Burnaby LC Agenda - October 2023

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Meeting Link & General Information

The HUB Cycling Burnaby Local Committee meets every month on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. The committee meets online, via Google Meet.

October 10th, 2023 • 6:30-8:30 PM Online, via Google Meet | Meeting ID: sqc-krmo-ewn

General Agenda Items

Welcome and Introductions
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Additions to Agenda

Monthly Agenda Items

Tent LC Mini Event - bum a tent and go host somewhere

Remaining Budget
  • Holiday Get Together (I know it's early)
  • Discord Nitro
  • Equipment?
  • Getting Visual Editor Installed - June
Follow up on Blog
Priorities map


Next Assessment Ride?
Public Ride Setup - Sebastian and Jasper are required.
  • Route?
  • Promote?
  • First Aid Kit check and/or purchase


Winston St Sewer work - Outcome of speaking with Burnaby staff. Future of Winston.
  • Any opportunity for new bike infrastructure when they finish the project in 2024 and put the pavement back on


South Burnaby Lake letter to city, metro van, and BC Hydro
Elephant's Feet, Green Paint, Pavement Markings - One single letter?
BPL 5 year strategic plan bike initiatives -
  • Direct the letter to Beth Davidson Head Librarian Metrotown branch. - Jasper will follow it up with her. Ie challenge to library staff to engage in bike to work week

Further Reading

Wiki and Google Drive Management

  • Komoot Information