Meeting Summary: February 13, 2014

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Revision as of 08:12, 15 February 2014 by imported>Peter Scholefield
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  1. Attendance: Antje, Peter, Dianne, Dennis, Will, Trent, Sibylle
  2. Announcements
    • Low Level Road detour: complete detour signage should be set up soon
    • North Van City cycling projects update: Heather sent a list of current and upcoming projects to email list
    • Stanley Park Causeway: HUB feedback letter sent to MoT on preliminary design -Parks Board was consulted first - MoT will survey the Causeway
    • Lonsdale Quay SeaBus bike parking: HUB letter sent to TransLink requesting more sheltered and secure bike parking - Antje got a response saying TranLink have no money but the city will put up more bike racks
    • Bike lights event at 1st St/Mackay on February 11, by TravelSmart/HUB and North Van City: a rainy day so not much interest
    • Ironworkers Memorial bridge construction/west sidewalk meeting with construction supervisor: east side closed - light for cyclists at north exit now works - need to widen on ramp sidewalk sign to indicate two-way bike traffic and wayfinding signage would also be helpful
  3. DNV town & village centre planning
    • Jay Porter the project engineer should be contacted about our concerns
    • Lower Lynn Town streetscape design guidelines
      • plan is to put painted bike lanes (1.8m wide) on each side of the road beside parallel parked cars - need 40 cm for sufficient space from car doors
      • Antje will write another letter to mayor and councillors about are suggestions
      • also the same design proposed on Crown Street
      • street design has been published for Lower Lynn
      • Lower Lynn Town Centre Built Form and Design Guidelines, p. 69 onwards for street cross sections
    • Edgemont Village plan and design guidelines
      • Nothing on cycling before we responded, now there are 2 pages on cycling
      • Dianne went to the workshop and promoted for a healthy community and thought that this was a better approach than lobbying for cycling facilities
      • she asked for no 2-car parking in multi-dwellings
      • against angle parking in front of coffee shop
      • no talk of a bike lane
      • we should ask for more underground parking and reduce speed limit
      • they want bike parking on Woodbine
      • buildings are cheaper if they are built without parking spaces
      • Antje talked about the idea of shared space instead of sidewalks
      • Antje thinks that we should write another letter - remove angle parking
      • Dianne thinks that we should promote the healthy community idea and slow down traffic
      • as individuals, we should fill out the survey which is online.
      • North Shore Safe Routes Advocates - they are interested in Edgemont village
    • Lower Capilano Village design guidelines - Open House 13 Feb from 5:30pm at Grouse Inn,1633 Capilano Road
      • Peter attended for about 20 minutes to find out that the transportation board was not displayed at the open house but would be available on the web site ()
      • based on one of the boards displayed at the open house and other conceptual drawings on the we site (, he note the following:
        • painted bike lanes on Capilano Road and on Marine Drive (but needs West Van to continue it Lions Gate Bridge cloverleaf)
        • separated bike lanes on McQuire Avenue and Crossroads
# HUB delegation to DNV council 
  • We should give a presentation on AAA facilities to the Districts like the one heather did to the city
  1. Volunteers needed (10min)
    1. Main Street bike route east of Mountain Highway to Dollarton Highway
      • New Phibbs Exchange is being planned with possibly bus bays along Main Street, Highway 1 interchanges redesign may affect area
  • Will might be interested in following up on these proposed change
    1. Print and post HUB poster to advertise meetings
  • need to get the post file printed
    1. Upload files (past HUB letters and presentations) to wiki
  1. Hub Recognition (Dianne)
  • well attended with recognition to bike friendly businesses
  1. Ambleside 1300 block bike routes (Peter, 10min)