2020-07-09 Agenda

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Revision as of 00:05, 4 July 2020 by imported>Dpiercy (→‎MOTI - Antje/Don)
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HUB North Shore Committee holds regular meetings at 6:30pm - 8:30pm on the second Thursday of every month. Everybody is welcome. For our July meeting we will be using an online conference call using https://join.me/412-812-291 . You can also phone in (audio only) at +1.778.654.8779,,412-812-291 #

  • Agenda additions
  • Introductions

Goals & Objectives

  • 2020 Goals Overview - presentation
    • Implementation of 3 top priority Bikeways
      • Analysis of current state all segments of the 3 Bikeways and next steps for each
    • Establish communications with community stakeholders re Bikeways.
      • Set-up meeting with West Van Chamber of Commerce & Ambleside Dundarave BIA - On Hold
      • Prepare message to share with NS Cycle clubs/organization - Heather/Don


City of North Vancouver - Erika/Heather

  • Esplanade
    • New delineators and buffers separating the bike lane from vehicle traffic. Feedback?
  • St Andrews / 17th:
    • reducing speeds on those shared open streets to 30 kmh. Signs are up on both streets. Heard complaints second-hand that traffic has increased on adjacent streets.
    • traffic diverters on 13th and 15th and St Andrews
    • other traffic calming on St. Andrews

Take the Open Streets Survey here https://letstalk.cnv.org/open-streets-in-the-city and please write to Council with your support for Open Streets road reallocations and traffic calming.

  • Cotton (opposite Park & Tilford)

Technically this MUP is open but the west side entrance has a bumpy letdown. Reminder sent to Justin Hall.

  • Local bikeway spot improvements STILL coming:
    • Signal coming at 4th & Lonsdale for 4th street bike route with traffic calming (diverters) planned at intersections @ Chesterfield and @ St Georges
    • Signal at 3rd & St Andrews

District of North Vancouver - Don/Ryan

  • COVID-19 Responses
    • Sent HUB letter to District urging action. See the letters to governments section.
    • Sent suggested spacing opportunities to Steve Carney.
    • Changes in District to date focus on RPO restrictions and parking removal in Deep Cove and Edgemont Village areas for outdoor seating areas. Need to continue to press for safe space for those walking/travelling by bike given increases in demand.
    • It is anticipated Translink grants / shared funding for cycling will be retained despite other Translink cuts.
  • 1st Avenue West
    • Parking protected bike lane will follow Metro Vancouver work completion. Will be coordinated with City design.
  • Delineator post styles
    • Considering Qwick Kurb posts as well as cast in place concrete similar to Beatty Street in Vancouver.
    • Reviewing opportunity to reduce fast lane width on Lynn Valley Road with repaving which could allow for more bike lane buffer space and fewer post strikes.
  • Targeted OCP Review
    • Public consultation on hold.
  • Marine / Mcguire pinch point
    • DNV reviewing internally to see what can be done with the space available.
  • Salop / Mountain Highway trails
    • Tentative wayfinding signage comments provided to District but no installations yet.
    • Bollard adjustment north end of Lynnmouth pathway connection.
  • North end of Mtn Hwy overpass connection with Arbourlynn:
    • Jay had sent a a proposal to provide bike access in this area a while ago.
    • Arbourlynn pathway connection is to tie-in somehow with the new north side MUP that will connect across Lynn Creek and reach the northeast corner of the Mountain Highway westbound off-ramp.
    • Property is very constrained and staff are reviewing right of way.
  • Casano connector route to LV TC.
    • Public consultation on hold
  • Upper Lynn Valley Road bike lane
    • Public consultation postponed until at least the fall

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter

  • Response to COVID-19 pandemic
    • letter dated 13 May sent to the Mayor and Councillors with suggestions on how to take advantage of the situation to improve active transportation. Here is the letter: http://wiki.bikehub.ca/northshore/images/6/61/2020-04-14_LDWV_V4.1Final_200513.pdf
    • 26 May meeting with the Ambleside Dundarave Business Improvement Association (ADBIA) regarding a possible Ciclovia
    • West Vancouver proposed "Slow Streets" initiative
      • Teleconference call on 5 June between Peter, Paul, Jeff Leigh and DWV Councillor, Craig Cameron, to discuss a possible "slow streets" strategy for West Vancouver based on the Vancouver experience.
      • Peter and Paul consulted with John Calimente on 7 June by emailing him our comments on proposed phase 1 and phase 2 routes.
      • Additionally, we responded to his request for examples of "slow streets" infrastructure in Vancouver (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiDqUh2gits).

MOTI - Antje/Don

  • Lower Lynn Interchanges update
    • Main outstanding item: bike path along east side of Hwy 1 between Main and Fern, to connect with new path system at Lillooet Interchange
  • Hwy 1 North Shore Corridor Study Lynn Valley to Horseshoe Bay
  • Maintenance of bridges, causeway
    • To follow up

Schools - Tammy/Martyn

  • Presented at the North Shore Safety Council meeting Dec-4 about HUB's School Education programs that are available.
  • Met on January 29 with Natalie Corbo at City of North Vancouver to understand how HUB ride programs were funded at schools in the City.
  • Next steps are to set up meeting with Communications Manager at North Van School District and with Transportation Planner at DNV to see how we can get school buy-in and funding in the DNV.
  • Communication Managers at SD44 are now Maria Spitale-Leisk and Taralee Hallson. They took over for Deneka Michaud. Meeting was to be scheduled at the end of April, but this has now been put off until the next school year.
  • Samantha Morrison – NVRC – has obtained grants previously for physical literacy. She suggested Viasport.ca, a provincial non-profit advocacy group for sport, as a possible source for grants.
  • Paul set up a meeting with DWV, Emily Willobee, Transportation/Engineering; Policy and Planning –
    • Tammy and Paul met with Emily on March 13, 2020. DWV has programs that it funds and offers to schools. The programs are defined by what the schools are interested in. Emily encourages NS HUB to meet with SD45 to provide an overview of their bike education programs. Emily is willing to be present.
  • Due to COVID-19, all discussions with schools are on hold.
  • The May HUB newsletter indicated their Learn 2 Ride course will be an on line course, possibly in early June. Sign up for notification is available. This is a modified course designed for ages 9-12 years old and covers cycling safely and confidently around your neighbourhood.

Developers - Fred/Don

  • Currently active:
    • Cap Mall redevelopment - Initial Public comments -
    • Park Royal ...- want to add 95 rental units, with no parking
    • Proposed West Vancouver council bicycles parking requirements bylaw stemming from CEEP and the Climate Emergency declaration.
    • TRC Maplewood Plaza mixed use development.
      • 75 long term residential/commercial bike parking/storage
      • 6 short term bike parking
      • Developer very receptive to concept of a secure bike room on EACH floor of building similar to adjacent Maplewood Plaza project already approved.

Communications & Outreach - Heather/Antje/Martyn

  • Go by Bike Campaign Update
  • Instagram account
  • Build photo library of utility cycling on the North Shore that can be used for social media, communications and provided to the media (e.g. North Shore News)

Translink - Fred/Erika

  • Phibbs Exchange design:
    • TransLink& MoTI agreed to removed bollards and cyclist must dismount signage.
    • The pathway will be tight though the exchange
    • Brave cyclists have option to use 1.5m unprotected bike lane on WB on Main between traffic and bus pull-outs.
    • They will have some bike boxes and are looking into how to do per-use payments (vs monthly)
    • Asked them to talk to DNV about space for future bike-share