton
    • DWV Update
  9. MoTI update
    • Mountain Highway Interchange (Antje)
    • Ironworkers Memorial Bridge (Antje)
  10. Other business
  11. Next meeting is planned for December 10

December Items

  1. Update group assessment ride along the Spirit Trail (Peter 10 min)
  2. Moreno Zanotto from

CNV City of North Vancouver DNV District of North Vancouver DWV District of West Vancouver MoTI Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure