TriCities Meeting agenda May 6 2014

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TriCities HUB Committee Meeting Agenda

Date/time: Tuesday May 4, 7:00-8:50PM.

Location: Coquitlam Foundation room, Coquitlam Public Library, 1169 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam


1. Lougheed Brunette road markings and signage

Jack, David, and Simon meet with Coquitlam operations staff on April 30 to review proposals for signage and road markings for this very challenging intersection.

Here is a file showing proposed modifications:Media:Lougheed_Hwy_-_Propose_Bike_marking_changes.pdf

We went back and forth a bit on the best way to cross Brunette going eastbound. We can discuss tradeoffs at the meeting. There is no simple way to fix this with just paint and signs. See 'HUB TriCities Videos' for cyclist's views.

2. New PMH1 road infrastructure

Jack, Simon and Arno meet with MOTI staff on April 15 to review completed and pending bike infrastructure associated with the Port Mann Bridge project. We were allowed to review detailed design drawings of the facilities. MOTI is recetpive to our feeback regarding new facilities, particularly in the area of road markings and signage. Some issues with lane widths were identified. I'd like everyone to review recent video footage at the meeting to formulate recommendations.

3. Canada bike day

4. BTWW planning

Simon Watkins TriCities HUB Committee