Meeting Summary: December 6, 2012

From committees
Revision as of 04:12, 7 December 2012 by imported>Antje Wahl
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  • Heather, Antje, Fiona, Helen
  • Guest: Paul Cheng, TravelSmart Specialist, TransLink
  • Additional agenda items

Education & Outreach

  • TravelSmart North Shore schools neighbourhood maps (Paul Cheng)
    • Provide input what routes are safe, not necessarily bike routes
    • Consolidate info and bring back to January meeting (Jan 3) to discuss, scan/email to Paul
    • Includes schools interested in participating
    • Get maps on school apps, websites
    • Helen wants to contact West Van high school
    • Heather: Queen Mary, Upper Lynn, Boundary, Argyle
    • Fiona: Ridgeway, Queensbury
    • Helen: Highlands, Canyons Heights, Cedardale, Carson Graham
    • Antje: Brooksbank, Sherwood Park
  • North Shore bike map update and next print run (Paul, Antje)


  • Ironworkers Memorial Bridge update (Fiona)
  • Ambleside streetscape plan (Heather)
  • Low Level Road update (Heather)
  • DNV Town and Village Centre implementation plans (Antje)
    • tabled

Other Business

  • New committee chair: Antje
  • North Shore Christmas gathering? Not this year, go to HUB Holiday Party
  • HUB Holiday Party Dec 19
  • Donna Chen, HUB Bike Friendly Business Program Manager, at January meeting
  • Mauree Aki Matsusaka, HUB Communications, at January meeting
  • North Shore Pedal Pushers