2022-08-04 Agenda: Difference between revisions

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imported>Peter Scholefield
imported>Peter Scholefield
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*He also told them that his favourite bike route exiting Horseshoe Bay Village is riding east along Bay Street behind the ferry terminal and up on the paved shoulder of the traffic lanes for vehicles exiting the Horseshoe Bay ferries where I ride up on the shoulder of Exit 0 to the Spirit Trail.
*He also told them that his favourite bike route exiting Horseshoe Bay Village is riding east along Bay Street behind the ferry terminal and up on the paved shoulder of the traffic lanes for vehicles exiting the Horseshoe Bay ferries where I ride up on the shoulder of Exit 0 to the Spirit Trail.
'''Bike to Shop Week August 13 - 21, 2022'''
'''Bike to Shop Week August 13 - 21, 2022'''
*Park Royal will be participating and peter provided a photo for a poster to advertise it ()
*Park Royal will be participating and Peter provided a photo for a poster to advertise it (https://wiki.bikehub.ca/sites/northshore/images/e/ec/Peter_with_bike_and_groceries_at_Park_Royal_North_2022-07-28_IMG_4048.jpg)

===Communications & Outreach - Antje/Paul/Heather===
===Communications & Outreach - Antje/Paul/Heather===

Latest revision as of 19:08, 4 August 2022

HUB North Shore Committee regular meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Everybody is welcome.

In-person at the North Vancouver City Library (14th/Lonsdale) in the Don Preston Boardroom (2nd floor).

Or Online, Zoom conference call: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81789523337?pwd=ZitLVHVoRmpQVFh3YjdpWi8wNVNTQT09

By phone: call 778-907-2071, Meeting ID: 81789523337, Passcode: 354518
One tap mobile: +17789072071,,81789523337#,,,,*354518#


  • Agenda additions
  • Introductions
  • Need someone to Chair/Host September Meeting as Don will be away.
  • Ideas for HUB Evaluation rides on the North Shore?
    • September? evenings or weekend afternoons
      • Invite Municipal staff along?
    • Destinations:
      • Welch St bridge to Dunderave
      • Maplewoods, Dollarton, Orwell, Lower Mtn Hwy, Brooksbank, Keith, MSP, Riverside loop
      • Ideas???
    • Organizers/Leads/Sweeps

Public Input/Consultations

  • Public input is critical when Council and Staff make trade-offs and decisions. Please make sure your voice is heard!!
  • The Shipyards Strategy
    • Survey is now open until August 31st 4pm (it’s quick ~ 5 minutes. 1 open ended, rest are multiple choice/checkboxes).
    • ‘What could we do better?’. A few cycling related responses:
      • More bike parking
      • Better/clearer bike routes (wayfinding signage with destinations, pavement markings)
      • Separation of walking & cycling
      • Slower car speeds in the surrounding areas
      • Bike valet at events

Goals & Objectives

  • 2022
    • Implementation of 3 top priority Bikeways
    • Establish communications with community stakeholders re Bikeways.
    • Recruit more committee members


  • Lynn Valley Days - Sat 16-July, 10:00-4:00
    • With Lime & DNV
    • Thanks to Jasper, Anthony, Fiona & Duncan for staffing the booth
  • Bike to Shop - August 13-21

City of North Vancouver - Nadia

CNV Key Contacts & Staff Meetings

  • HUB’s primary contact: Brandon Green
  • Next meeting with staff: TBD (when new liaison starts)

Upper Levels Greenway

Summary of current/upcoming CNV projects - this year & beyond

  • Esplanade Complete Street (construction underway, estimated completion: Summer 2022)
  • Upper Levels Greenway (final design/route selection expected: Fall 2022)
  • Mobility Strategy (implementation of some strategies to commence this year, e.g. zoning bylaw updates re new developments and bike storage)
  • Carson Graham School - AT improvements (some sidewalk gaps to be addressed this year, most changes part of next year's budget)
  • Kings Mill (detailed park design underway, construction to begin: Spring 2023)
  • Cotton/Main St bridge (preliminary designs underway, construction is dependent on funding)
  • Casano-Loutet Overpass (construction anticipated in 2023)
  • Forbes & 3rd (long term, 2+ years away)

E-Bike Share

  • Lime is swapping out their fleet with their newest generation of e-bikes. These bikes have better power for steep hills (but have the same speed restrictions), better battery life, and their hardware will help Lime improve parking compliance in North Van. Feedback on helmets has been limited thus far. Looking to collect more feedback and data re: helmet use, user perceptions, etc. soon.

CNV Mobility Strategy

  • Strategy endorsed by Council on April 11 2022. Beyond ongoing initiatives, staff have been undertaking research and analysis on a number of new initiatives along with socializing some of this initial material with citizen committees. These initiatives include:
    • Reducing neighbourhood speed limits: Vehicle speeds are one component of developing safe streets, alongside street design, enforcement, and education. Establishing safe vehicle speeds on local streets is an important first step to addressing safety issues, and comes with limited negative impacts (i.e. a negligible difference in vehicle travel times). Staff will be looking to return to Council in early 2023 with recommended signage options for consideration for establishing safe and comfortable conditions on local streets.
    • Modernizing Transportation Requirements for New Developments: The City requires Transportation Studies and travel demand management (TDM) measures for most new multi-unit developments in the City. These requirements have some deficiencies that are leading to inconsistent outcomes. Updates are being planned for these requirements that will better align with goals from the Mobility Strategy, including how new developments will support emissions reduction, reductions in vehicle demand, and reductions in VKT. These are also anticipated to be brought forward in early 2023.
    • Updating the Resident & Visitor Parking Policy: The City has a parking policy to help reduce external parking pressure on residential streets near to commercial areas. There are several equity/access issues with RVPP given the ongoing changes to how people move around the City. An update to the RVPP to address inequities and better align with the Mobility Strategy will be brought to Council for consideration in early 2023.

Moody Ave & 3rd

  • Daytime, the traffic signal on Moody Ave at East 3rd Street operates in coordinated mode favouring eastbound-westbound transit.
  • The cycle length on East 3rd Street corridor varies between 70 and 82 seconds and out of 82 seconds during the busiest time of day total of 51 seconds are allocated to favour the transit corridor traffic, meaning that in the worst case the pedestrians and cyclists crossing East 3rd Street will have to wait up to 51 second when they have just missed the window at arrival at the intersection.

ITC - Dana & Jonathan

  • May meeting postponed to end of month (no updates)

District of North Vancouver - Fred/Don

  • Meeting with Staff - next meeting Aug?
  • Bike parking locations in DNV - Duncan
    • Ingrid of the District asked us to give her a list of places it could/should be improved.
    • collecting ideas from our forums
  • Arborlynn connector
    • East side
      • Received 1st draft design for review Jul-26 - collected comments.
    • West side in 2022
      • Design done, still waiting for Metro Van approval to start construction (over 6 months so far!)
  • Upper Lynn Valley Rd
    • Mtn. Hwy to Peters Road (Phase 1) - should be underway???
    • Public consultations for Peters to Dempsey (Phase 2) -some has been done, more this fall?
  • Hunter Street Bridge
    • Foundations done, spans coming soon, complete by Nov/Dec

District of West Vancouver - Paul/Peter/Mike

Meeting about Horseshoe Bay with DWV Engineering & Transportation Division staff

  • On 23 July Peter and Paul met by zoom with the director, Jenn Moller, and Andy Quan to discuss streetscape planning for Horseshoe Bay Village.
  • They are not going to redo any of the first phase of the streetscape work on Royal Avenue including the de-activated separated bike lane on the east side between Bay and Bruce Streets.
  • Community engagement and consultation are planned in 2023 prior to proceeding with the next phases of the Horseshoe Bay Streetscape.
  • Regarding the drawing in the Horseshoe Bay Local Area Plan and Design Guidelines (https://www.westvancouverite.ca/plan-hsb) showing a MUP loop around Royal and Nelson Avenues, they said that due to the parking on Nelson Avenue, there would not be enough room for any cycling infrastructure on Nelson Avenue.
  • Peter mentioned that he would like to see protected bike lanes between the new Sewell's development on the west side of the bay and the ferry terminal.
  • He also told them that his favourite bike route exiting Horseshoe Bay Village is riding east along Bay Street behind the ferry terminal and up on the paved shoulder of the traffic lanes for vehicles exiting the Horseshoe Bay ferries where I ride up on the shoulder of Exit 0 to the Spirit Trail.

Bike to Shop Week August 13 - 21, 2022

Communications & Outreach - Antje/Paul/Heather

  • let us know if there is something we should communicate about - blocked bike lanes, new infrastructure, etc.
  • Twitter
    • Rueben is documenting Esplanade construction and has created a list of other locations for regular posting of infrastructure on Twitter

Schools - Paul Janzen

  • no updates from last month; however, it’s worth repeating the last item from May:
    • Does anyone have a connection with one or more of the following schools - Eastview, Capilano, Ross road, Carisbrooke and .or Westview elementary? We have $ for their program.

Developers - Fred, Paul & Peter

  • Currently active:
    • West Van
      • ????
    • CNV
      • ????
    • DNV
      • ????


Translink - Antje

  • Smart Lockers at Lonsdale Quay