HUB Richmond Meeting Minutes - October, 23 2013

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HUB Richmond & YVR Committee Minutes

Date: Wednesday 23-Oct-2013 Time: 7:00-8:35 pm Location: Richmond Brighouse Library, 7700 Minoru Gate #100

Lois Armerding, Don MacArthur, Marlene Bothe, Arno Schortinghuis, Keith Lang, Alvin Keng, Yvonne Bell

1. Agenda – approved (nothing added)

2. Minutes of previous meeting – approved

3. Community Library Table – Cyclist Safety – Sunday 27-Oct-2013 2-4 pm – final planning

    a. Bring bike lights and safety gear
    b. Don to pick up Hub pamphlets

4. Follow up on action items:

    a. Letter to editor re: bike safety – Alvin submitted to Richmond Review
    b. Bike racks for businesses – ask Joan for suggestions & if city helps with bike racks
    c. Projected 6 Rd improvements update from Debbie – “No 6 Rd north of Westminster Hwy... widen 
       the single northbound lane to two lanes between Westminster hwy and Commerce Parkway.  And 
       as part of that a bi-directional off road bike path as well, to provide access to the 
       industrial park”
    d. Volunteers for Bike to Work Week – register, provide committee posters for celebration 
       stations and encourage committee members to stop by to talk to cyclists
    e. Bike to shop week – Translink has data, table for future

5. Other items discussed:

    a. Hub Richmond committee is celebrating 1 year anniversary
    b. Hub slide show night 12-Nov-2013 downtown
    c. Can we get a Streetwise Cycling course in Richmond?  Yes – need 8-10 people

6. Great Blue Heron Way – Richmond portion (Arno and David Grigg)

    – spinoff from Trans Canada Trail loops and connectors 
    – Arno, Derek & David to meet with Joan – 3 options in Richmond:
    a. Shell Rd – issue with freeway & railway land – future possibility
    b. Dyke system – ends near Cambie – future possibility
    c. Railway – needs work to connect at north end

7. Volunteer needs – Lois

    a. Opportunity for Assessment Ride Leader – Stephen DesRoches suggested
    b. Opportunity for Media Correspondent – Alvin willing to assist

8. Table items – still tabled

    a. Connecting with Delta – possible assessment Ride in and around Tilbury
    b. 5 Road assessment ride

9. Next meeting: Wednesday 27-Nov-2013 7 pm at Richmond Library Brighouse Branch

10. Meeting adjourned 8:35 pm