April 2021

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In attendance

Dragana, Colin, Mark Norbury, Vince H. Andrew H., Jean Lawson

Chat with Jean Lawson

New HUB board liason, since last year or so.

Upcoming peer to peer session that will focus on advocacy and media training April 29th. Let's watch out for that.

Jean works for Metro Vancouver and has some inside knowledge of how big infrastructure gets built. SHe is happy to provide tips about how to get things done. And she knows people in New West.

She worked for Richmond before and shared a horrible anecdote about getting lost trying to make it over the Queensborough Bridge due to poor wayfinding, and winding up on the road deck.

Jean asked what we need special help with. We went through our Gap List. https://draganarad.github.io/TriCityGapsMap/index2.html


Jean suggested that we talk to Translink about it. Andrew to follow up with her on that


Jean suggested reaching out to schools along the Guildford route too. Leon thought we could have some statistics about who's using the sidewalk along Guildford instead of the designated road.


Colleen says we've wanted it since 1997. We will forward our letter to Jean for her input. We need to know who to send it to, how to phrease everything, etc. Let's maximize that.

Jean says that in the future, if we need help with letters/ etc she is available by email.

United Boulevard bike path update

There was a road cancellation near CP rail yards by United. Probably not suited to a bike route though.

30 km/hr streets

Great presentation by Colin Fowler! The basic idea: Get all local streets limited by default to 30 km/hr. Faster arterials to be treated as special cases.

This is great motivation for "interested but concerned" cyclists. Colin suggests getting this into MTPs. Can we start lobbying the cities for this?

Andrew is interested in getting Colin into a PoMo Transportation Committee meeting. Will pursue this as an action item.

Working with New West

Colin is interested in contacting New West and or New West LC about improving connection from Braid Station There's a problem there with getting bikes across the rail tracks.

Andy Filmore active transportation forum

Andy Filmore is an MP from out east, by Halifax. Pariliamentary secretary for infrastructure and communities. He sponsored a forum on active transportation. Colin went, it was great. Audience offered lots of progressive suggestions. Colin pushed the idea of ebike subsidies. Bonita Zarillo was there as was Coq staff.

Thanks Colin for going there!

Vince wants to know if Coquitlam have an active transportation committee. Or if there is anyone we can contact about that. Colin says Engineering is doing it next year. We asked Councillor Marsden to keep us in the loop.

MacAllister overpass

PoCo going to improve this overpass along with some connecting MUP improvements.

What about Kingsway MUP improvements? South of Kingsway is where Skytrain is supposed to go. Let's make sure to mention to Melony that we do want to keep flow all the way from Pitt River Bridge to Coquitlam Central

Donald Greenway in PoCo

Really really nice! https://www.google.com/maps/@49.2579035,-122.7806304,3a,90y,323.94h,99.97t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sELhO7_-G2aaCHfD7zH4c_Q!2e0!5s20201001T000000!7i16384!8i8192 Over the last ten years it's gone in. It is a surprisingly premium bike route through PoCo. Very under the radar and just super. Colleen is going to coordinate with Mario B. to get an article out.

PoCo survey update

PoCo's transportation survey is really progressive. It's a very good chance for people interested in cycling to make their voices heard. Let's continue to work hard to circulate it.

Melony Burton (PoCo staff) might come to next meeting. Andrew to work on this.

Any other business

Andrew H. went to a Port Moody city meeting to support the Woodland Park development proposal.

The developers actually re-designed their on-street "door zone" route somewhat in response to our feedback. They are thinking now about single sided 2-way routes. AH let them know that this isn't that great due to known problems such as having unexpected fast bike traffic on the wrong side of the road, and requiring people going the "wrong way" to cross the road twice. But this is likely years off and can get hammered out later on.

Mostly I (AH) love the Highview realignment and spoke to that at the meeting. Anyway here is the news article: https://tricitiesdispatch.com/newsletter/fines-increase-and-restrictions-tighten-as-transmissions-soar/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Fines+increase%2C+restrictions+tighten&utm_campaign=Daily+Newsletter+-+March+30%2C+2021