February 2022

From committees
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In attendance

Colin, Andrew, Colleen, Jonathan Mak, Dragana, Leon

2022 Civic Election

Elections happening October 15th. Key window August 20-September 9 for getting information out regarding municipal elections. This is a short period of time. HUB have sent a standard survey out, expecting fairly boilerplate results based on what has been seen in the past. HUB is also trying to source specific questions from select LCs that force more specific and informative answers. Window for this is February and March. We should expect email about this. HUB is a charity and as such can't endorse specific parties.

Fremont Connector

Paving, lighting, intersection upgrades are in. Protected lanes on Dominion are still TBD. Belfast and Fremont intersection is a problem. Maintenance prioritization is a problem. Consultation is coming in this summer

$30M project with $3M budget for the MUP. We have some wiggle room regarding things we can ask for regarding the bike path. FON know about this effort and want to help support it. Leon is curious how this project will compare to Prairie (circa 3M budget)

Letter to PoCo regarding Northeast Community Centre Bike Parking

Centre has already got specific plans for bike parking, it's up to us to help shape them.

Guildford Way letter to Port Moody

Colin and Andrew wrote a letter to Mayor Vagramov and staff. We will send it off to Approvals.

Coquitlam construction policy updates

Coquitlam is imp

Parking in protected bike lanes

Clarke Road letter

Andrew to present to Transportation Committee

Walkways update

Coquitlam has more than 300, we probably shouldn't expect lighting and paving for everything.

Strategic Transportation Plan updates

Colin has many suggestions, to be sent out in a Google Doc

Gap Map update

We have mapped 108 kms of gaps, not including intersections Colin's map is here: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/viewer?hl=en&mid=1wlQVVmwJBDBVMZt2S5-5Ts5z9unilKHJ&ll=49.266743768332454%2C-122.88726305544593&z=15 Dragana's map of Oakdale is here: https://draganarad.github.io/OakdaleStressMapMobile2/

Top gap map: final adoption

Thermal Mariner Glenayre => switched to Regan. Andrew to do writeups for all three gaps.

Gap writeups: Andrew to do one about Clarke Road in Port Moody

Environmental Sustainability Plan

In this document presented by City of Coquitlam, Dragana read a statistic that says 76 percent of people in Coquitlam live within 400 metres of a designated bike lane. She is interested in researching how they arrived at this number.

Sydney Avenue

Colleen is interested in a connection from Joyce to Sydney across the edge of the elementary school grounds.