2019-08-08 Agenda

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HUB North Shore Committee holds regular meetings at 6:30pm - 8:30pm on the second Thursday of every month. Everybody is welcome. The meetings are at the North Vancouver City Library (14th/Lonsdale) in the Don Preston Boardroom (2nd floor).

  • Agenda additions
  • Introductions

2019 Objectives


  • TransLink Regional Transportation Strategy (Transport 2050) collecting input until September for plan to be completed late 2020.
  • Draft Whitepaper on economic impacts of installing bike lanes.
    • Erika working on 1 page infographic slide
  • HUB State of Cycling project
    • Classifications: met with TransLink's Transportation Planning SubCommittee (TPSC) Friday, July 12th
  • Letters
    • Brenda re Dollarton/Cap U residences
    • Lyle re unsafe Lynn trail detours
    • Don re broken rails on causeway
      • these are the same as the ones as 2nd Narrows which are also damaged and awaiting repair
    • Rhiannon re Ironworkers signage creating conflict
      • Jay sent proposed signage quick fix to help provide positive guidance - [1] see responses in MoTI section
  • Bowen Island - Have $$ for cross island bike route
    • need a champion to drive this
      • can contact BI HUB members and yahoo/twitter
      • need someone to help them get organized.
      • BI councillor interested in an assessment ride.

Events - Fred

  • Parkgate Community- early September
  • Fall Bike to Work Week - Oct 21-25 2019

City of North Vancouver - Erika/Heather

  • July 17th meeting with staff
  • Oct 7th - Delegation to Council to present our goals and request implementation plan and funding.
    • Feedback and recommended next steps
  • 20 in 20 list
  • Lower Lonsdale BIA

District of North Vancouver - Jay/Giacomo/Antje

  • 29th Street protected bike lanes (Tempe Cres to Lynn Valley Rd)
    • work is underway.
    • send thanks you to councillors and those who send supporting emails
  • Meeting with Staff- August 7, 2019
    • focus on wayfinding on 15th but also upcoming projects
    • comprehensive signage plan for 15th and Lower Capilano area provided for comment. Jay will compile comments from Antje, Giacomo and Paul (DWV perspective)
    • issues tracker updated and sent to Ingrid
    • Lower Mountain and E Keith crossing conflicts with left and right turn vehicles - letter detailing concerns submitted - analysis underway by staff but no commitment to change anything
    • Ross Road bridge replacements - no cycling infrastructure included in project (widened bridges with new sidewalks) - staff are pausing to assess impacts of 29th Street completion before proceeding with new installations
    • Lower Mountain and Oxford - protected cycle path design input provided to staff
    • Lynn Valley Road - pilot project uphill bike lane from Mountain to Kilmer - this has been delayed as staff are pausing to assess impacts of 29th Street completion before proceeding with new installations
    • Status of other pilot projects - planning is underway for extending bikeways into Edgemont Village which would include Queens Road (current pilot termination). Both a direct and "scenic" routes are being developed with the direct getting priority
    • staff will let us know when DNV receives grants and other outside funding for cycling projects - we can communicate the good news to HUB members and publicly (social media)
  • Oct 7th - Delegation to Council to present our goals and request implementation plan and funding.

District of West Vancouver - Peter S

  • Meeting with Staff - 17 Jun.
    • Klee Wyck to 3rd
    • Upper level route
    • Keith Road Bridge
    • Capilano Pacific Trail to Kieth Road
    • Marine Drive and Taylor Way connections
    • LG Bridge signage
    • Marine Drive-15th Ave coordination with DNV/CNV
      • Bike BC funding for a protected bike lane on Marine Drive eastward from the Lions Gate Bridge.
    • Spirit Trail speed management
  • 12 June meeting between Squamish Nation and Park Royal re widened sidewalk on Welch Street Bridge over the Capilano River.
  • Horseshoe Bay Local Area Plan - Phase 1 - Visioning meetings
  • No Bike Valet at Harmony Arts
    • talk to Organizers or West Van?

Communications & Outreach - Heather/Antje/James

  • Channels
    • Yahoo Group -
    • Twitter - Antje sends out local news
    • FaceBook - James has offered to maintain a HUB NS account
    • HUB membership (NS)
  • Communications
    • Upcoming HUB Events & meetings
    • Current cycling news & NS Issues
    • Publicizing opportunities to provide input (Public meetings, online surveys, ...)
    • Request for support of improvements & projects
    • Annual committee update - Don
  • How to expand our reach & effectiveness
    • Other groups - Cycle clubs, NSMBA
    • Local media (NS News & Global Canadian)
    • Any other ideas
    • Presentations to Councils, business groups(BIA), schools? ...
  • Recruiting "interested but concerned" people
    • Membership coordinator?
    • adopt-a-gap
    • reach out to people who cc us on letters/emails to governments.
  • Create a library of good/bad infrastructure on the North Shore
    • Need a volunteer(s) and a list of locations.

BC Ferries - Peter S

  • ANYTHING NEW this month?

Translink - Fred/Antje

  • ANYTHING NEW this month?
  • e-Bikes on Buses - Update on HUB HQ discussions with TransLink
  • Bike parking at Exchanges:
    • letter to Translink re Lonsdale Quay -pinged Rex, still no response, how to escalate??
    • Also want space for future at Phibbs (and for bike share)

MOTI - Antje/Giacomo/Jay

  • Lions Gate Bridge west sidewalk closure this fall/winter
    • email from MOTI to HUB-NS about upcoming Lions Gate Bridge reversible lane control system upgrade project
    • west sidewalk will be closed two months
    • Antje to arrange meeting with MOTI to provide HUB input to facilitate safe movements of cyclists and pedestrians during the closure
  • Mountain Highway Interchange
    • walk though of Mountain/Brooksbank intersection with Jay Porter and Mike Farnyk (contractor rep) - still no changes - question was asked whether DNV could step in as some of the project falls within their jurisdiction
    • signage and striping incomplete, considering options to allow westbound sidewalk riding on Keith Road
    • upcoming detours will move cyclists to west side of Mountain via two-way fenced path - need to ensure proper signage, adequate width for uphill/downhill travel and connectivity to crosswalk at ArborLynn
    • summer closure of pathway connection under Highway 1 - sidewalk detour signed via Keith / Fern - issues with sidewalk riding and narrow pinch points
  • Ironworkers Memorial Bridge signage
    • Operations Manager Don Legault responded to complaint regarding conflicts on the pathways and a proposed wayfinding signage plan prepared by Jay. In order for a lane or path to be used in both directions by cyclists, the minimum width must be three metres, which is why the ministry installed signs showing the direction of travel across the bridge for cyclists. MoTI District staff to review the current signs and their locations. They will then ask their Traffic Operations engineering group to review the signing on the IWMB sidewalks, to determine if they need to be updated or changed to different signs or any new signs need to be added. These may include; possible speed limits on the sidewalks of the bridge, Bell or Yell when overtaking signs, one way signs if deemed appropriate, or other alternatives.
    • Note from Antje: This issue has been raised by individuals since the new sidewalks have been completed in 2015. HUB-NS discussed several times with the MOTI bridge project manager. Because of the insufficient sidewalk width and resulting safety concerns, especially considering the significant grade and cycling speeds on the bridge, HUB-NS did not challenge MOTI's decision for one-way signage. A highway overpass on the south side of the bridge would solve perceived concerns about one-way bike travel across the bridge (along with the planned Main-Dollarton interchange improvements) and increase connectivity on the Vancouver side where the highway ramps and tunnels create significant barriers to cycling and walking. If there is committee interest in moving ahead with the highway overpass we can work with HUB Vancouver and BCCC.
    • MoTI are currently designing the Main/Dollarton interchange as part of the Lower Lynn interchanges project. The cycling connections will be changing as the project is constructed. They will also be including way-finding signs as part of the design, the Project Manager will be reviewing the examples Jay Jardine provided as part of their review.
    • A follow up response from Gabriel Lord confirmed that MoTI looked at this location as part of the 20 in 20 challenge and suggested similar upgrades for clearer delineation of routes under the bridge. They have not completed their review of the ‘Quick Fix’ options yet, but the findings at the Main Street/Hwy 1 site, along with the other locations, will be passed on to the team to aid in finding a solution to the problem once they are complete.