Election 2011: Alan Nixon

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1. What modes of transportation do you normally use within Metro Vancouver? Do you ever use a bike for transportation in your municipality?

Owing to the nature of my work as a Realtor in the downtown core I utilize my car to get to and from work each day as well as numerous trips throughout the day. I use a bike for recreational riding on an infrequent basis within the District of North Vancouver.

2. How would you support and encourage cycling for transportation to promote healthy and livable communities?

By continuing to support the goals and objectives of the Bicycle Master Plan by ensuring continuing levels of approved funding within the District Transportation budget as well as supporting continuing efforts to secure outside financing from Translink and other levels of government for cycling infrastructure improvements.

3. Do you think the current level of funding for cycling in your municipality is adequate?

I suspect it falls far short of what the cycling community would like to see but given the numerous funding priorities and challenges we face it probably all that can be expected at this time.

4. What would you do to ensure a sustainable and adequate source of cycling funding during your term in office?

As with other programs that we are considering perhaps some form of license fee or “surcharge” could be applied at point of sale with the revenues derived dedicated to funding new and improved recreational and commuter cycling infrastructure.

5. What is your level of interest in a public bike-share system integrated with the transit system?

I think the idea has great merit! I for one would use a “shared bike” for many of my more “local” Real Estate related trips weather permitting.

6. What role do you think the municipality has in supporting and promoting cycling education for children, cyclists and motorists?

I believe we have a role in supporting and promoting cycling education and can do a more effective job utilizing our website and other social media tools to drive people to either a dedicated DNV site or other related sites where such education opportunities can be accessed.

7. How can residents and the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition-North Shore provide useful, systematic input and feedback on cycling in the District of North Vancouver now that the District no longer participates in the Joint Bicycle Advisory Committee?

We have a very effective email communication system as well as opportunities to comment through our Facebook and Twitter sites that residents and VACC-NS can use to communicate directly with Mayor and Council and our staff. We also provide opportunities at every Public Council meeting for either delegations ot 2 minute Public Input sessions to make useful contributions and receive Council and staff feedback to your concerns. You can always contact me directly at alan@alannixon.com or phone me at 604-644-7756.

Thanks for the opportunity

Councillor Alan J. Nixon, District of North Vancouver

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