Election 2011: Roger Bassam

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1. What modes of transportation do you normally use within Metro Vancouver? Do you ever use a bike for transportation in your municipality?

My primary transportation is the family mini-van. I have two children that are very active across the District. I use my bike mostly for recreation and occasionally as transportation when my van is being serviced.

2. How would you support and encourage cycling for transportation to promote healthy and livable communities?

I would like to see us focus on east-west cycling routes that follow the contours of our geography. The steep gradient of many of our roads are a barrier to many cyclists. I also believe we can integrate parts of our existing trail network into the bike network, significantly reducing the cost of building the cycling infrastructure.

3. Do you think the current level of funding for cycling in your municipality is adequate?

No, not even close to what is needed. I advocated for increased funding right from my first budget review and will continue to advocate for more investment in cycling infrastructure.

4. What would you do to ensure a sustainable and adequate source of cycling funding during your term in office?

It is already a specific line item on the budget, we need to agree as a Council to allocate more money from our existing transportation budget to this program.

5. What is your level of interest in a public bike-share system integrated with the transit system?

Curious but skeptical given our geography!

6. What role do you think the municipality has in supporting and promoting cycling education for children, cyclists and motorists?

Through our Rec Centres and Libraries we have the ability to reach the majority of residents in the community. We can offer programs and distribute educational materials through these venues.

7.How can residents and the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition-North Shore provide useful, systematic input and feedback on cycling in the District of North Vancouver now that the District no longer participates in the Joint Bicycle Advisory Committee?

Cycling is an integral part of transportation and the appropriate place for representatives from the cycling community is on the Transportation Planning Advisory Committee which is the District’s primary advisory group on transportation matters. The District will still be communicating directly with cyclists and has a communication list of those community members who wish to be engaged on cycling issues. And, VACC and other groups can and should routinely make delegations directly to Council to ensure cycling remains top of mind for all Council members.

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