November 2023

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In attendance

Andrew, Dragana, Colin, Leon, Vince, Cathy (HUB Central), David (Port Coquitlam)

Report of the Co-Chair (Andrew)

  • Construction on the St. John's St MUP is well underway. The entire south sidewalk between Albert St at Moody St has been removed in anticipation of construction. This has hindered access to bus stops.
  • Action item: Andrew to confirm Moody St connection to the overpass is within the project scope

Report of the Co-Chair (Colin)

  • Nothing new. Disappointing delays of Guildford Greenway project.

Discussion with David Walker, City of Port Coquitlam

  • Upcoming projects
    • Kingsway avenue multi-use pathway between Tyner and Kebet to be built in 2024 in advance of road widening 2025. Construction on MUP to start spring 2024
    • Donald St Pathway/MUP to be built 2024 as part of the Leigh Square project. Will extend the Donald St Pathway from Wilson Avenue to McAllister.
    • City-wide maze gate removal is approximately halfway done. 40 locations initially identified. Narrow pathways of 2.0m or less will have 0 gates, but wider pathways of 3-4m will see half a gate removed to ensure vehicles do not enter. City open to re-evalauting in the future. Development & engineering teams current revising design standards and subdivision servicing bylaw to be consistent with BC Active Transportation guidelines.
    • Master Transportation Plan update will be presented to council November 14, the start of the final round of public consultation in advance of finalization Q1 2024. Will propose 3 levels of infrastructure - MUPs, protected bike lanes, and slow streets complete with physical barriers and speed bumps.

Other Items

  1. Noted Aaron Dixon has left the City of Coquitlam for a job with TransLink. Payvand will serve as our contact in the interim until a replacement for Aaron is hired.
  2. Dragana suggests Nelson St could be added as a new gap following completion of some existing HUB gaps in the near future.
  3. Cathy notes HUB Central will be hosting a meeting on effective community advocacy. Workshop likely to take place January 15.
  4. Noted the Guildford Celebration Ride has been cancelled. Due to repeated contractor delays and the onset of poor weather, we will wait until next year.
  5. Noted the North Shore is currently building a campaign to build right turns on red. Potential to use in Tri-Cities.