Meeting Summary: December 2, 2010

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Revision as of 03:23, 3 December 2010 by imported>Antje Wahl
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Attendance & Agenda

  • Welcome new members and guests
  • Attendance: Peter, Bill, Antje, Jen, Dianne, Tamiko
  • Additional business: none
  • Review November minutes

Education & Outreach

  • Recap of VACC tabling at VIMFF Speaker Series at Centennial Theatre (Heather/Bill/Antje)
    • Many cyclists on Tues, less so on Wed and Thu, but good shows on all nights
    • Most popular items from the table: cyclists are sexy sticker, Metro Vancouver bike map, Momentum magazine
  • North Vancouver Bicycle Master Plan review (John/Antje/Bill)
    • Antje summarized Dec 1 JBAC special meeting on master plan review. Lots of good input for master plan update.
    • John summarized shortcomings of current master plan.
    • Municipalities will prepare to start master plan review next year (February or March)
  • FAQ NS cyclist resource (John)

Hot Spots & Issues

  • Lions Gate Bridge (Peter)
    • New contact is Matt Choquette
    • Online map with cycling facilities still not updated
    • Project to be finished by end of March
  • Iron Workers Memorial Second Narrows Bridge (John)
    • John summarized meeting with Burnaby and Vancouver VACC committees. Lorraine moderated meeting.
    • John spoke with MoT about 2nd Narrows. Will focus on short-term improvements, such as rub rail on both sides of bridge sidewalk (such as on rusty bridge across Lynn Creek)
  • SeaBus bike facilities (Tamiko)
    • Tamiko spoke with Gavin and got in touch with other Translink.
  • Shared route safety on Spirit Trail (Carolyn)
  • Hierarchy of Cycle Route Constructs and Markings (Peter)
  • Welsh Street (Bart)