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Revision as of 03:27, 8 December 2016

HUB Tri-Cities Meeting December 6th

Jack, Andrew, Peter, Fiona, Meredith

Brunette Interchange project: MOTI has been doing public consultation on changes to the Brunette Interchange. In addition to cycling improvements needed on Brunette Ave, we want to ensure connectivity from United Blvd to Braid Station is maintained and improved. Jack, Andrew, Peter have been involved with the HUB working group on this topic. Fiona went to the public open house in New Westminster, and Jack plans to go to the open house in Maillardville. Option A somewhat preferable because limited intersections for cycling path, but need to address connectivity to Braid – maybe ask for ped and cycling overpass either at Braid or to Rousseau St. HUB will be meeting with MOTI on December 13th.

TransLink bike infrastructure funding – meeting to share priorities: Meredith spoke to Sarah Ross, Director of System Planning and Consultation, at the Evergreen Line opening, and Sarah expressed interest in meeting with HUB to understand our priorities for investment in bike infrastructure in the Tri-Cities. Jack suggests we invite Sarah to a future TC HUB meeting. • Will seek some clarification on bike parkades at Evergreen Line stations • $30-$40 mn allocated to cycling over next 3 years for the region • update gap lists, including bike parkades - • Meredith will invite Erin as well • Helen Cook – another important cycling staff person?

Letter to Port Moody – regarding MTP: Meredith drafted a letter, following Andrew and Meredith’s assessment ride. Andrew will finalize and seek approval from Erin and the main HUB office.

Coquitlam City Staff meeting: Jack and Simon met with Coquitlam staff – Ken Kruger. Discussed Fraser Mills Site - Hartley route parallel to United Boulevard. Como Creek is a bit of a barrier on the east side of the Fraser Mills site – need a bridge for cyclists. Also asked about Riverview Lands (limited details), and the Brunette interchange. Regarding Brunette, they are interested in connecting to Maillardville. Don’t seem to be prioritizing improvements to United Boulevard. Priority for the City is improving safe routes to school – mostly middle schools.

Jack also had a conversation with a developer involved with a property on Murray Street, west of Klahanie, who is proposing to put in another bike and ped bridge connecting that site with SkyTrain south of there (Spring Street?)

Evergreen Line Opening: Jack represented HUB at a booth at the community celebration. Meredith and Andrew joined for part of it. Lots of good discussions, questions about routes to SkyTrain, taking bikes on the SkyTrain. UnGapTheMap Workshop: was great! Will be more user-friendly, HUB staff are working on a larger campaign. We need to ensure our gaps are up to date and complete.

Pitt River Bridge: Daniel Johnston from MOTI has been communicating, Peter went to a meeting at the site. Waiting for approval for removal of concrete barrier. Also moving the crosswalk just under the bridge to 100m or so away, to improve safety.

PoCo letter: Meredith drafted a follow-up letter to our spring input, to ask for feedback and provide ideas for 2017. Will update with new info from capital plan and draft budget. Add comment about providing letters of support for improvements. Meredith will send to Jack.

Port Mann Bridge – crossing United Boulevard: Peter talked with Metro Van Parks, there is a gravel path to the Mary Hill Bypass underpass, and Metro is putting a path above the new watermain through Colony Farm – to the Lougheed, but also a connection west to the community garden area and all the Colony Farm paths (and onwards to downtown PoCo). Will be able to avoid the muddy path. Timing is summer 2017 for the connector to all the Colony Farm paths, but trail along the waterline in early 2017. Note that if Kinder Morgan proceeds, staging area complications…

Adjourned at 8:30