Meeting summary: May 3, 2012.

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Revision as of 03:26, 4 May 2012 by imported>Jay MacDonald
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  • In attendance: Antje, Heather, Fiona, Jay, Dianne
  • Guest: Mark Ergetowski of Evolution Bikes discussed eMotion bikes

Education & Outreach

  • Bus operator safety committee: Dianne will invite "Mr Smith" to spend 10 minutes chatting at next meeting. Try and get some synergy with buses and bikes. HUB should have a policy statement about how bikes and transit should coexist. Heather will follow up on policy at HUB.
  • HUB press release for new bike map (Susan)
  • North Shore bike map - volunteers needed to distribute map to bike shops in mid May: Map will ship tomorrow! Should arrive in 7-10 days. Doesn't leave much time to get them out before BTWW. Antje will coordinate by email. Will have a PDF to put on HUB web site, City web site and here.
  • North shore bike shops Google Map - Jay will assemble
  • HUB Bike to Work Week station: Obsession is already doing City's station. We'll approach John Henry. Kristin (Jay's wife) has volunteered to organize the event. Still working with City to determine site.
  • HUB at West Vancouver Community Day, Saturday June 2nd. Application deadline May 4, Jay will fill in application and will coordinate volunteers through list.
  • Rotary Club Presentation: Peter will give the presentation
  • John Weston's Sea to Sky Riding cycling committee: Dianne talked with Brent Dozi to help things along, Fiona read letter submitted by Senator Nancy Greene to the Senate supporting MP Weston's initiative for National Health and Fitness Day. MP Weston was able to contact North Shore communities but having a problem reaching Vancouver. Also discussed Bike on the Hill to get MPs riding, etc.
  • "National Cycling Group" will be meeting on June 25th before Velo-City. Fiona will contact MP Weston to ensure that he is informed of this National Group and may want to get involved.
  • West Vancouver Cycling Technical Planning Committee: West Vancouver Cycling Technical Planning Committee. Bart and Heather were absent so Stefen, Councillor Nora Gambioli and I were the only non-staff participants. We finalized the District's cycling network map that will be presented to Council, (hopefully soon) for their approval. The routes on the map correspond fairly well to those that will appear on our North Shore map but not all the routes on the NS map will be there as this is intended to be a planning map not a users map. There was discussion about what should be included in the planned three phases for implementing improvements to the DWV cycling infrastructure. Phase one will focus primarily on installing signage along some of the major designated cycling routes.
  • June is Bike Month - Send invites to North Shore dignitaries to join our meeting and have the floor to discuss their vision of the future of local cycling beyond the BMP. Let's have a party! Use map, Bike month, etc as topics. Start with just the Federal MPs on invite this year. Plan for something bigger next year. Fiona will handle invites.
  • Additional items from Nora: Next month if MPs can't come? July?

Hot Spots & Issues

  • IWMB Suicide Barriers: Can adding suicide barriers coincide with widening of sidewalks? Richard Campbell is following up. Also have letter from HUB and BCCC (Fiona waiting to get signatures)
  • East Keith Road Open House recap: Boards looked good. First choice of people is a separated lane. Had an independent consultant look into the impact of Low Level Road construction on Keith. Determined there will not be any impact. Things are hopeful.
  • Lynn Valley Road/Hwy 1 Open House recap: Only covered section south of highway. North side and underpass are pretty much resolved. New options for south side.
  • Westview/23rd bike route: Just ride it! Good signage, etc.