Meeting Summary: November 4, 2010: Difference between revisions

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imported>Jay MacDonald
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imported>Jay MacDonald
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* Bart to inform group about mid November Spirit Trail open house
* Bart to inform group about mid November Spirit Trail open house
* Carolyn and Diana to ride their bikes! Give us feedback! Help flesh out the [[Hot Spots]] and [[Routes and Short Cuts]] pages!
* Carolyn and Diana to ride their bikes! Give us feedback! Help flesh out the [[Hot Spots]] and [[Routes and Short Cuts]] pages!
* '''someone''' to follow up with VACC regarding printed collateral for tables
* Jay to follow up with VACC regarding printed collateral for tables
* Heather to remember to invite radio/TV to do live interviews at commuter stations during spring BTWW

Revision as of 15:36, 5 November 2010

Attendance & Agenda

In attendance: John, Lorraine, Heather, Antje, Tamiko, Carolyn, Diana, Richard, Peter, Jay

  • Welcome new members and guests
  • Additional business
  • Review October minutes

Education & Outreach

  • VACC on JBAC (Jay)
    • Reported on cllr Bassam's statement about future plans for JBAC in District
    • Taking wait and see approach
    • Generally positive vibe about VACC participation amongst JBAC and from Clrs Bassam and Heywood
    • Jay to follow up with an email to Bassam to understand more
    • Heather suggested getting out a press release when we have more information
  • November Bike to Work Week recap
    • 75 cyclists on VERY rainy Monday morning station, 30 of whom stopped and enjoyed coffee, fruit and bagels
    • Need to review the location for next spring. Too many riders missed due to split nature of approaches to bridge (but being under bridge helped in the rain!) - two separate stations on same day?
    • Seabus commuter station?
    • 276 riders at LGB on Tuesday
    • Construction contributed to amount of stopping at LGB station
    • No one attended the CapU station on Tuesday
    • Thursday station on Amherst and Dollarton reported around 100 cyclists
    • Lots of press coverage
    • Future press releases for BTWW - invite TV/Radio to contact someone at the station for live interview, especially the iconic LGB station
  • FAQ NS cyclist resource (John)
    • Spreadsheet on GoogleDocs
    • John will send out link, open for editing
  • Local committees meeting recap (Jay/Lorraine)
    • Recap from call with Vancouver/Burnaby/NShore/PM-MR
    • Facilitating intercommittee dialogue
    • Jay to forward email to group regarding content request for new web site at VACC
    • John to distribute business cards
    • Sent email blast to list provided by Lorraine and Talia
    • Stipend for materials
      • Banners
      • Flags for parades
      • Display material for booths
    • Fund raising opportunities?
  • North Vancouver Bicycle Master Plan review meeting (Antje/Jay/John/Bill)
    • Discussed BMP meeting on Tuesday
    • Invited Carolyn and Diana to submit comments regarding the rides they are doing
    • Carolyn described an access to Taylor Way access route
  • Signs, signs, we need bike signs (Jay)
    • Can we get more signs from communities
    • $300 per sign on BMP
    • Temporary signs around construction
    • Directional signs indicating preferred routes
    • Educational signs informing drivers about green sharrow lanes, cyclists to stay off sidewalks, etc
  • VACC table at MEC store (Antje)
    • Display on table at the front entrance of the North Shore MEC for two weeks
    • Money from VACC to print up collateral
    • Get pamphlets out to community centres, etc
    • Design suggestion: VACC to print up a quantity of durable display boards for all of the local committees with space for an 8.5x11 sheet printed by local committee to velcro in with their information.
  • West Vancouver map (Bart)
    • An amount has been placed in the 2011 budget to update the Cycling Network and Greenway Plan as well as produce a Pedestrian Network Master Plan. A public process to inform the budget discussion is currently underway through the Finance Committee. Final budget approval is typically not until the spring however.

Hot Spots & Issues

  • Ironworkers Memorial Second Narrows Bridge (John)
    • John will update next month - too much to discuss for time remaining
    • It was not a good meeting with Vancouver/Burnaby
      • They seem to see only solution as expensive suspended walkway, which is an admirable goal for the long term but we need measures to be taken sooner rather than later.
  • Lions Gate update (Peter)
    • Peter sent email out to MoT (James)
    • Planned improvements from offsite meeting are going in
    • Waiting for updated map on MoT web site. Still have old map there. Peter pushing for it
    • Ramp at 6th! Woot!
  • Green paint discussion (Jay)
    • Need to educate drivers about what it is
    • What is it? What does it really mean?
    • City has a video, discussion and FAQ page on web site
    • Signs? Email to C&D to create signs about:
      • Is the paint safe?
      • What does it mean?
  • SeaBus bike facilities (Tamiko)
    • Dealing with Seabus is dealing with Translink
    • Tamiko has offered to continue to monitor issues with Seabus
  • Safety along shared routes like Spirit Trail (Carolyn)
    • They can make it work in Cape Cod, why not here?
    • Rules about usage - pedestrians keeping to right, signs to publicize, etc
    • Etiquette signs are apparently not effective
    • Not enough space for two trails like Seawall
  • Seymour Greenway (Antje)
    • Construction has started!
  • Pemberton Heights access (Jay)
    • Contacted Patrick Golier and it is going into 2011 capital budget to add curb drops and improvements to 23rd Street trail
    • SIGNS!!!
  • Taylor Wood discussion (Peter)
    • Have been invited by Nora to evaluate and provide feedback on community benefit
  • Welsh Street (Bart)
    • A conceptual design for the Spirit Trail through Squamish Nation Land is to go before their Council mid-November followed by an Open House late November. I will advise you of the date and time once it has been made known.

Action Items

  • Jay to email Cllr Bassam to initiate dialogue on future advocacy efforts in District
  • Jay to follow up with City and District regarding signs and driver education about green sharrow lanes
  • Group to follow events at JBAC and TPAC
  • John to send out link to rider resource googledoc spreadsheet
  • John to distribute business cards
  • Peter to follow up on Taylor Wood issues
  • Bart to inform group about mid November Spirit Trail open house
  • Carolyn and Diana to ride their bikes! Give us feedback! Help flesh out the Hot Spots and Routes and Short Cuts pages!
  • Jay to follow up with VACC regarding printed collateral for tables
  • Heather to remember to invite radio/TV to do live interviews at commuter stations during spring BTWW