2020-12-10 Agenda

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Revision as of 02:33, 10 December 2020 by imported>Peter Scholefield (→‎District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike)
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HUB North Shore Committee holds regular meetings at 6:30pm - 8:30pm on the second Thursday of every month. Everybody is welcome. Our October meeting we will be an online conference call using https://join.me/677-584-149 . You can also phone in (audio only) at +1.778.654.8779,,677-584-149 #

  • Agenda additions
  • Introductions


  • Schedule Meetings with North Shore MLAs
    • Topics to cover
      • Over view of HUB and North Shore committee's Goals & Activities
      • Updating the MVA to a Safe Roads Act.
      • Incentives for e-Bikes
    • Met with Susie Chant on Nov-27 - Giacomo & Don
  • Public Input/Consultations:
    • CNV - Esplanade
    • DWV -
  • HUB 2020 Infrastructure award
    • NS Candidates?
    • W 1st

Goals & Objectives

  • 2020 Goals Overview
  • Review of our progress/lack towards the goals in 2020
    • Implementation of 3 top priority Bikeways
      • Analysis of current state all segments of the 3 Bikeways and next steps for each
      • will be added to UnGap the Map database
    • Establish communications with community stakeholders re Bikeways.
      • Set-up meeting with West Van Chamber of Commerce & Ambleside Dundarave BIA - On Hold
      • Prepare message to share with NS Cycle clubs/organization
  • Goals for 2021
    • What do we need to change from our 2020 ones?
    • Any new ones to consider?

City of North Vancouver - Erika/Heather

  • eBike Pilot Project
    • Council approved a two-year pilot of an ebike share in the City. The project was originally all three municipalities, but they could not find a vendor who would bid under the original conditions. New parameters have been developed which include Geo-fencing for return on bikes to designated spots. The City is putting up $50,000 to develop the places where bikes can return to. Otherwise, the service provider must absorb all costs. The contract is going out to bid shortly and it is likely that we will have an ebike share service on the ground early spring. If the pilot is successful, then other munis may follow suit.

  • Open Streets Survey
    • The City is asking for feedback on their Open Streets project. It is worth participating because they will be looking at expansion or contraction.

Key street in central Lonsdale is Lonsdale and there is no room designate for bikes there. If you fill in the survey and you think a bike lane would be good, please make that comment. They are also asking for where more open streets might help. 17th and St. Andrews were good for bikes, but not for pedestrians. Maybe a more continuous barrier would help pedestrians feel safer. https://letstalk.cnv.org/open-streets-in-the-city/survey_tools/open-streets-feedback

  • Ridgeway Speed Reductions
    • The city will expand the existing 30km/hr speed zone around Ridgeway School to include local streets throughout the broader Ridgeway neighbourhood.

  • Esplanade Update
    • Community engagement starts November 16th. Detailed design in winter and more engagement winter-spring 2021 Construction to begin in summer/fall 2021

  • 1st Street
    • The painted lines are in and parking was prohibited, however no parking signs are no longer posted so cars are parking in the bike lane. We are talking to staff tomorrow to find out when the flex posts will be installed and will report back. The pinch point at Fell is gone.

  • Casano Loutet Overpass
    • Construction to begin January 2021

Casano loutet.jpg

  • East Keith
    • Meeting with staff tomorrow to discuss the pinch point at Heywood on the south side of East Keith Road

East Keith Road.jpg

  • City Priority Routes

Phase 1

    • 1st Street (in construction now)
    • Casano-Loutet overpass (construction starts in Jan)
    • Jones

Phase 2

    • Esplanade (public consultation)
    • Midtown Connector to Casano Loutet bridge - 13th to Boulevard then up to 17th?
    • Upper Levels Greenway East

Phase 3

    • St. Davids
    • Chesterfield 13th down
    • Upper Levels Greenway West

District of North Vancouver - Sibylle/Fred

  • 2020 Transportation workshop - Nov 9th
    • staff proposed a multi-year implementation plan to Council for approval
      • 7of 15M$ will be District money, rest from grants
        • More of the transportation budget is allocated to Alternative Transportation than roads/cars going forward - to address the deficit of alternative infrastructure.
      • Generally aligned with our priorities, though not completely. Requested staff try to reprioritized some of the plan.
      • Also some of the Key sections in Town Centres is dependant on Future redevelopment, which will leave gaps, especially in Lynn Creek TC.
    • 2021 Plan:
      • Tatlow+W15th
        • Ruffus/Kirkstone and Brooksbank to connect to Casano/Loutet overpass
      • Hunter street bridge in Lynn Creek TC
      • Steep MUP from Deep Cove to Parkgate via Indian River neighbourhood
      • Upper LV Road from TC to Peters
    • also budget for missing Wayfinding signage
  • Other
    • Plastic post have been installed on East 29th.
  • DNV Priority Bike Network Engagement
    • The received over 1808 submissions to the survey.
    • Should be published in next week or so.
    • Key points:
      • 82% Cycle (vs 89% drive, 72% walk and 34 use public transit)
      • 42% cycle 3+ times a week, 30% 1-10 times a month
      • 77% exercise, 75% rec, 47% commute, 42% utility (shop, ...)
      • Reasons not to cycle: #1 Safety, #2 Incomplete network
      • Feel safe? 21% yes, 27% neutral, 50% NO (16% strongly)
      • Cycle more: 79% continuous route, 50% good surface, 45 secure parking
      • Safety concerns 47% separation, 22% collisions, 14% dooring,
      • Comments - most common: Protected/separated (529)

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike

MOTI - Antje/Don

  • Lower Lynn - Monthly meeting
    • Phase 3 - Construction around Main St and the Ironworkers bridgehead
      • Main south side path closed for Oct into Nov - most detour improvements that we requested have been done
      • Bridge west sidewalk closed all winter into spring
      • Phibbs Exchange work to start in spring
  • Hwy 1 North Shore Corridor Study Lynn Valley to Horseshoe Bay
    • Waiting for draft report
  • Taylor Way interchange
    • Several issues raised by West Van resident

Developers - Fred/Paul & Peter

  • Currently active:
    • West Van ????
    • Anthem Seymour Estates - Lytton Ave (opposite Ron Andrews Recreation Centre ) scheduled for public hearing September 14. This will be the first reading. To participate, send email to James Gordon, Manager of administrative services, gordonja@dnv.org
  • Seymour Estates redevelopment proposal received DNV Council approval to proceed to a public hearing.
    • The public hearing was conducted virtually due to Covid but because of technical glitches was aborted halfway and is now postponed to 15 December.
  • Lower Lynn Development
    • Redevelopment applications are in the pipeline for Oxford Street. Expect some of these to be approved in the new year as they will be market rentals and below markets apartments. Being close to Phibbs, they will minimize parking requirements. A proposed redevelopment at 1515-1555 Oxford St with 134 units on six storeys with 114 underground parking spaces and 216 spaces for bicycle spaces for residents and visitors. Ebike charging was mentioned at the council presentation. The project got a good reception.
    • Oxford Street will have bike paths both sides connecting with paths on Mountain Hwy.
    • It was noted that these developments will be concurrent with the Phibbs Exchange upgrade which suggests it could become a significant bottleneck.

Communications & Outreach - Heather/Antje/Giacomo/Paul

  • Go by Bike Campaign Update
  • Instagram account
    • We may use HUB HQ's account instead to post North Shore images
    • On hold since we need a collection of images first
  • Build photo library of utility cycling on the North Shore that can be used for social media, communications and provided to the media (e.g. North Shore News)