Meeting Summary: November 7, 2013

From committees
Revision as of 17:36, 26 November 2013 by imported>Antje Wahl (Created page with "# Attendance: Erin, Antje, Heather, Phil, Fiona, Dianne, Tom #* Guest: Jeff Deby, TransLink Enterprise Marketing division # TransLink's new bike wayfinding guidelines (Jeff D...")
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  1. Attendance: Erin, Antje, Heather, Phil, Fiona, Dianne, Tom
    • Guest: Jeff Deby, TransLink Enterprise Marketing division
  2. TransLink's new bike wayfinding guidelines (Jeff Deby)
    • Jeff presented wayfinding signage and how it was created, excludes signage already covered by TAC
    • All Metro Vancouver municipalities and MOTI were involved
    • Jeff presented to North Shore municipalities
    • Easy to read signs, separate from pedestrian signage, based on highway wayfinding signage
    • Jeff will send pdf of guidelines, brought printout of presentation
    • First implementation may be BC Parkway
  3. Review of agenda, additional agenda items
  4. Announcements
    • new social media volunteer, Karine: getting in touch with HUB office
    • New HUB Local Committee Handbook
    • New email address for approval of HUB letters, presentations, media releases
  5. Monthly meeting location & time in 2014 (Fiona)
    • Starting Jan 9, 6:30-8:30pm North Van City Library, room on second floor.
    • Library wants us to do a presentation Mar/Apr on cycling AAA info 1-1.5hr public - public information session, bike education, safety, bike maintenance, etc.
    • Fiona will come back with more info and date
  6. Meeting procedure (Antje)
    • Timing meetings:
      • Include time estimates in agenda
      • Timer
      • Enforcer
      • Reminders about staying on topic
    • Wiki training and use wiki with projector in meetings
      • Fiona will phone Heather about wiki training and access - invite her to meeting
  7. Low hanging fruit list for North Shore municipalities
    • Should be sent to municipalities in the next couple weeks to get in before the end of fiscal year.
    • Google doc has 3 pages/sections. It's a living list - you can keep adding to it.
    • Send list update reminders through listserve.
    • Heather working on CNV. Will send CNV section on HUB letterhead. Antje will send DNV section. West Van?
  8. West Van Upper Levels Hwy assessment ride
    • Around hwy and south of hwy b/c of connection that was cut off in summer (fence closed off) to get to and from Inglewood Ave & 3rd Street. Antje drafted recommendations - will circulate draft for review and finalize. Ron and Peter recommended switchback path to Keith Rd west of Cap River.
    • Get a petition started or have people who use the path to sign letter.
  9. West Van Keith Rd/Clyde Ave proposed improvements
    • Peter sent email to DWV. Leaving any updates until Peter comes back.
  10. 4th Street bike route (Karine/Antje)
    • Traffic diverter trial barrier removed earlier this year. Put things back as before but with new speed humps. Now cars using bike route to avoid traffic on 3rd St. Asking to put diverter back.
    • Push buttons needed to cross Lonsdale, Chesterfield, St. Georges.
    • 15th, 17th, St. Andrews also need diverters to reduce traffic volume.
    • Karine offered to write letter. Focus only on 4th Street for now.
  11. DNV Adopt-a-Street program
    • Antje signed up to clean up Keith Road at Mtn. Hwy area.
    • Board will review if we can put HUB name on the Adopt-a-Street segment.
    • Should be major bike routes if putting the HUB name on it.
    • Spirit Trail is available. See about getting section of Spirit Trail with HUB name on it.
    • Pick up garbage. Get a reflective volunteer vest and pickerupper.
    • Set up sign up list.
    • Dianne will organize after November Board meeting.
  12. Roll & Stroll Bike/Walk Festival Edgemont Village recap
    • Erin did bike skills with Scout and Emily at Cleveland elementary.
    • Not as much turnout in Edgemont Village as expected. Soccer games are Saturday morning, afternoon or Sunday might be better.
  13. Bike to Work Week recap
    • Fiona volunteered at Lions Gate. 245 people passed by checkpoint. Fiona wants to see more stations on North Shore next time.
  14. Events for this winter (Erin)
    • Check if Cap U has any events going on. May have a sustainability event.