October 2017

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Fiona Walsh, Leon LeBrun, Les Zoschke, Jack Trumley, Andrew Hartline

AGM Recap

Went very well,full house at City Centre Library Mayor of Poco spoke about linking multi transit methods in the Tri-Cities, i.e. bike to train to bike Rebecca Chaster New Director for HUB also City of Coquitlam employee Great turnout at Brown's Pub after

Les asked whether all HUB's bylaws are on the website? Also, are gaming funds available to Hub ?

Let's get guest speakers

  1. Ken Krueger Coquitlam ,
  2. Mark Halpin Pomo,
  3. ??? todo Poco
  4. local politicians and transportation planners

Presentations to city councils on proven bike infrastructure

Sven interested in possibly making presentations to all 3 councils on proven bike infrastructure No need to painfully reinvent the wheel, lets look at how they do it in places where it actually works

Action items

  1. Fiona to contact Meredith on which Poco transportation engineer to get as a guest speaker
  2. -Andrew to contact Mark Halpin- done
  3. Jack will meet with New West HUB on discussions around linking AAA bike path
    1. United Blvd west bound to Sapportin going east bound