2022-12-01 Agenda: Difference between revisions

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===District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike===
===District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike===
'''Proposal to establish 4 slow-street bike loops south of Hwy 1 and east of 28th Street'''
*Peter participated with his daughter and two grandsons in the HUB Cycling Volunteer Appreciation Skating Party last Saturday at the Scotia Barn in Burnaby from 13:30 – 15:30.
* In response to our proposal Jenn Moller, DWV director of the Engineering Division, sees that bike loops can be incorporated into expansion of the 30 km/hour programming that is being paned for 4 a zones. She also said that: "the 30 km/hour vision zero initiative status doesn’t preclude us from moving ahead with the shared streets"
*Park Royal's new improved exterior cycling infrastructure:
*In her email she posed the following questions to us which would be good to discuss before our next meeting with her:
**'''eastbound separated bike lane on Marine drive''' leading up to Taylor Way (https://wiki.bikehub.ca/images/7/78/Marine_Drive_eastbound_separated_bike_lane_2022-11-02_MG_4312.jpg);
**I guess one question I would have for HUB is around the routing, would you have concerns with a program where we are relying on signage to support the program?
**25 new well-designed bike racks have been installed around the outside of the two towers of the new, not-yet-opened Gateway Residences development (https://wiki.bikehub.ca/index.php?title=File:Bike_racks_at_Gateway_Residences_2022-10-28_IMG_4308.jpg); and
**What would delivery of a successful stand alone shared streets initiative look like to you?
**a new '''rub rail''' has been installed on the north side of the multi-use path across the Welch Street Bridge (https://wiki.bikehub.ca/images/e/e6/Rub_rail_on_Welch_Street_Bridge_2022-11-02_IMG_4311.jpg).
**Is the intention to just provide way finding and inform the public that these loops exist? Or is Hub envisioning that some sort of physical work is to be done to implement these loops?
*DWV transportation engineer, Sean O'Sullivan, has agreed to meet with us soon and could join us on a group bike ride.
**What we envision eventually are 4-5 slow or shared street loops with adequate directional signage at critical intersections along each route, a few strategic traffic calming features.
*An email has been sent to Jenn Moller, DWV director of the Engineering Division, suggesting that we revisit the proposal to establish 4 slow-street bike loops south of Hwy 1 and east of 28th Street (https://wiki.bikehub.ca/images/4/4a/Proposed_Slow_Street_Bike_Loops_with_ascents.jpg).
Due to funding constraints and possible resistance by Council, it may be more practical or desirable to proceed with implementation through a number of phases.
**One question that needs to considered is: What about the fact that some of the sections of the proposed bike loops are not part of the existing marked bike network?
**Another question to consider is whether or not we propose to add a 5th loop north of Hwy 1 that would incorporate the Hugo Ray Connector and plans this next year to build a connecting bike path between the Hugo Ray Connector and Taylor Way/Westcot Road?
*In response to our proposal Jenn Moller, DWV director of the Engineering Division, suggesting that we revisit the (https://wiki.bikehub.ca/images/4/4a/Proposed_Slow_Street_Bike_Loops_with_ascents.jpg).
* the '''31st & Westmount bike and pedestrian improvements''' are underway. Mike was able to find the [https://westvancouver.ca/transportation-roads/major-projects/westmount-pedestrian-and-road-safety-improvements narrative] here and the [https://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/assets/transport-raods/docs/major-projects/Project%20Map%20-%20Rev%202.pdf map of the project] is here.
* the '''31st & Westmount bike and pedestrian improvements''' are underway. Mike was able to find the [https://westvancouver.ca/transportation-roads/major-projects/westmount-pedestrian-and-road-safety-improvements narrative] here and the [https://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/assets/transport-raods/docs/major-projects/Project%20Map%20-%20Rev%202.pdf map of the project] is here.

Revision as of 05:52, 1 December 2022

HUB North Shore Committee regular meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Everybody is welcome.

In-person at the North Vancouver City Library (14th/Lonsdale) in the Don Preston Boardroom (2nd floor).

Or Online, Zoom conference call: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81789523337?pwd=ZitLVHVoRmpQVFh3YjdpWi8wNVNTQT09

By phone: call 778-907-2071, Meeting ID: 81789523337, Passcode: 354518
One tap mobile: +17789072071,,81789523337#,,,,*354518#


  • Agenda additions
  • Introductions

Public Input/Consultations

  • Public input is critical when Council and Staff make trade-offs and decisions. Please make sure your voice is heard!!
  • none?

New Municipal Councils

  • Liaisons to connect with new councillors
    • Introduction of HUB
    • listen to their thoughts/concerns/ideas
    • Share our priorities
  • Delegations to councils in New Year
    • Book soon to get in queue
    • Key messages?

Goals & Objectives

  • Add Phase 2 top priority Bikeways - current Gaps Map
    • Liaisons to select a one or two for their municipality
  • Communications ideas??
  • Recruiting ideas??
  • Ensure Cycling Priorities are in DWV's Transportation Strategy


  • December Meeting + Social - Dec 1st
    • Short meeting and then adjourn for social gathering nearby.

City of North Vancouver - Nadia/Sophia

CNV Key Contacts & Staff Meetings

  • Brandon Green will be presenting information regarding the Midtown Project to this committee at the February 2nd meeting.

Summary of current/upcoming CNV projects - this year & beyond

St. Andrew’s

  • We submitted a letter to Council regarding concerns about cyclist safety and the residents' new proposal for St. Andrew's. Council meeting on December 5th if anyone would like to speak in favour of the bike lane and traffic slowing measures.

Cotton/Main WB

  • City engineers have requested a markup of our suggestions. They believe there is insufficient space between the hydro poles and existing landscaping.


  • cycling and pedestrian infrastructure should be finished by end of year; green paint may be delayed until spring
  • still waiting for temporary push button at 3rd and Forbes

Casano-Loutet Overpass

  • new legislation requires any project that touches provincial land to have First Nations consultation
  • if all goes well, construction will begin in 2023 and complete in 2023

Upper Levels Greenway

  • lots of interest in the route along 25th; will need spurs to other amenities like schools
  • discussions underway with MOTI to ensure they are on board with the proposed changes
  • need to clarify how this will cross the highway on/off ramps.

4th and Chesterfield

  • in line to get a bike light but no timeline


  • connects West 1st bike lane to Casano-Loutet/route not yet decided


  • larger changes are intended at this intersection but dependent on discussions with the Squamish Nation

ITC - Dana & Jonathan

  • May meeting postponed to end of month (no updates)

District of North Vancouver - Fred/Don

  • Meeting with Staff - currently exchanging emails on various projects.
  • Upper Lynn Valley Rd
    • Mtn. Hwy to Peters Road (Phase 1) - mostly built
      • Parking in loading zone (and bike lane) near Maple Leaf Garden centre is a problem. Sent email Nov-2
    • Public consultations for Peters to Dempsey (Phase 2) - next spring?
  • Main St - Harbour Ave - Barrows
    • Initial main St design looks good, provided comments
    • Consultant working on design options for Harbour Ave & Intersections (this is an extension of the project)
  • Mtn-Hwy Arborlynn connector
    • West Side still waiting for Metro Van approval to start construction (in spring 2023?)
    • Received 2nd draft of East Side design for review Nov-3 - good except dismount to cross arbourlynn - request they change to cross walk+ cross ride. Plan spring 2023
      • Also raises issue of locations for garbage cans
  • Hunter Street Bridge
    • Spans are in, Ramps underway, complete by New year?
  • Kirkstone-Rufus-Brooksbank-SalopTrail
    • Raised issues with design of crossing at Kirkstone Rd
    • Trail needs a curb letdown at Whitely
    • Requested details of wayfinding signage
  • Spirit Trail, East of Seymour planning:
    • Consultant doing report on phased development (over ~10 years)
    • Delayed due to limited staff - Requested staffing in 2023 budget
  • Repaving Riverside Drive - 2023
    • They are working to see if they can widen the west side shoulder.
    • We asked that they do a road diet south of Old Dollarton Rd to add bikelanes similar to Brooksbank near Park & Tilford/MEC

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike

Proposal to establish 4 slow-street bike loops south of Hwy 1 and east of 28th Street

  • In response to our proposal Jenn Moller, DWV director of the Engineering Division, sees that bike loops can be incorporated into expansion of the 30 km/hour programming that is being paned for 4 a zones. She also said that: "the 30 km/hour vision zero initiative status doesn’t preclude us from moving ahead with the shared streets"
  • In her email she posed the following questions to us which would be good to discuss before our next meeting with her:
    • I guess one question I would have for HUB is around the routing, would you have concerns with a program where we are relying on signage to support the program?
    • What would delivery of a successful stand alone shared streets initiative look like to you?
    • Is the intention to just provide way finding and inform the public that these loops exist? Or is Hub envisioning that some sort of physical work is to be done to implement these loops?
    • What we envision eventually are 4-5 slow or shared street loops with adequate directional signage at critical intersections along each route, a few strategic traffic calming features.

Due to funding constraints and possible resistance by Council, it may be more practical or desirable to proceed with implementation through a number of phases.

    • One question that needs to considered is: What about the fact that some of the sections of the proposed bike loops are not part of the existing marked bike network?
    • Another question to consider is whether or not we propose to add a 5th loop north of Hwy 1 that would incorporate the Hugo Ray Connector and plans this next year to build a connecting bike path between the Hugo Ray Connector and Taylor Way/Westcot Road?
  • In response to our proposal Jenn Moller, DWV director of the Engineering Division, suggesting that we revisit the (https://wiki.bikehub.ca/images/4/4a/Proposed_Slow_Street_Bike_Loops_with_ascents.jpg).
  • the 31st & Westmount bike and pedestrian improvements are underway. Mike was able to find the narrative here and the map of the project is here.

Communications & Outreach - Rueben/Antje/Paul/Heather

  • let us know if there is something we should communicate about - blocked bike lanes, new infrastructure, etc.
  • Twitter
    • Rueben is documenting Esplanade construction and has created a list of other locations for regular posting of infrastructure on Twitter

Schools - Paul Janzen

  • Here are the stats outlining the growth in HUB educational programs in primary schools within the Lower Mainland:
    • 45 Learn2Ride and 22 Ride-the-Road this Fall (2022). (30L2R, 8 RtR in 2021). Approximately 70% growth over Fall 2021. Already taught more kids in Spring this year than all of 2021! Around 75% of the way towards meeting our 2025 goal of having every student in metrovan participate.
    • Richmond, Vancouver, New West, City of North Van, Coquitlam, Port Moody, Pitt Meadows - we are in all schools every 2 years. Burnaby, District of NVan, Delta, Maple Ridge getting there.
    • We have taught at the following schools this year:
      • RTR - Westview; L2R - Cederdale (West Van), Cove Cliff, Eastview, Ross Road (North Van).

NOTE: starting in January we will be moving our online meetings to Google meet. Details will in meeting notices.

MEETING ADJOURNED! to Jack Lonsdale's just up the street!