May 2019

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In attendance

Jack, Andrew, Scott, Dragana, Chuck, Nikki, Kathryn B., Colleen, Simon, Leon

Meeting with Chris Wilson, Coquitlam councillor

Colleen, Marc and Leon met with Councillor Wilson to discuss cycling in Coquitlam Discussed Guildford greenway proposal (to fill Marc's adopted gap, and one of our committee's Top 3 gaps) Guildford Greenway could potentially connect Rocky Point Park with Town Centre Also discussed United Boulevard (our committee's #1 gap) Chris said Coquitlam has a lot of money and that this is the kind of thing they can spend money on

Meeting with Melony Burton

Colleen met with Melony Burton (PoCo) and found that their council is somewhat lukewarm about bike infrastructure, but interested in "active transportation". Great! We love active transportation too

Meeting with Canisius Chan (Coquitlam)

Jack met with Canisius Chan (Coquitlam) and he might be interested in coming out to meet us.

More correspondance

This month Colleen also corresponded with Sean O'Sullivan, Dragana Mitic (Coquitlam transportation manager) and Andre Isakoff (Coquitlam) related directly to 20 in 20 stuff, but indirectly building lots of relationships for our committee. Thanks and kudos Colleen!

Summit on active transportation, June 17 and 18

June 17-18 (Monday - Tuesday) . Summit on active transportation. Leon is going . Dragana is signed up to volunteer.

Riverview update

MUP is going in to connect with Orchid. What about connection with Pitt River Road? Melony B. says there's going to be an overpass at Pitt River Road and Lougheed.

Action item: Who has the plan? Who can we ask? Simon to email Selina Robinson (Coq MLA) about this issue.

Sheep Paddock Trail

Collen says it's not coming together anytime soon. Ross Mackie: Sheep Paddock Trail was originally built by the province as a dyke but it isn't really needed for this purpose anymore. Ross worked on the Hornby and Helmcken bike lanes. He says they have a hard time knowing where repairs are needed because they don't generally ride around Coquitlam.

Melony Burton told Colleen that the First Nations are supposed to build a MUP along Pitt River Road. MUP coming in along Kingsway too, from the Mary Hill Bypass to around the West Coast Express. Lincoln Avenue is going to have a bridge (to complement narrow blue bridge)

===20 in 20 Infrastructure Challenge=== Colleen worked a lot getting Port Moody, Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam, Anmore and Belcarra signed up. Action item: Let's all update the spreadsheet [| Spreadsheet is here]

Idea: Removing baffles in trails to accomodate strollers is a quick fix.

20 in 20 deadline for Quick Fix Wish List is Monday, June 3rd. Monday, July 2nd to Friday, September 1st is the actual quick fix time. We need to submit to Andrew Picard by Friday May 24th

Some temporary detour signs around Pitt River Road is a good quick fix.

PoCo updates

Lougheed Highway, Westwood to Shaugnessy, is going to be widened and get a MUP,. Prairie MUP is coming also. We love active transportation!

Port Moody update

Murray Street MUP is almost complete. Ramp down to SkyTrain station is coming.

Melony Burton had six people complain about the MUP on Patricia. She says it would be a good idea for more people who like things they do to write to them.

Rivers and Trails Festival

Committee resolved to run a booth for PoCo Rivers and Trails Festival (coming Sept)

Port Moody Community Fair

Action item: Andrew to see whether Cap's is coming to the Port Moody Community Fair Andrew, Jack, Dragana, Scott are all able to make it

Bike to Work Week Celebration Stations

Action item: Jack to email Andrew Picard about volunteer emails

Port Moody update from Scott

Scott attended the first PoMo Transportation Committee meeting Transportation is the #1 issue that Port Moody residemnts are dissatisfied with June 19th Scott and Andrew are going to do a presentation about cycling in Port Moody on topics related to impediments to cycling in Port Moody

Colleen's notes

File:From Colleen May 2019.eml