Meeting Summary: August 11, 2016

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Revision as of 05:11, 17 August 2016 by imported>Tony
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  • A. Attendees: Tony, Rob C, Don P , Fred, Fiona, Anjte, Diane, Martin, Ellie
  • B. HUB HQ report (Ellie)
    • I. Bike to shop day (13-Aug) – Celebration station @ Park Royal
      • a) Need posters earlier so we can distribute them on the NS.
    • II. Bike the Night – Laura is prime
    • III. Advocacy training session at conference lead by Erin of HUB HQ
    • IV. UnGapThe map – working on next steps
    • V. Tony to nominate Peter for award.
    • VI. Nominations open for HUB BoD positions.
  • C. Up Coming Events:
    • I. Car Free day – Saturday the 13th only
    • II. CNV movie night (Fri 19th) -
      • a) Antje – has part for a game, needs to be finished
      • b) Hub HQ – may have leftover (snacks) we can use.
      • c) Get game & flags from HUB HQ – who to pickup?
    • III. Coho Festival (11-Sep) – would need a prime (Dianne?) and 6 staff
      • a) Still confirming if we can have a booth with Coho Society
    • IV. 21-Sep: Picnic – Not organizing a group ride from the North Shore
    • V. 28-Aug: Fraserfest – 2 cycle routes to Ambleside – need 2 leads + 2 sweeps:
      • a) Fiona leading the long one (10:00-14:00) – ask for help on yahoo group.
    • VI. B2Work – 23-30 Oct-2016
    • VII. Passion event next summer – Tony – Dawn bike ride (as in Europe)
      • a) On Bike Day in Canada (May)? Or on Weekend?
    • VIII. Bike rides tied to existing events “Art Crawl” (apr) and “Art in the Garden”?
      • a) Need prime to contact NS Arts committee: Tony/Antje/Martin
      • b) Rider leader can act as “bike valet” at each stop.
  • D. DNV
    • I. LV road cross section – 3.3m roadways, 1.7/1.8m bike lanes with flexi-bollard
    • II. Hwy 1 underpass – next year (N of hwy only)
    • III. Cap road – painted bike lanes only? - Don & Martin to enquire
    • IV. Library – getting bike repair stations (based on king's county, Seattle)
      • a) Phibbs exchange has one. - but not well publicized.
      • b) Add these to bike maps & public secure bike parking?
  • E. CNV
    • I. 3rd Oct – AAA discussion with council – adjust definition based on Kay's results
    • II. Add cycle issues to their CityFix app. (bylaw enforcement?) - who will make request?
  • F. WV
  • I. Need update on Royal Ave in Horseshoe Bay decision by council
  • G. Maps: - working on new print run. Asked HUB HQ help.