Meeting Summary: March 13, 2014

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Revision as of 16:53, 17 March 2014 by imported>Antje Wahl
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  1. Attendance: Heather, Dennis, Fiona, Nelson, Dianne, Darlene, Mary Ellen, Erin, Will, Antje, Trent, Pam Bookham (North Van City Councillor), Tony Valente (North Van Urban Forum)
  2. Review of agenda, additional agenda items
    • Added: Bike Day in Canada (Fiona), Guide to Ride (Fiona), Library event (Fiona), Committee posters (Trent), Green Necklace at Jones/Mahon Park (Dennis), Events for 2014 (Mary Ellen, Erin)
  3. Bike Day in Canada (Fiona)
    • first time event, engage politicians and residents across Canada to promote all kinds of cycling
    • on Monday May 26, combine with Bike to Work Week station which starts that day
    • need 4 people to lead/sweep a 2km and a 10km ride, Fiona suggested routes around City Hall
    • Fiona, Heather, Antje volunteered, need 4th person
    • invite municipal politicians to the ride (MLAs will be in Victoria, MPs in Ottawa)
    • Fiona will check where/when City BTWW station will be
  4. Upper Levels Highway/West Van update - 3rd St access and other improvements (Trent)
  5. North Shore Committee posters (Trent)
    • Trent had posters printed that we will put up at libraries, community centres and bike shops to invite people to our committee meetings
  6. Green Necklace at Jones/Mahon Park (Dennis)
    • Dennis attended first open house for planned greenway between 13th and 21st St
    • Design is very open at this point, nothing specific suggested so it is a good idea to provide input early in the process
    • Survey is open until March 21, 4pm (Dennis sent email with links to email list after the meeting)
  7. North Van Urban Forum (Tony Valente)
    • Tony is part of the North Van Urban Forum and a member of GetOnBoard BC (for better transit)
    • North Van Urban Forum works on greater transparency and community participation in North Van City government, started with Lower Lonsdale waterfront
    • rides recreationally and commutes by bike in the summer, interested in improving North Shore infrastructure
  8. Guide to Ride (Fiona)
  9. HUB event at North Van City Library (Fiona)
    • library asked us to hold a presentation or workshop in return for having the room for the monthly meetings
    • Fiona suggested doing a workshop in combination with Bike Day in Canada on May 26
    • HUB Richmond needs to do something every 2 months for their library meeting location
    • let's ask HUB office for support with this
  10. Events for 2014 (Mary Ellen, Erin)
    • if anybody has ideas for North Shore events where HUB should have a table, please send an email to Erin
  11. School bike rodeos (Tom/North Shore Safety Council)
    • moved to April meeting
  12. Trail/path naming
    • identify trails and paths without names that are bike routes or connections
    • didn't discuss at meeting, but Antje, Dave and Dianne had a brief discussion at the pub after the meeting

Went to Jack Lonsdale's Public House (1433 Lonsdale Ave, around the corner from library)

  • Dave and Anita joined