Election 2011: Linda Buchanan

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Dear Heather

Thank you very much for your email and the opportunity to respond. I have embedded my answers to each question below in black. As a public health nurse and a current school trustee, I am pleased to support, and advocate, for initiatives that allow children and adults to increase their daily physical activity and improve the livability and health of our community.

Warm Regards,


1. What modes of transportation do you normally use within Metro Vancouver? Do you ever use a bike for transportation in your municipality?

Within my community I either use my vehicle or I walk. If I am going overtown I will frequently use the Seabus, Skytrain or Canada Line depending on my destination. Given my personal skill level and nervousness of riding I do not use a bike for transportation in my community. I feel very unsafe and feel I am putting myself and others in danger.

2. How would you support and encourage cycling for transportation to promote healthy and livable communities?

As a public health nurse I am an advocate for promoting healthy and livable communities. I believe we need to look at more ways to increase the everyday opportunities for cycling for all riders, from a variety of skill and comfort levels, not just for commuters. This includes looking at infrastructure of not only bike lanes but more leisure routes for bicycles. As a current school trustee, I have suggested to City council that we look at ways to increase bicycle travel for student’s to and from schools and encourage the school district to increase the number of bicycle racks at schools. I would encourage that the planning of services and amenities be in close proximity to people’s homes so that daily errands by bicycle could be more of a reality. In addition, I advocated for less parking stalls and that bicycle storage and showers be incorporated into the new School Board Office on Lonsdale.

3. Do you think the current level of funding for cycling in your municipality is adequate?

Given that the current cycling infrastructure is not what I would like to see, I would say No. I believe planning between municipal departments (ie/roads, parks, recreation) that also includes the health authority and the school district could be increased and a means to look at advocacy or cost sharing.

4. What would you do to ensure a sustainable and adequate source of cycling funding during your term in office?

Being new I would need to look at the current road budget to determine where the current expenditures are and how the budget could be spent differently. I would encourage a broader planning process as I stated in answer 3.

5. What is your level of interest in a public bike-share system integrated with the transit system?

I am very interested in exploring such a system. I have read that it is very successful in other countries. I think anytime we can make healthy choices the easy choice for people it is more likely to succeed.

6. What role do you think the municipality has in supporting and promoting cycling education for children, cyclists and motorists?

Directly, I see the role of the municipality supporting and promoting cycling education through bylaws, signage of routes, and proper street design. Indirectly, I see the role as one of supporting other community partners ie/School District, Health, ICBC in their efforts to get more people out of vehicles for the health, safety and environmental benefits.

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