Meeting Summary: February 3, 2011

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Revision as of 21:35, 4 February 2011 by imported>Jay MacDonald
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Welcome new members and guests

In attendance: Peter, Stephan, John, Bill, David, Heather, Jay, Fiona, Antje, Bart, Tamiko, Dianne, Real Charrois (Mainroad), Jesse Morwood (MoT), Bob Devaney (Mainroad), Don Legault (MoT)

Discussion with Mainroad and MoT

  • Sidewalk through Stanley Park Causeway is not Mainroad's responsibility. It is Vancouver Park Board's.
  • Jesse: MoT *might* have a jurisdictional map that he can provide us (if it's public) that would prove very useful for us to know whom to contact for issues - John will follow up
  • Mainroad's jurisdiction generally stops at the face of the curb. Sidewalks are NOT their responsibility EXCEPT abutment to abutment of bridges. There are other exceptions, but that's a good rule of thumb.
  • Sweeping - contractual obligation is a vacuum sweeping every 120 days with additional engagements to clean up after accidents
    • Items 1 litre or larger are cleaned up right away
    • Glass on roadbed just call and they will get on it right away
    • Other stakeholders might dirty it up but they need to clean it up when leaving project (e.g. tow trucks, etc)
  • 604-904-0209 x2 and are recommended contact mechanisms. Anything else will probably fail.
  • Mainroad is responsible for vegetation control but not sweeping on the path behind the barricade eastbound on Hwy 1 between Lloyd to Westview in North Van
  • NS-VACC needs to work with municipalities to get them to contract with MR to clean from current responsibilities to path ways, etc
  • 15th St overpass
    15th St overpass on Hwy 1 is problematic - end up in lane that pinches out when on bicycle. MoT is now aware of this.
  • South end of LGB pooling issue is being addressed. They are re-profiling the pavement
  • We can help MR by reporting what we see.

Thanks Real, Bob, Jesse and Don for taking the time to visit us and clarify so much.

Education & Outreach

Delegation presentation to West Vancouver council

  • April 18th at 7:00 pm have 10 minutes
  • What message do we want to leave with them? We've been ineffective so far because Council and Staff are silent except Mayor and one councillor. Brent Dozzi is generally interested and supportive.
    • That we exist and want to help
    • Use NS-VACC like an advisory committee. Get opinions from the stakeholders.
    • Benefit of city biking
  • Invite Brent to join West Van members at a meeting in February (Peter not here for March). Peter to follow up.
  • WV Members to create presentation with help from Jay to present on the 18th.

Proposed North Shore cycling map

  • Antje sending email to all mayors and JBAC and the two JBAC councillors
  • Bart to ask West Vancouver Mayor to go to next North Van BMP workshop to see what CNV/DNV are doing wrt a BMP.

Advocacy Advisory Committee recap

  • ACC Planning document - Tabling until March
  • John to post IWMB minutes on Wiki
  • NS-VACC willing to help distribute Urbane Cyclist. Jay to follow up with Lorraine.
  • Committee agreed to use stipend money from VACC to create 2 banners - Heather to design and get 4 quotes, Jay to submit to VACC for approval.

2011 monthly group rides

  • Plan and schedule rides for the whole spring/summer/fall
  • Need a waiver paperwork for riders. Jay to contact VACC about their policy around group rides and liability
  • Advertise as community events


  • Annie Kim responded to Heather's call
  • DNV has pulled out of JBAC as a recommendation from an external review on how to optimize the committees as a cost savings measure and will incorporate cycling advisory as part of Transportation Planning Advisory Committee (TPAC)
  • CNV does not know where things are going but the BMP is still moving forward
  • NS-VACC to write letter to editors expressing concern of "step backwards" but will offer support to TPAC moving forward

VACC AGM March 26th

  • Discussed and encouraged all members to attend if in town.
  • During spring break, so may be a challenge to attend for those with families

Hot Spots & Issues

Low Level Road realignment

Welch St / Bridge Road to Park Royal

  • Things are happening without consultation to advocacy groups
  • Squamish band won't go for "good" infrastructure
  • Getting one paved shoulder only now
  • When the Band has an open house West Van will invite us
  • Tamiko & Bill to find out to whom we should send a letter to initiate a relationship with them as NS-VACC

Hwy 1 crossing at Lynn Valley Road

  • Need someone to take ownership. Jen?

Off-ramp to 6th Street from new west-bound Capilano bridge

Proposal for green shared lanes on Marine Drive 11-13th Streets, West Van

  • NS-VACC supports this idea