Burnaby LC Minutes - January 2024

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HUB Burnaby LC monthly meeting from 7pm to 8:30pm on Jan 9, 2024

Attendees: Blake, Roger, Jasper, Daryl, Melissa, Wendy, Arseni, Sebastian

  1. Introductions
  2. Summary and discussion of Effective Advocacy workshop on Jan 8
  3. Planned meeting with Cathy and Nav from HUB central about how to do advocacy is coming up soon. Gathering topics.
  4. Celebrating Midtown Bikeway changes based on our report
  5. Updating the Gap Map: discussing what and how to update. Perhaps using felt.com instead of maps.google because it seems easier to use and already includes tons of information relevant for bikes. Will start a discord channel dedicated to the gap map. Can also take information from Strava Metro while respecting the copyright. Arseni will look into felt.com and perhaps include crash data from ICBC.
  6. Summary of the social ride on Dec 30
  7. Planning an assessment ride: which one is the highest priority. Decided on “South East”. Now starting discord channel and report draft.
  8. Update on changes made to Inman Ave. Crossing the intersection with Burke might be problematic.
  9. Going over letters in progress
  10. Yet to buy a first aid kit for future social rides
  11. Thoughts about switching to a different video chat platform. Keep meeting online during the winter.