Tricities Meeting Agenda February 1

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Minutes from this meeting

Time and place

We'll do a video conference, beginning at 6:30 PM and ending no later than 8:30.

Tri-Cities HUB Local Committee Meeting

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Note: if this link is not working and the meeting is unable to start, we will switch to GoToMeet:

Backup meeting link (try the other one first please): You can also dial into the backup meeting using your phone (But check the zoom link above first). Canada (Toll Free): 1 888 455 1389 Canada: +1 (647) 497-9391 Access Code: 875-361-917

Agenda Items

  1. Mission reflection
    HUB's mission is to get more people cycling more often.
  2. Committee priorities defined in our 2022 Action Plan
    1. Improve our relationships with local governments, agencies and decision makers.
    2. Improve committee focus.
    3. Improve our integration with the community.
  3. Reminder of our Top Map Gaps
  4. January 2022 meeting minutes
  5. 2022 Civic Election (Jonathan)
  6. Letter sendoffs
    1. Fremont Connector
    2. NECC bike parking
    3. New Guildford/Clarke Letter
  7. Other advocacy updates
    1. Construction policies
    2. Parking to PBLs
      1. Clarke Road
    3. Walkways
  8. STP plan
  9. Gap map - final adoption
    1. If we're all happy with it, let's hold an official vote and confirm it!
  10. Top Gap map - final adoption
    1. Gap reports / Gap leads